Dissecting the Nest Plus Auto Trading API

Yes. They sent me a dll file which acts as a plug-in for amibroker and forms a bridge between Nest API and ami. The main need for this was for the function getorderstatus which wouldn't work otherwise.

Without this plug-in you can still use kaka's code and place order. Until the plug-in is complete its actually not of much use.
My situation is that i am able to send orders through the api comfortable but i want the order delete and order modify functionality. I am completely naive in this and it will be appreciated if you help me achieve the same by telling me the steps involved that i need to take.

will it work with the code that you have posted above or i need to take some extra steps. Pls guide.

I have tried with with these and i always get this error.
This has been a problem for me for a very long time.

As you have implemented this functionality so just asked you how to go about it.

P.S my broker is not at all helping bcoz they donot have a programming team i guess.

OT_OP = orderPrice = 320;
RequestTimedRefresh( 1 );
OT_CI = ParamStr("Client Id given by broker?","110188");

//OT_Ex = ParamList("Exchange traded on?","NFO,NSE");
OT_Ex = "NSE";
//OT_PT = ParamList("Omnesys Product Type?","NRML,MIS,CNC");
OT_PT = "MIS";

OT_SR = 1; // Suppress Redundant Signals?

OT_PA = 0; // Plot Arrows?
OT_OE = "Immediate";
plus = Null;
Buy = Sell = Short = Cover = 0;
AT = ParamToggle("Start Trading ? ","No,Yes");
if (AT)
plus = CreateStaticObject("Nest.PlusApi");
//plus_Initialise("Ami Client");
if ( plus )

OrderRefNo = "Sell3";
OT_ORQ = OT_DIQ = OT_QT = OT_DQ = qty = 1;

//plus.PlaceOrder("SELL",OrderRefNo, OT_Ex, OT_FSN, "DAY", "LIMIT", OT_ORQ, StrToNum(NumToStr(OT_OP,8.2,False)), 0.0, OT_DIQ, OT_PT, OT_CI);
//ThreadSleep( 30000 );
plus.CancelOrder( OrderRefNo );
_TRACE("Placed cancel order");

This is the code what i am trying.
Yes my broker is RKSV and they donot provide any kind of support in this regard.:mad:
Plz see the code that i have pasted above.. am i doing everything correct?
Will the plugin that your broker provided work with me.
If yes will you be able to share it.

Will kind of agree with yusi in this... You are better off with a data vendor than the API as good data providers gfdl will provide a cleaner data which may be normalized also. Further you would have backfill also available through servers. If you take API you will have to creat your own backfill database and also keep normalizing the data for missing ticks and corporate actions wherever applicable.... So maybe a data vendor is a much cleaner option.... However, if you are looking at auto execution also then don't go for data vendor.. Coz then you would be paying for data also and API also where data could otherwise be picked with some effort from API itself..rgds

Hello Punit,

I am more comfortable with .net API. Please let me know the things on shah.kanak @ yahoo .com or please let me know how can i be in touch with you.

There is a work around for that. Zerodha provides a self sustaining semi-auto trade functionality called Algoz. Instead of coding the system into Ami it can be coded into Algoz which gives trailing SL facility.[/

Certainly the i3 Algo can be heed if you have a requirement like buy above x level and then trail....no interconnect with chart.


Well-Known Member
Does any one here have got API of sharekhan Trade Tiger and have done development through that?
While this thread is not about the ShareKhan's API, at least one person has mentioned that he has worked with it (see post #17). Will leave it to you to take it from there.

It would do you a lot of good if you were a little more forthcoming with details and specifics, particularly about what you already know, and where you want to go, with limitations if any. It makes it easier for those who respond, and you will get better answers.


Active Member

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