Very Beginer level Questions

Thank you every one for your kind comments.
I think you all are saying right. I will find some job first. And will come to the market again after few years. My parents are also very tensed because now my age in 27, and they want to see me settled now. And after my settlement, they want to see me to married.
Thanks for the suggestion. Thanks you very much to all..


Well-Known Member
there is a silver lining in your terrible story ..
which highlighted in red ...

since you are much interested in market ( either as trader or gambler ) ...
and further getting a job after this much gap is not that easy too in IT..

u can try to find jobs in brokerage firm and try to earn through your calls to your clients ...
but never trade till u settle your dues and start saving some amount .. if you able to do this then naturally u have learnt and implemented the very basic quality needed for trading ie Money Management .

all the best .

Hi to all traders,
Kindly help me friends by advising me. There is a big story behind this. But i will tell you in short.
I am a from computer science in 2009. I entered in the world of financial market in 2009. I did my first trade in JP Associate. I earned 5000 rupees in my first trade in 2 days. After this profit, my interest generate towards trading. I invest so many times in shares, and took profit from them. And the times come when i started in futures and options. And all my fund that was of near 1 lacs, lost. My father has given this money to me just to survive in delhi, as i was searching for job in IT.
I never told my father about this loss. I took some money from my friends to survive in delhi. As IT market was down in 2009 and 2010, i was unable to find the job in my field. Finally i decided to go for any kind of job to survive. Finally i got a call from a comapny. And i got selected for Marketing executive post.
After some time i changed my job to another company on same profile as a Business Development offficer. I earned a lot of money in that field. My family condition was not so good. So when i use to go to my home, i always take saares for my mom, and other kitchen appliances for the home. I am very much emotionally attached to my family member.
When i earned money, then again i start investing in the market in futures. and again started to loose my money. Unfortunately, my company got a financial loss, and company get closed. Now i was very affraid, as i have limited amount of money, because i loose money in the market.
Then i comes to know that there are some software in the market that generates buy and sell calls automatically. I saw the demo. And it was very good software. Where it gave the buy call, the share came up, and where i gave sell call , the share came down. I was happy to see that software. The cost was around 50000. And i don't have suffiecient money to buy the software and to invest in the market. Now i made a big mistake. I took 2 lacs rupees on interest. And bought the software. I started to trade according to software. In starting it gave the good return. But in the end, it has given a loss of whole fund as i never put the stop loss to my trade. It was year 2013 january.

Now i was totally in dipression. I was giving interest from my savings. After 2 month, my father says to me, to give that 1 lac rupees that he gave me in staring. It was horrible time for me. I said to papa that ok papa i will give you after 2 days. After 5 days papa said beta, can you please give me that 1 lac rupees. I said papa i will give you tomorrow. My papa was in doubt, as they know that i always invest money into the market. They always used to say not to invest in the market. Next day my father said to me beta trasfer the 1 lac rupee today. Then i said to papa, Papa i don't have money. I lost all the money in the market.
My father was completely out of mind at that time. But my father said beta, its ok. But please from now, never invest in the market. I said papa, now i will earn from this market only. It was 2014 january.
I never told to my father about 2 lac rupees that i took on interest. After some time, a kind friend of mine said to me that he will pay my interest on monthly basis. And he said to me, that whenever you got the job, you can give me back all the money.

From that day, I read so many books of technical analysis, about charts, patterns, breakout, indicators etc. Now i came to know that how market reacts when it come to support. what is support, what is resistance. Then i decided to go for the job in technical field. I tried it for six months, but never got the call from any company. From januray 2014 i live at my home. Now i had some knowledge about charts of indian equity market, commodity market and forex market.
I started to go to a branch of a broker in our city. I always used to sit there in evening and always gave calls to the clients who presented there. They got the profit from my calls and slowly slowly i became famous in that office.
But Whenever i traded with my fund, i always got the loss. Finaly last month i got the call from Capstone securites pune. They are giving only 3000 rupees as stipend. But it is not possible to live there in this amount. I have a lot of pressure. There are so much amount on me which i have borrowed. My father always say to me, son please leave this market, you already spoil you 5 years in this field, and you don't have nothing. Your friends are on the package of 12 lacs now. And you are nothing. They always pressurize me to leave this market and go for a job in any field.
Now please tell me friends, what i should do. I have so much borrowed money. My father is not in good financial condition. They cannot give me any money to survive in pune now. But my interest is in finacial markets. And i believe that i can do it. My all relatives tease my. Every one says me that markets are not good for carrier etc etc.
Please help me frnds, otherwise i will gonna mad some day. I have so much pressure on my mind. Please suggest me what to do now. :(


Well-Known Member

Sorry to hear about your loss. You have to remember that trading is enticing - like water in the river. Unlike fire which gives pain immediately, trading entices you to play. Like people stepping in the river feel nice and enjoy playing, and they wade in a bit more and more, without realizing the depth of the water, and then it is too late.

From the question you asked, and inspite of what you think you know, you have a far, far way to go. For successful trading you need :

Sound mind/good psychology.
A good method.
And money that you can afford to lose or play around with.

From your story, it seems you should not be trading based on all the three counts. Suggest strongly to stay away from the market (or atleast trading with your own/borrowed money) You can get a job, have your saving, and use the time to go to the depths of the markets, (read so many good threads here on TJ) Learn about psychology, Money/Risk Management, Emotional Discipline, and get to a good robust method of trading. It may take time, even years. A lot of traders considered market wizards lost their money, houses and bankrupted themselves. But they used discipline, and came back. Not suggesting the same can happen - as the market is a tough master, but a good servant if you know how to handle yourself (mind / money / method / emotions) as much as your positions. So take a break, be it 3-5-7 years and come back when you are much wiser, disciplined and confident of yourself.

Thank you every one for your kind comments.
I think you all are saying right. I will find some job first. And will come to the market again after few years. My parents are also very tensed because now my age in 27, and they want to see me settled now. And after my settlement, they want to see me to married.
Thanks for the suggestion. Thanks you very much to all..
Hi stock72,
You are saying right. It is not possible now to get a job in IT field.
I also want a job in any broking firm as a research associate(any small designation in technical analyst line). I only want to go for a technical job in any broking company. But how to find the job? I have tried a lot, but it is harder to find these job in internet. There are so many job related to fundamental analyst. But few jobs for technical analyst.

Sorry to hear about your loss. You have to remember that trading is enticing - like water in the river. Unlike fire which gives pain immediately, trading entices you to play. Like people stepping in the river feel nice and enjoy playing, and they wade in a bit more and more, without realizing the depth of the water, and then it is too late.

From the question you asked, and inspite of what you think you know, you have a far, far way to go. For successful trading you need :

Sound mind/good psychology.
A good method.
And money that you can afford to lose or play around with.

From your story, it seems you should not be trading based on all the three counts. Suggest strongly to stay away from the market (or atleast trading with your own/borrowed money) You can get a job, have your saving, and use the time to go to the depths of the markets, (read so many good threads here on TJ) Learn about psychology, Money/Risk Management, Emotional Discipline, and get to a good robust method of trading. It may take time, even years. A lot of traders considered market wizards lost their money, houses and bankrupted themselves. But they used discipline, and came back. Not suggesting the same can happen - as the market is a tough master, but a good servant if you know how to handle yourself (mind / money / method / emotions) as much as your positions. So take a break, be it 3-5-7 years and come back when you are much wiser, disciplined and confident of yourself.
Yes i didn't trade based on these three things. I always got emotional when i use my money to invest. And if i will give a technical call to any client, then that call always hit the target. I don't know why.
Yes i don't have enough money to trade also. But there are so many trader who have enough money. But the lost his all money(near 2 crore) in 1 year.
And there are so many traders who started with 5000 and now his capital is near 2 lacs in one year.
So how money matters?
there is a silver lining in your terrible story ..
which highlighted in red ...

since you are much interested in market ( either as trader or gambler ) ...
and further getting a job after this much gap is not that easy too in IT..

u can try to find jobs in brokerage firm and try to earn through your calls to your clients ...
but never trade till u settle your dues and start saving some amount .. if you able to do this then naturally u have learnt and implemented the very basic quality needed for trading ie Money Management .

all the best .
No...I disagree......he should completely stay way from market....2-3 years.....if he do job in stock market he will loss his salary also....because it's human nature of greed.......If you suggesting him job in Brokerage firm.....means you suggesting a alcoholic person do job in Bar....


Well-Known Member
Yes .. you are correct ... but some times ( many times IMO) an alcoholic addict can be cured by appointing him in a bar .. :thumb::thumb:
further his emotions need to be corrected before get back in to market ..

every one is Ram when not got a chance .. controlling is different and staying away is different ...

No...I disagree......he should completely stay way from market....2-3 years.....if he do job in stock market he will loss his salary also....because it's human nature of greed.......If you suggesting him job in Brokerage firm.....means you suggesting a alcoholic person do job in Bar....
The market is not for people with emotions. You need to study a technic that has proven right for many others. It may be a good for you to join some sort of group and discuss in person and learn from each other ...


Well-Known Member

Man you are dumb and you don't know it.

Sorry to be harsh esp. when you are butt hurt and neck deep in trouble. Everyone started like this so don't take it personally!

You are in the stage of unconscious incompetency i.e you really don't know what it's needed to cut it out as a successful trader. You believe all fairy tales and tipsters/indicator stories.

Keep reading, paper trading until you reach conscious incompetency stage.
Atleast now you know what you need to be successful and your problems that are blocking your success.

Next comes: conscious competency stage.
you practice your new skills and perfect them like you are in driving/swimming class.

Finally : unconscious competency.
Winning is no matter hard thing, it's a habit to you at this stage.

Good luck!

Don't go into options, do paper trade or with only one lot (25 contracts) until you make it to winners club!
or STAY AWAY from markets may be you are a born lamb not suited for hunting!
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Well-Known Member
Thank you every one for your kind comments.
I think you all are saying right. I will find some job first. And will come to the market again after few years. My parents are also very tensed because now my age in 27, and they want to see me settled now. And after my settlement, they want to see me to married.
Thanks for the suggestion. Thanks you very much to all..
Hi Vibhor,

I'm totally against in getting rid of your passion towards trading. Keep it aside for the time being. Prime concern is to find a descent job and work towards your immediate needs fulfillment.

Simultaneously do demo trading with one of the forex brokers using a strategy which suits your trading style. Do the same for years you are planning to stand aside, get the 3M's (Money, Mind & Method) polished. You'll's for sure.

All the best buddy....:thumb:
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