Free data from NSENOW to AmiBroker via Excel

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Well-Known Member
josh ji ,wil this hlp my kind of amibroker user???

Registration / Crack:

If you do not want to buy the original amibroker, just ask your friend (who has a cracked or original professional version) to send the ''brokey.dll'' file (available in the main folder). Then delete your brokey.dll and paste the new one there. Done.
Now see the 'about'. This one is registered and professional version or may be standard version. Professional one is best, standard version has some limitations. I used standard version for a while but it can not import excel data. So, never use standard edition.

One illegal crack is available in the internet, which is registered to Shashi Sethi. This one is good if you do not use Amiquote. If you use amiquote, Your amibroker will stop working and will tell you to buy new amibroker. ''Shshi sethi and amiquote can not stay together''.

As DSE-data is not available via amiquote, we have no problem to use shashi-sethi's crack. We are actually offline!


First of all make a new database folder. Go to c > program files > amibroker. Make a new folder here (inside the folder amibroker). Name it as 00 my database (you can choose any name). Now open amibroker program. Go to file > new > database > browse > (here show the empty folder 00 my database) > open > create. Ok


Now you have to import data. Paste the folder 00DSEDATA (the folder containing your csv files) in anywhere in your hard drive, better avoid c drive. In this way u can save it from accidental crash and consequent formatting c drive.

************IMPORT ASCII:****************

Open amibroker. Go to file > import ascii > ( here open the folder 00DSEDATA select all files by pressing ctrl+A ) > set your file type as default ascii or yahoo's csv > open. Done.

If you are importing data from a csv file that is not like yahoo's one, you have to use 'import wizard' for the first time. Then save the 'file type' or 'file format', and use this format to import data via 'import ascii'.

Method of using import wizard: (do it only for the first time):

File > imprt wizard > pick files > browse to select your csv file > open > next > set your columns according to the sample visible at the bottom of the dialogue box. carefully set the date. Don't forget to skip first one line if your csv file shows a row with 'headlines'. Usually we do not have any headline-row, so carefully set it. > next > tick the check box to add current settings to ascii importing definition (it will save your format). Do not place tick mark if you do not want to save the format. > give a format file name (like NEW3.format). Write the description (like NEW3). Do not change the file-mask. > finish.
Your data is imported. From now on, you will see ''NEW3.format'' in file-type box while import ascii. You can import your data (from this type of csv files) by using this format via 'import ascii'.

I have made several format files. ddd.format, dsnap.format, sarimEOD.format, sarimSNAP.format etc. Easy to recognize.


Well-Known Member
Your excel settings and $FORMAT line in NSENOW2.format file are matching.
You seem to be using two rows for Nifty one contains this formula.
=RTD("now.scriprtd",,"MktWatch","nse_fo|NIFTY12MAYFUT","Trading Symbol") and the second
Both will keep updating in AmiBroker but they will cease from June when NIFTY12JUNFUT will start. You will have to merge 12MAYFUT series into 12JUNFUT for continuity.
As for backfill, past data in NOW/Nest contains Trading Symbol i.e. NIFTY12MAYFUT as Ticker. Hence Backfill will update that Ticker only and that will continue to update. No merging is required.
Delete the second row in excel (that is Row No.5) to avoid confusion. Use "Trading Symbol" in future.
As for Amibroker taking date field as Ticker, that should not happen. Open the file C:\RT\MyCSV.csv in notepad and copy /paste contents here.
Hi josh, The problem seems to be in the backfill if I delete all symbols from abibroker, and astart fresh by opening excell and start button, data starts streaming into he ambi, but when i do back fill, the the back fillled data is there, but no refreshing takes place.

The lkely problem cound be that the data table, from nest is as below

trading symbol, time, open, high,low, volume, expontial average / expontetial average 2,

This data may not be getting backfilled correctly,

the link is


Well-Known Member
josh ji ,wil this hlp my kind of amibroker user???
I cannot teach you how to do software piracy in this forum. Your Realtime seems to be happening correctly. Try this-
1. Let Realtime feed go on updating charts for about 1/2 to one hour.
2. in AmiBroker, Click on "File" and then "Save Database"
3. See whether it saves database.
4. Close AmiBroker
5. Open AmiBroker and see whether your data/chart is intact.
If not, then your version of AmiBroker is not saving data. Use "Fcharts" in that case. That is free software and that is also good. It also supports Realtime Feed which I have explained in earlier posts.


Well-Known Member
Hi josh, The problem seems to be in the backfill if I delete all symbols from abibroker, and astart fresh by opening excell and start button, data starts streaming into he ambi, but when i do back fill, the the back fillled data is there, but no refreshing takes place.

The lkely problem cound be that the data table, from nest is as below

trading symbol, time, open, high,low, volume, expontial average / expontetial average 2,

This data may not be getting backfilled correctly,

the link is


where do you get these things?

The lkely problem cound be that the data table, from nest is as below

trading symbol, time, open, high,low, volume, expontial average / expontetial average 2,

in rtnow. xlm or in Nest trader

then only can the answer be provided.pls look at the screen shot. pls arrange your columns in NOW/Nest Trader and NowRT.xlm as shown.
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Well-Known Member
I cannot teach you how to do software piracy in this forum. Your Realtime seems to be happening correctly. Try this-
1. Let Realtime feed go on updating charts for about 1/2 to one hour.
2. in AmiBroker, Click on "File" and then "Save Database"
3. See whether it saves database.
4. Close AmiBroker
5. Open AmiBroker and see whether your data/chart is intact.
If not, then your version of AmiBroker is not saving data. Use "Fcharts" in that case. That is free software and that is also good. It also supports Realtime Feed which I have explained in earlier posts.
Genius sir its working:clap::clap::clap::clap:
HI josh1
I have been following ur thread since its start & I would say u have done a really commendable job here. Hats off to you!!!:clap:
Aside, I have been having problem with my amibroker lately. It used to run fine as instructed by you but two days back it stopped & now ami doesnt import the data & says "you need to import data to display charts".
Further, when i open my csv file it gives error Runtime error 70, permission denied. Debugging points to "Set a = fs.CreateTextFile("d:\RT\MyCSV.csv", True)".
Kindly help asap. I hope to see the charts before market opens on Monday.:confused:

where do you get these things?

The lkely problem cound be that the data table, from nest is as below

trading symbol, time, open, high,low, volume, expontial average / expontetial average 2,

in rtnow. xlm or in Nest trader

then only can the answer be provided.pls look at the screen shot. pls arrange your columns in NOW/Nest Trader and NowRT.xlm as shown.
Josh sir,

I reararranged the data table from now, The problem could be after i back fill i checked the data in backfill.csv file in c drive, the colums as as follows,

NIFTY12MAYFUT,30-04-2012 09:15:00,30-04-2012 09:15:00,5229,5244.9,5226.15,5241.55,147100

NIFTY12MAYFUT,30-04-2012 09:16:00,30-04-2012 09:16:00,5241,5244,5241,5242.9,82000

NIFTY12MAYFUT,30-04-2012 09:17:00,30-04-2012 09:17:00,5242.9,5244,5242,5243.6,65700

NIFTY12MAYFUT,30-04-2012 09:18:00,30-04-2012 09:18:00,5243.65,5257.5,5243.15,5257,261700

NIFTY12MAYFUT,30-04-2012 09:19:00,30-04-2012 09:19:00,5258.8,5260,5253.8,5259.5,203000

The second and the third column are identical and the spiliting of te data into date and time has not occurred, also the date is in dd-mm-yyyy format while te file nest format has the line

$FORMAT Ticker, Date_MDY, Time, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume

the date format required is MDY

my macro in backfill xlms is

If MsgBox("Do you want to split Date_Time into separate columns", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"
Selection.NumberFormat = "[$-F400]h:mm:ss AM/PM"
End If

the problem is that the spliting of time and date is not happening, kindly find where i did wrong

warm Regards
Josh sir,

soory for all the trouble, The mistake i was making is that the data table from the nest is the dd-mm-yyyy and the format required in backfill.xls is mm-dd-yyyy. The I finaly figured out. But how do I change the format in the data table

I intent to ask zerodha on monday
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