Amit's Trading Diary and Notes

We live in interesting times.
BRICs and other emerging markets are still being clobbered. Their currencies are in tatters as a result. US markets seem to moving towards new highs. But, "War" clouds loom over Syria. This triggered a sell-off in stocks and new highs in Petroleum and Gold.
I think that a "shooting" war with "boots on the ground" will be tough to achieve. With Russia and China supporting Syria, any UN-led action will be vetoed. US and UK Citizens don`t want another war. Cruise missile strikes on some targets, (leaving the dictatorship intact & allowing US-led NATO to save face) seem most likely.
Does that translate into a "shorting Gold/Crude Oil" trade, is a very tough question. After all, acc. to Keynes, "The Market Can Remain Irrational Longer Than You Can Remain Solvent".

My Portfolio (at this time):
Symbol, Entry Price, %Gain, % of Portfolio
N100, 200.91, 3.08%, 20.90%
CASH, 0.00, 0.00%, 79.10%

I have been increasing the N100 position, as the up-trend continues. N100 is making new highs because of the double influences of a weak INR and strong NASDAQ. It,however, is illiquid as of now.

Thanks for reading,
The US are on the verge of approving a limited strike on Syria. I was hoping for diffusing of tension after UK voted No to an intervention. As a results, breaks have been applied on the US equities markets ( esp. after John Kerry's speech) while Gold and Crude Oil are zooming. New highs look imminent there (acc. to Marc Faber, but then he always says that :) ).

I am "keeping the powder dry" in this volatile environment. Nifty and INR-USD are behaving in sync. So much so, that I overheard a FM RJ comment wearily that "Nifty is up cuz INR is up...". Fertile grounds for a black-swan event ?! The out-of-money options are very expensive.

My Portfolio (at this time):
Symbol, Entry Price, LTP, %Gain, % of Portfolio
N100, 200.91, 208, 3.08%, 20.88%
CASH, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00%, 79.12%

Thanks for reading,
Like the breakout in WOCKPHARMA. Had bought small position @ 515 on Friday. Bought a larger position at 565.
Trying to increase the size here. Wild Ride..!!
What a ride at WOCKPHARMA. The hitting of the upper-circuit was new for me. :)
I was planning to buy some shares at the start of the day, nut it wasnt possible. I have got me some shares at 690.0/-. Am trying to increase position size here.
Thanks for reading,
The new RBI governor has had a calming influence on the markets. His measures seems to have made money gush back in. We should go back to average BRIC performance zone, rather than being the-worst-of-pack. A Syrian war looks faint with the Russian/Polish moves on the Syrian chemical arsenal. Crude and Gold prices seem to reflect the change.

My Portfolio (at this time):
Symbol, Entry Price, LTP, %Gain, % of Portfolio
N100, 200.91, 202.52, 0.80%, 20.88%
WOCKPHARMA, 635.37, 658.35, 3.62%, 16.53%
CASH, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00%, 62.58%

1. N100 seems retracing its steps, reflecting the strength in the INR. :annoyed:
2. WOCKPHARMA showed a nice breakout on Thurday. It has been on a crazy uptrend. I have been scrambling to get into a sizable position. Wish my entry price was lower, but I seem to make a mess while entering into volatile stocks. :lol:

Thanks for reading,
RBI's rate hike came as a surprise. After the Fed's no-taper fuelled rally, the actions of RBI seems to have put the brakes on the rally. Infra and Banks bore the brunt of the sell-off.

I was busy churning the portfolio. There have been sharp movements (10+%) in several stocks succeeded by lulls. It has been hard to catch a trend. After Gold crash, it has been tough going. The temptation to "chase the market" and "get even" has been ever present. Deeper introspection has compelled me to remain calm and observe rather than blindly take positions.

My Portfolio (at this time):
Symbol, Entry Price, LTP, %Gain, % of Portfolio
N100, 200.91, 200.0, -0.45%, 20.87%
WOCKPHARMA, 635.37, 582.55, -8.31%, 16.52%
JKLAKSHMI, 70.98, 69.75, -1.73%, 3.51%
CASH, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00%, 59.10%

1. N100 has been in a rut ever since INR strengthened. I however feel that it is compelling to follow an index, in this era of central bank policy making. :)
2. WOCKPHARMA has been very volatile. It has tested the stop-loss at times. I feel that the acknowledgement of issues (FDA quality-control related) and steps for rectification by the management are positive. It can reach its old levels of about 1000. :annoyed:
3. JKLAKSHMI showed a breakout at high volumes. Larger cement companies are acquiring smaller ones. This is a small company. The breakout was on such rumours. I increased my position yesterday. :)

Thanks for reading,
Just bought me some OILCOUNTUB at 35.17/-. Expensive on hindsight cuz it is trading at 34.30/-. Lets see if the up-trend continues.

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