Manish Damani

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Bro at this level of crude now we are paying approx 60-65 in total after ctt it become 110-115.
Range as per my experience at Rkg me approx 60-80 whenever I traded earlier. Now you can add rs 50 to that. But if you are trading above five lots then you shift to achiivers but I dont know about their trading paltform and technical service part as not used.But soft trader is saying it is same as RKg then no problem but once check your self. I am also planning to shift their in future.If one 2-3 lot daily then RKg is cheaper for us yet after introduction of CTT also.:):thumb:
This you have said right that if we trade more lots then Achiievers are offering good plans in commodities.

Actually right now I am trading Commodities with Sharekhan and so the expenses seem to be on the higher side as compared to RK Global. So I was finally planning to give a go to switch broker.

Will give a final thought within this fortnight.

Thanks to you. :)
This you have said right that if we trade more lots then Achiievers are offering good plans in commodities.

Actually right now I am trading Commodities with Sharekhan and so the expenses seem to be on the higher side as compared to RK Global. So I was finally planning to give a go to switch broker.

Will give a final thought within this fortnight.

Thanks to you. :)
I had account at Share Khan too but not using it now as brokerage is just double to trible. At high rate of crude it is big headache.If you turnover is high even more that 5 lots daily then you can try achiivers. But below it then RKG. As even in my account rs 50000 left then also 25-50 lots common to me as I am scalper. For me offer like achiivers is huge saving. But if you are a positional trader and playing for 25-50 points per trade then Share Khan also not bad and they are also giving trail SL option in their new TRade Tiger. Every where is advantage or disadvantage. So first decide what kind of trader you are then change.:):thumb:
All arbitrageurs are doing business on profit sharing business.
they get /pay 70% of profit/loss. but they have to square off
sauda same day. I do differently. mostly I square off sauda same
day,even if I get at break even, but if there is loss ,I carry forward.
before doing any trade I check at least 5 different points. if it suits me
then only I trade. suppose after sauda I feel that I am wrong in any of
the 5 points. I immediately square off the transaction even if there is loss.
but if I feel right I carry forward. last but not least, I have some expertise
which I don't want to share with arbitrageurs. that is why, I deal with broker
Nest Trader by Omnesys India is a software which has Algo Trading capability. They have many ready to use Algo Arbitrage Strategies. Also they provide Custom strategy building services so I am sure that you may also get a strategy built for you as per your needs.
Nest Trader these days is being used by many brokers and so I am sure that you will also get it for NCDEX.
i shall be thankful to you if you please give me contact details of providers
This link is for their website . They have given their Marketing E-mail Contact .

Also in the Brokers & Trading Software section of Traderji there is a thread on Nest Plus where their representative answers the queries.

Link to Thread :

I Wish that your problem gets resolved.

i want to contact directly,but not able to found
Your Personal Message feature is not open .

I don't know that if it is okay to give a Phone No: of some organisation here in the forum.

If your personal message option becomes active I can give you the ph: no: in the message.

Otherwise on the Contact Us page from the above link you will find that just almost at the top , left to where the E-mail ID for marketing is given , you will find a Phone icon is printed besides which Main Line & Phone Number is given starting with +91 - 80 .


Well-Known Member
Some Silver Tip provider are missing with their expected monthly target, Some with small losses.All are claiming 80-90-100% success. For trading once in a day lots of indicator are their which could give 80-90% success if you have check on your greed and had some patients. For example 20-50 ma/ema crossover in 1 hrs chart give little good profit, macd crossover in hourly chart, Adx crossovers, Trendline breaks, etc. etc. Innocent people either dont understand tricks or dont have patient to watch.One of the best way to increase patience is go for fishing atleast once a week though I never gone. Trading is like fishing and depends on patient and smartness of fisherman. Sl will hit if dont kept properly.If someone is with 80-90% success rate then he should be a full time trader. There is lots of material is available on traderji and lots of website but have to work hard and give some pain to brain nothing is hidden. Many people left many post at traderji just you need to search.Ya about sixth sense that is to be developed by you that no body can give you. Never forget system are made by human and human are not made by system. So use brain along with system.Else never get good success because no system is full proof. There is combination of things on which one should keep eyes. If you thinK only TA that dont give you satisfaction if you think data alone that dont give you satisfaction, if you thing news or rumors that alone dont give satisfaction. You need to combine all factors have to work accordingly and take decision. In trading no second thoughts works. One decision one time one entry and one exit and instant judgement. Where second thought applied 80-90% you will loose. Personal experience.:):thumb:
Excellent ..after almost many months I have found some solid suggestion to someone from TJ...
Nice Manish.

Some Silver Tip provider are missing with their expected monthly target, Some with small losses.All are claiming 80-90-100% success. For trading once in a day lots of indicator are their which could give 80-90% success if you have check on your greed and had some patients. For example 20-50 ma/ema crossover in 1 hrs chart give little good profit, macd crossover in hourly chart, Adx crossovers, Trendline breaks, etc. etc. Innocent people either dont understand tricks or dont have patient to watch.One of the best way to increase patience is go for fishing atleast once a week though I never gone. Trading is like fishing and depends on patient and smartness of fisherman. Sl will hit if dont kept properly.If someone is with 80-90% success rate then he should be a full time trader. There is lots of material is available on traderji and lots of website but have to work hard and give some pain to brain nothing is hidden. Many people left many post at traderji just you need to search.Ya about sixth sense that is to be developed by you that no body can give you. Never forget system are made by human and human are not made by system. So use brain along with system.Else never get good success because no system is full proof. There is combination of things on which one should keep eyes. If you thinK only TA that dont give you satisfaction if you think data alone that dont give you satisfaction, if you thing news or rumors that alone dont give satisfaction. You need to combine all factors have to work accordingly and take decision. In trading no second thoughts works. One decision one time one entry and one exit and instant judgement. Where second thought applied 80-90% you will loose. Personal experience.:):thumb:

Really observation with keen eyes can make these thoughts:thumb:

Really observation with keen eyes can make these thoughts:thumb:
Tanejaji how is our nephew. I am regularly watched your message and found that your were missing for few days. Now come to know reason 1-2 days earlier. we all pray that he should be fine as earliest.:):thumb:
Crude Rises as U.S. Gasoline Supply Drops Most in a Year
By Mark Shenk - Apr 24, 2013 10:46 PM GMT+0530

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West Texas Intermediate crude jumped to the highest level in more than a week as a government report showed that U.S. gasoline stockpiles tumbled the most in a year while oil supplies rose less than analysts estimated.

Futures advanced as much as 2.3 percent after the Energy Information Administration said gasoline inventories fell 3.93 million barrels to 217.8 million last week as fuel demand gained and refineries cut operating rates. Crude supplies climbed 947,000 barrels to 388.6 million. Inventories were projected to increase 2 million barrels, according the median of 11 analyst responses in a Bloomberg survey.

“The gasoline number was profoundly bullish,” said Bill O’Grady, chief market strategist at Confluence Investment Management in St. Louis, which oversees $1.4 billion. “The crude build was smaller than expected and once refineries are back up and running, we might start to see some supply draws.”

WTI crude for June delivery rose $1.98, or 2.2 percent, to $91.16 a barrel at 1:08 p.m. on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract touched $91.21, the highest intraday price since April 12. The volume of all futures traded was 4.5 percent below the 100-day average for the time of day.

Brent oil for June settlement advanced $1.45, or 1.4 percent, to $101.76 a barrel on the London-based ICE Futures Europe exchange. The volume of all futures traded was 3.4 percent below the 100-day average.

The European benchmark grade was at a premium of $10.60 to WTI, down from $11.13 yesterday.
Gasoline Inventories

The 1.8 percent decline in gasoline stockpiles was the biggest since the week ended April 6, 2012. Supplies of the fuel were projected to fall 600,000 barrels, according to the median of responses in the Bloomberg survey.

“The gasoline inventory number is very bullish,” said Tim Evans, an energy analyst at Citi Futures Perspective in New York. “The gasoline number had the largest variance from the expectations.”

Gasoline for May delivery rose 1.51 cents, or 0.6 percent, to $2.7341 a gallon on the Nymex. Prices fell to a three-month low yesterday.

Demand for gasoline increased 4.4 percent to 8.75 million barrels a day last week, the highest level since November, the EIA report showed.

Refineries operated at 83.5 percent of capacity last week, down 2.8 percentage points from the seven days ended April 12. Units are often reopened in the spring after being idled for maintenance in late winter as attention shifts away from heating oil and before the peak season for gasoline consumption, which runs from late May until early September.
Driving Season

“It’s late April and attention is starting to shift to gasoline because driving season begins in about a month,” said Stephen Schork, president of the Schork Group Inc. in Villanova, Pennsylvania.

Motiva Enterprises LLC closed the 600,000-barrel-a-day Port Arthur, Texas refinery, the largest in the U.S., after an April 14 power failure, a person familiar with the operations said. Total Petrochemicals U.S. Inc. (FP) reported a fire on April 14 in addition to the power failure that caused “operational upsets” at the company’s 174,000-barrel-a-day plant in Port Arthur.

“The power outage in Port Arthur played a big part in the fall in refinery utilization,” Evans said.
Surging Output

Crude production rose 118,000 barrels a day to 7.33 million, the most since April 1992, according to the EIA, the Energy Department’s statistical unit. Output has surged as the combination of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, has unlocked supplies trapped in shale formations in the central U.S. Stockpiles reached a 22-year high of 388.9 million on April 5.

Supplies at the Cushing, Oklahoma, storage hub increased 35,000 barrels to 51.2 million, the EIA reported. Cushing inventories reached a record 51.9 million in January.

Futures also climbed on speculation that European Central Bank policy makers will cut the ECB’s key interest rate to a record low at their May 2 meeting. Banks including UBS AG and Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc (RBS) forecast that the ECB will reduce borrowing costs to 0.5 percent.

“We’re looking to Europe for guidance today,” said Michael Lynch, president of Strategic Energy & Economic Research in Winchester, Massachusetts. “The prospect of an ECB rate cut is trumping the supply picture. Crude supplies in the U.S. are ample and production is surging.”
ECB Comments

ECB President Mario Draghi said on April 19 he hasn’t seen any improvement in economic data in the region as a whole, after hinting at the beginning of the month he might lower borrowing costs if the recovery faltered. Executive Board member Joerg Asmussen said a day later that it could trim rates.

The Group of 20 nations approved Japan’s stimulus program at a meeting in Washington late on April 19. The Bank of Japan (8301) plans to buy 7 trillion yen ($70 billion) of bonds a month.

“The world’s central banks are in the driver’s seat right now,” said David McAlvany, chief executive officer of McAlvany Financial Group in Durango, Colorado, which manages $520 million.

Implied volatility for at-the-money WTI options expiring in June was 21.4 percent, down from 23.1 percent yesterday.

Electronic trading volume on the Nymex was 318,891 contracts as of 1:09 p.m. It totaled 622,229 contracts yesterday, 5.9 percent higher than the three-month average. Open interest was 1.72 million contracts.

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