Trading Nifty with Camarilla Pivots...!


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I am a bit sceptical about rule-1

"Trade only when price is between H3 and H4 or L3 and L4 only"

We should wait till price coming down from H3 for short and coming up L3 to enter Long.. signs of reversals...

Alternatively, wait till clear upclose above H4 for long and clear downclose from L4 for short..

Your advise..??

The reason for the rule is simple...
We want to trade when the balance it totally tilted to one side.
a 55% chance of a success might hit SL even if one side is winning. So near the cam zone, probability of catching a winner is more. I Analysed all my past trades and seen that most of the trades that i took between L3 and H3, didnt give me much profit. More than 60% of them hit SL. Market stays very indecisive between L3 and H3.

Another thing i dont like is waiting. Once i am in a trade, i want reasons to get out... and not stay in. This is a total reversal of my earlier days when i used to find reasons to hold the trade. between L3 and H3...i fend lot of reasons to get out....


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