Free data from NSENOW to AmiBroker via Excel

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Also in nowbackfill.xlms file in the first sheet after you paste the data without clicking backfill, please check if the time and date data is right aligned or left aligned, it should be right aligned

i tried to backfill with the same way as u backfill nt happening...i followed every step it happened exactly as u mentioned in the instruction backfill nt soon as i backfill the msg comes data imported and bt when i see in amibroker..the data is nt there...

thanx in advance
Are u getting the symbol, if no symbol is displayed , check if the database folted is selected in the amibroker, open then seclect nowrt folder then you should see the symbol


Well-Known Member
Mr Josh1, Thanks 4 yr reply. I did follow all yr instructions regarding BF, however since y'day I could only get Bf upto 11/05/2012, the start date data was ok. I created new BD's but no luck. The excel file is importing all data but once I click back-fill only data upto 11/05/2012 is imported into AB. My AB DB has tick as base interval and 500000 bars. Can u pls help me out. Thanks
500000 bars is too big. AmiBroker keeps all data in memory until it is closed or data saved. You may exhaust all RAM. Reduce one zero and make it 50K bars. I am operating with 50K. About backfil, Nest gives data for upto last 15 days so 11/05/2012 is 15 days back isn't it?

Check also what Sansarva has noted. Your back fill for 11/05/2012 may be happening on 5th November 12, that of 10/05/2012 on 5th October, 12 and so on.
Open the Nowbackfil.csv file and also the Nest.format file and check that the date formats are matching.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for the wonderful utility, works excellently fine including backfill.

for those having problems, please check these thing first,

1. If you are using windows you have to start NOW as administrator, this will solve your data streaming to excel (provided your broker has enabled the rt function)

2. As for backfill, check the date format in he data table of nest, if it is dd-mm-yyyy then you have to have the same format done in your system Control panel, clock laguage region, change the date time number format,.

3. Then the same format that is if dd-mm-yy then in your nest format file and in NSEMOW2 farmat file the string should be Date_DMY.

4. finaly check the macro, for backfill, there also the date format should reflect the same,

I like that. If I give you ready food, you eat once. If you learn to cook you will have no problem in life. :rofl:
dear sansarva,
can u pls. help me in fetching data from nest to ami...
sure ,

Initialy i faced the problem, thought I was doing every thing right , still did't get it to work,

then fiddled with each code and found that the excel given by josh is perfect , only the setting that i have used is not correct, when every thing was done proper, it is working flawlessly.

since I went through what you may be going through I would very much like to help

tell me where u want me to start

What is it that you want to do?
In this utility, data is actually travelling from NOW->Excel->Mycsv.csv->AmiBroker. MyCSV.csv is actually a comma separated text file.
Hello sir,
What I am really looking for is RT data updating in text file in below format
Symbol, Date, Last Traded Time, Bidsize, Bid Price, Asksize, Ask Price, Last Price, Last Qty

As and when the data is updating in RT it appends below last updated price and not like data is changing in same cell in excel. So it write each new data in new line.


Well-Known Member
Hello sir,
What I am really looking for is RT data updating in text file in below format
Symbol, Date, Last Traded Time, Bidsize, Bid Price, Asksize, Ask Price, Last Price, Last Qty

As and when the data is updating in RT it appends below last updated price and not like data is changing in same cell in excel. So it write each new data in new line.
First you have to stop AmiBroker from opening.
1. Open Visual Basic code from Developer Tab. Go to StartTimer subroutine in Module1.
Comment out or remove this line- InitialiseAB 'Start AmiBroker

2. Go to Stop_Timer Subroutine . Comment out or remove this line- AB.SaveDatabase

3. Go to Subroutine Timer. Comment out or remove this line- CallAmiBroker 'Calls AmiBroker for importing file

After that- 4. Go to Subroutine MakeCSV() and find this line-
Set a = fs.CreateTextFile("C:\RT\MyCSV.csv", True) 'Here we create the file MyCSV.csv
The parameter "True" means file can be overwritten. Change it to "False" and see what happens. Microsoft does not say whether file will be appended if "False" is given. If it starts appending then you are set.
See this link for further help-

If it does not append, you will have to find other ways of coding. Remove this part of code from Subroutine MakeCSV()
fs As Object, a As Object,
'Create a file object for writing
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
On Error Resume Next
'MkDir ("C:\RT") 'This will create a folder RT in C Drive.
Set a = fs.CreateTextFile(C:\RT\MyCSV.csv, True) 'Here we create the file MyCSV.csv

Put Public fs As Object, Public a As Object, in global declarations.
Paste rest of the above code in Subroutine Start_Timer and check.

Note-I am not a professional programmer. You will have to do some R&D.
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