Tom de mark sequential monitor for nifty50 stocks


Well-Known Member
Is there a AFL for this ??
Without Knowing ... whats going on....
I am just sharing a TD Sequencial Afl, that I have...

_SECTION_BEGIN("TD sequential setup");
// TD Sequential Setup
Plot( C, "Price", colorBlack, styleCandle );
y = ParamField("Price field");

Buy = Sum( y < Ref( y, -4 ), 9 ) == 9 AND Ref( y, -9) > Ref( y, -13 );
Sell = Sum( y > Ref( y, -4 ), 9 ) == 9 AND Ref( y, -9) < Ref( y, -13 );

PlotShapes( Buy * shapeUpArrow + Sell * shapeDownArrow, IIf( Buy, colorGreen, colorRed ), 0, IIf( Buy, L, H ) );
// Ermanometry
Plot( C, "Price", colorBlack, styleCandle );
dt = DateTime();
Start = dt == SelectedValue( dt );

EF = Param("Seed Seg EF", 48, 1, 900 );
DE = Param("Seed Seg DE", 40, 1, 900 );

Ratio = EF/DE;
InverseRatio = 1/Ratio;

x = BarsSince( start );
CD = DE * Inverseratio;
BC = CD * Inverseratio;
AB = BC * Inverseratio;
FG = EF* Ratio;
GH = FG * Ratio;
HI = GH * Ratio;
IJ = HI * Ratio;

FH = sqrt( FG * FG  + GH * GH  );

Erman =
x == int(FH) OR /* Erman */
x == int(GH) OR /* Erman */
x == int(HI) OR /* Erman */
x == int(IJ) OR /* Erman */
x == int(DE+EF+CD) OR /* Erman */
x == int(GH+HI+IJ) OR /* Erman */
x == int(CD+DE+EF+FG+GH+HI) OR /* Erman */
x == int(EF+FG+GH) OR /* Erman */
x == int(CD+DE+EF+FG+GH) OR /* Erman */
x == int(CD+DE+EF+FG+GH+HI) OR /* Erman */
x == int(GH+IJ+CD+AB+EF); /* Erman */

Plot( Erman, "Erman", colorRed, styleHistogram | styleOwnScale );

FH = sqrt( FG * FG  + GH * GH  );

Coles =
x == int(FH+FG+GH) OR /* Coles */
x == int(AB+BC+CD+DE) OR /* Coles */
x == int(AB+BC+CD+DE+GH) OR /* Coles */
x == int(FG+GH) OR /* Coles */
x == int(GH+HI) OR /* Coles */
x == int(FG+BC+CD) OR /* Coles */
x == int(FG+BC+CD+DE) OR /* Coles */
x == int(CD+BC) OR /* Coles */
x == int(DE+BC) OR /* Coles */
x == int(sqrt(CD*CD+DE*DE)+CD+DE) OR /* Coles */
x == int(sqrt(EF*EF+FG*FG)+EF+FG); /* Coles */

Plot( Coles, "Coles", colorGreen, styleHistogram | styleOwnScale );



In persuit of financial independence.
sir, you used to have an excel sheet with TDST compilation with its link your signature. now its not seen. (if its private, you don't need to share it)

No its not private or something, I just pulled it down. You must be knowing that I had requested ST Sir to close the thread, but somehow it was reopened. Not much participation was generated.
I do post charts off and on just to keep it alive.

No its not private or something, I just pulled it down. You must be knowing that I had requested ST Sir to close the thread, but somehow it was reopened. Not much participation was generated.
I do post charts off and on just to keep it alive.

Sir, if I can request you, pls continue with this thread with charts and if possible the excel sheet compilation. This system (atleast for me) requires multiple reading of the method to understand , efforts to mark countdowns manually are also needed and hence I assume it as reason for little participation from outside. over a period of time 1 year or so, if we look back at the excel sheet and see how many times the system succeeded then the robustness of this system will be visible and also be a good historical data.



In persuit of financial independence.
Sir, if I can request you, pls continue with this thread with charts and if possible the excel sheet compilation. This system (atleast for me) requires multiple reading of the method to understand , efforts to mark countdowns manually are also needed and hence I assume it as reason for little participation from outside. over a period of time 1 year or so, if we look back at the excel sheet and see how many times the system succeeded then the robustness of this system will be visible and also be a good historical data.

Yes, I appreciate your interest, and I will be around.
I have full faith in this system, and presently its the only system I am employing.
I am trying to evolve a workable modification, where objective rules of entry remain as such, however trade management makes use of some other inputs/ subjectivities that stunt the losing trades and at the same time let the winners run.
I will compile a post enumerating the cumulative knowledge and experience with the one objective of controlling the losing trades and the other to use corrections as buyable dips.
Although most people in TJ who have great knowledge of the system don't use it as a primary trading system, I have an intention of doing just that.



In persuit of financial independence.
Main intention of writing this post is to strategize an early exit in an impending failure trade, as the stop loss in sequential and combo is generally large.Its a compilation of cumulative knowledge based on my discussions with ST sir, Manoj Borle bhai and whatever little experience I have trading the system.
The original system does not say much about trade management.
I have observed in my winning trades that once we enter as per system, market moves swiftly in our favour.
In losing trades either the market moves swiftly against or it doesn't move much in first 3-4days after entry.
Lets assume we have a completed buy CD with qualifiers:
Various Scenarios:
1. Now on the next day we are getting a positive close. We enter long around 3.25pm (on the day of positive close)
2. Following day market moves in favour and at eod 1 (post entry) we are placed comfortably.
Next day market moves against and takes out low of entry bar, we get out, with an option to reenter if we close strongly above the first entry bar, otherwise we stay out.

3. We get CD13, however the close>open (entry bar) does not arrive the next day, instead one or more big bearish candle(s) arrives which effectively takes out initial presumtive SL based on completed CD's true low.
We avoid entering such a trade even after the close>open arrives, as the trade has high propensity to fail. We let the trade pass.
4.after a completed 13 the close>open doesn't arrive immediately, but is followed by one or two or three small bearish rejection bars (wick down), in this case when finally we get a bullish close, we enter long.
5.After we enter, (and are not immediately stopped out on day 1), trade moves in our favour, we assess the momentum of the move for the first 3-4 days.
During this time if a near TDST resistance is taken out, we can expect that the move would at least complete a sell setup ie '9'
When there is no near TDST, and the move is more of a correction, we can see how they react to EMA 20,50. So in this case the first target is ema20, a strong close above this (within 3-4days) makes us more confident to look for a potential target at EMA50. If price struggles at these emas, we can exit with whatever profit. There may also be a case for partial profit booking at ema20.
6. Such corrections in a strong uptrend (in case of a completed sell CD) can be used as buyable dip for portfolio position additions.
The reference levels can be ema20, 50 or important fibonacci levels such as 38% or 50%.
So sequential sell CD provides a probable time of impending correction and these levels as buy points.
7.Sometimes we get signals in multiple stocks simultaneously, some long, some short, now which ones do we take long or short?
One simple way I could think of is to take trades that are aligned in the direction of Nifty/BN trend.
So if Nifty is bearish, select only stocks that are giving short signals and vice versa.
Also, if for e.g. we are getting a long signal in Yes bank and short in SBI, and Bank Nifty is bearish we go with a short trade in SBI and avoid yes bank long.
So that's the story so far....
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