Data deluxe- mother of all data downloaders suggestions required

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Let's not doubt the team's intentions as of now.

However, if they are planning to include all imaginable features in v1.0 itself,
I would like to say that it is just not possible. Things keep changing, bugs keep
surfacing, and the product needs to be revised at regular intervals.

So, if they can make a working copy available soon, the additions/modifications
can be done based on the feedback.
absolutely right it need not be Perfect from day one, as a matter of fact with user feedback they would have a larger mass contributing to highlight bugs,issues if any.

as far as doubting the teams intentions i have already mentioned that anyways we are paying 400 to manshi, if this product is much better then why not pay them, if the keep it free well an good if not it does not matter that much


Well-Known Member
Let's not doubt the team's intentions as of now.

However, if they are planning to include all imaginable features in v1.0 itself,
I would like to say that it is just not possible. Things keep changing, bugs keep
surfacing, and the product needs to be revised at regular intervals.

So, if they can make a working copy available soon, the additions/modifications
can be done based on the feedback.
Thanks for support. When we say, we will release for free, then it's free.
No questions. I myself interested to deliver the product. I did not came to site as was busy getting things done. I myself was frustrated due to delay. You can not get developers quickly. I am hoping to release something interesting in next 10 days.
Yes, we have learned lesson, we have changed technology as well.
There are no intentions to make money by selling such product. I think you all know that. I am not celebrating any holidays, working on same product.
Thanks for support. When we say, we will release for free, then it's free.
No questions. I myself interested to deliver the product. I did not came to site as was busy getting things done. I myself was frustrated due to delay. You can not get developers quickly. I am hoping to release something interesting in next 10 days.
Yes, we have learned lesson, we have changed technology as well.
There are no intentions to make money by selling such product. I think you all know that. I am not celebrating any holidays, working on same product.

Mr Kanitkar,

we really appreciate your dedication and the intention for keeping it free please don't get offended when we say we are ready to pay for the product, as a matter of fact when we say we are ready to pay that means we really love the effort which you have put in and the screenshots look awesome so paying for the product is also worthwhile. Lets say if you would have not taken the effort we would have any which ways paid to some other vendor. In that case I would feel happy to pay for a fellow traderji rather than paying that vendor. (Keeping it in the family :))

Its just that the patience gets drained because of the delay, having said that let us reiterate we do not doubt your efforts or intentions.
Dear mrkanitkar ,
please keep in mind while feeding to Metastock it comes without flickering (aamadmi-SQA did this successfully ) and without delay in updating. The following is from
Metastock OnDemand / Online Data Feed

Data feed to Metastock has been a often discussed Issue with Application Developers.

Requiring custom feed, real time Update to metastock requires a deviation from standard methods.

We Provide Online Data Feed to Metastock which ensures that there is NO flicker to any chart while the data is being refreshed/written. Compared to metalib which leads to flickering of charts, Our on demand Data feed can take any kind of data and feed directly to Metastock without any delay or any kind of data corruption or tick loss.
Hope you can do that.Best of Luck
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Mr Kanitkar

I am using Odin provided by angel, the current data downloader manshi does not download NCDEX data, will your software download NCDEX data??
I would really appreciate if you can make provision for that.


Well-Known Member
One needs to keep in mind that the projected timelines when developing a utility are basically very rough estimates and are at best a wishful guideline!!!

Considering the fact of the extremely wide scope ambitious nature of this utility and the fact that this endeavour is solely being driven by the philanthropic persistence of a single individual as opposed to a dedicated programmer project team of a software development conglomerate with sufficient resources, IMO the somewhat caustic remarks previously are considered to be not quite in good taste. The title of the thread
Data deluxe- mother of all data downloaders
says it all. I don't think that such a project has ever been attempted earlier by even commercially inclined developers, let alone an individual!

In such cases patience is explicitly advised because the premature release of such a utility by 'jumping the gun' may have adverse implications as individual investor money will be on the line for trading by the usage of this utility!

As already expressed by other members, even if this utility would have been a paid one - they would have had no qualms in subscribing, considering it's one stop data source nature!!

And the person in question here is committed to provide it for free for boarders, borne solely out of the generosity of his intention and effort!!!

All the more reason that it would perhaps be more beneficial for the progression of effort by providing well thought out suggestions.

Even if the utility doesn't materialize considering the very ambitious scope of this endeavour, I would still like to place on record my thanks to mrkanitkar for having the vision and determination to take a shot at this. The hard earned valuable experience of his efforts may still (in all likelihood) pave the way for someone in future (considering the abundance of talent in the forum) to bring this concept to successful culmination.

I am sure that the boarders will agree. Counting upon your understanding.
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