Incisive Nifty Trend Analysis

I have never claimed that I'm an expert.....I believe in something as per my understanding of charts...I have never asked anyone to believe in what I have posted or trade accordingly (I know that you guys are not foolish enough to act as per my opinion). The only crime I might have done with those posts was predicting the move. I think people here are not comfortable with that. By the way, I have clearly mentioned that predicting is "almost impossible". But I have tried to do that. What is wrong in predicting the move??? I don't know if my chart findings will prove correct or not. Only time will tell that. But I just don't understand the discussion happening here. Instead of talking about Nifty or its direction (bullish or bearish), all are talking about "expert and losses". What has it to do with the pattern I have posted?? I have clearly mentioned in those post that if you found the patterns "rubbish or absurd", you have every right to throw them into the waste bin (many of you might have already done that). Instead of doing that people are discussing about non-issues which is totally unnecessary, I believe. It is really unfortunate that many old (experienced) members of this forum are also doing the same. What's happening with you friends? If you're not comfortable with my posts, I'm ready to remove them.

Extremely sorry for talking about a non issue here.:down:
every one hav their opinion towards market.
but market makes their own moves so why prediction, go with
the flow and the flow is saying that ever dip will be bought into
............ market have to achieve some target and it will achieve before havin correction
I was bearish on the market till 26 nov but gap up above 5650 forced me to change
the positions...........
.............these rally is not stopping ..................


Well-Known Member
Nifty Update: Nifty is entering into a high congestion zone on an euphoric mood. The next couple of weeks could be the decider in setting the tone for the market moving into 2013. 5947-5967 is an extremely critical area for Nifty. At the moment, I would be a little hesitant to think that Nifty will be able to go all way up to the end of the upper rising channel. Aggressive traders can start looking at low risk shorting opportunity 5947 on wards and conservative ones can wait for the lower channel to be breached. ' Smart Money ' are extremely smart in trapping the retail crowd and have always been known for their reputation to do so. Where ever the rally fizzles out, the ensuing reversal will be extremely sharp( like a falling knife). With USD/INR nearing important technical levels on the downside, climax for the equity rally seems to be just around the corner. I would start being a little cautious from here on.....

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every one hav their opinion towards market.
but market makes their own moves so why prediction, go with
the flow and the flow is saying that ever dip will be bought into
............ market have to achieve some target and it will achieve before havin correction
I was bearish on the market till 26 nov but gap up above 5650 forced me to change
the positions...........
.............these rally is not stopping ..................
I am not at all objecting to what you're saying, friend....but as you have mentioned in your message also, everybody has an opinion of their own, right? So, I had posted my opinion. You're a bull now, I believe as per your post, and I'm a bear as per my post. In a market there are always bullish and bearish views. In the end, one group will prevail over another could be the bulls butchering the bears or the bears butchering the bulls.....Only time will tell which is gonna happen.....Another thing is that each and everyone has a method of their own. Your method wont be similar to mine. My method wont be similar to somebody else. But is it good to insist that one should follow a certain method (like going with the flow). Having said that I don't mind going with the flow if I believe that the market is heading for much higher levels. Fortunately or unfortunately, I don't expect the market to go up much from current levels. To be frank, I have short position in Nifty. If the market goes up a lot from here, I'll suffer. There is no doubt about that. I'm also not saying that "the market won't go up". The market could go up much higher from here. In that case, I might suffer huge losses and might have to eat my words. I'm not denying that chance. For that, we'll have to wait for a few more days right? I'm asking is to wait for a few days and then make a judgment about my prediction. I must tell you one more thing, friend. When you're saying that Nifty has higher targets, you're actually predicting. I have done the same. I have given a downward target as I believe the market will start going down next week. I also believe that technicals are not all about following trends. Its about targets and reversal as well.

NOTE: My humble request is to wait for a week to see if I got it right or not and I hope that you'll take my comments in a positive way.



Well-Known Member
Der seems 2 b a conflict here abt d supremacy of a trend & its due 2 xchange of views btwn short , long ,positional traders . Quite natural all may nt share similar views.
sudoku sir I never predict
i says what the market is saying to me
i have lost lakhs in the market because of prediction
but now i do what market says
and earnd more than i expected............................


Well-Known Member
Go along with the existing stream, is more important rather than predicting the big numbers.

Even 100 points nifty movement, we can make good profit - not necessary we should catch big movement.

Let (Nifty) it go to 6500 or 5200, does't matter ! ! ! !, opportunities are available in the market even in small movements also.

Let us take good trade, instead of predicting big numbers ! ! ! ! !


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