Nifty Intraday Pivot Points

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It is now confirmed that we are headed to cluster support at 5417, and there could be a spike to the WS1a at 5399. That area will mark a decision point for the market. Either it holds up, and we are back in the UP, or it is time to reevaluate.
Another thing to look for is that next week's top of the cloud will be 5493, which implies that most likely price is going to get squeezed into the cloud. The bottom of the cloud is 5226.
If we don't get a strong bounce from 5417, then this market looks like it is traveling east next week. If 5417 is taken out, then forget east today, then we could be diving all the way through the weekly cloud to 5226.
Thanks Danwood. The TA's are starting to create doubt.
Let me share something about FA's that I think goes deeper than just personal opinion.
News and all that has to do with FA's creates many false impressions. After all if it is accurate that the tsunami is going to create that much effect on the markets, then why doesn't everyone just load up on the southward motion, and then after the move is over retire wealthy.
Why is this so? Because FA's are good for talk and to create a lot of rumors, but has nothing to do with validating any true trading positions. There is way too much hype in the media how news effects the markets.
Before I got on this site, which is only 3 months ago, I knew nothing about Nifty. I just closed 4 positions in forex that netted me +596 pips, and that is what I trade. Everything else is a hobby for me. I love it, and my ego says I love to be good at it, even my hobbies. Subliminally, I have taken Nifty and forecasted it live to prove all you need is a good set of charts and a sound methodology in order to trade profitably and consistently.
Just some examples. Media hype says that if the economy is bad the stock market should head south. Out economy has been in the tank for the last 24 months, but 19 of those months the DJIA has had a bull candle. Unemployment dropped this past week to a new 24-month low, but....the DJIA has plunged. I've been forewarning followers on my blog of this reversal. It's in the TA's.
On 9/11, the Twin Towers were attacked by terrorists, and we were told how that would devastate the stock market. We had pullback in the current uptrend, but that was because the 4-hour was OB, and it was reflected accordingly. The Twin Towers were attacked on a Tuesday, and if I remember right, it was on Friday that the market recovered, but it was also after it was set back by OB conditions on the 4-hour chart.
Technically, I'm saying to get the further UP from here is doubtful, but respectfully, if you want to trade based on the tsunami, go for it.
I'm not trying to negatively reflect on anyone, but in January, I got my demo account in order to keep up with everyone on this site on Nifty (I got tired of being left out--lol.). Many people were still very high on the Nifty going higher. I didn't know anything about Nifty, or even about the overall economic climate of India. I knew I had some charts. I knew I was crazy if I even though about entering a long on Nifty.
As I'm writing this, I just heard on the radio that it happened in Japan because of some earthquake. I posted in my thread around 7:00 am Friday India time that the yen was going to muscle up. Look what happened today against the USD, and all its crosses. Wouldn't a tsunami have a negative impact on its own currency?
You guys had to hear me go on in my little diatribe about fundamentals, but I just have to keep proving that in the end of the day TA's will win out. I don't follow news events. I find stuff out after the fact through someone else, like you, Danwood. My expertise is charts, graphs, and mathematics. OTT, I qualify as a very dim lightbulb--lol.

Dear 4XPIP you have done it again. But the Tsunami creates doubts in the up move. Thanks Boss.


Active Member
Dear 4XPIP Again thank you very much for your detailed reply for this novice trader. As everyday the news SELLERS tend to connect their news with the ups and downs of the market, they develop some sentimental hype in the minds to believe it. Now will surely come out of the news and trade as per the technical guidelines. Nice feedback.
Danwood, we might be getting off in a tangent for the rest of the readers, but maybe it will be beneficial. The media's specialty is to follow the news, and the news only. If they tell me a tsunami hit Japan, then I'll believe them. After all, if I told you the tsunami was in Australia, you could assume I'm not too smart, because that is not my specialty. When the media says the tsunami is going to drop the the Nifty, then assume they are not too bright. That is not their specialty. They like to appear smart, rather than just do what they are supposed to be good at, which is reporting the news only, and that has nothing to do with conjecture concerning the markets.
BTW, one point. News events like the NFP and the FOMC are going to create spikes in the markets. It happens all the time. For the ones that have weak stomachs ,those are still not times to trade. Personally, I have been in a trade every month as far back as I can remember during those times. I know if the TA's say we are going UP, and the spike went DOWN, I still know everything is okay. If anything, I just turn the computer off, and go play basketball or chase Tucker around the property. I do have said this a lot, if you do not have supreme confidence in your methodology, then stay away from the markets during huge news announcements.

Dear 4XPIP Again thank you very much for your detailed reply for this novice trader. As everyday the news SELLERS tend to connect their news with the ups and downs of the market, they develop some sentimental hype in the minds to believe it. Now will surely come out of the news and trade as per the technical guidelines. Nice feedback.
This week's Weekly S&R's: 5629, 5552, 5505, 5412, 5365, 5288

The 4H top of the cloud at 5517 is forming a confluence of R with the WR1 at 5505. That will probably be containment for the week. This market will begin the week in the weekly cloud, so it would be natural to expect that in the near future to get a drop to the bottom of the cloud at 5084. A check of the WS3 at 5288 would indicate that is not happening this week.
Ashwani, short-term momentum has switched for the market, and the pair is opening the week in the weekly cloud, which suggests the upside is now limited.
Considering the wick on the upside should be limited, I needed to tone the microscope down to the 4-hour to determine a correction. Also, the candle is trapped inside the cloud right now, and does not figure to blow out the top, because of the momentum implications. The top of the cloud also fits in nicely with my WR1 which forms a very nice confluence of R.
Watch for upside reaction once the candle has hit the bottom of the weekly cloud.

dear 4/pipcounter would you give some details regarding this cloud strategy thanks
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