Once again Turtle Soup ..


Well-Known Member
Not only TataMotors made a low today but also gave a close below 281.8 which is previous day low. So still it would be considered as TS+1 candidate?


Well-Known Member

Modified your code to include Tatamotors... this, Sir, is a phenomenal piece of coding. Very efficient and applicable even for both Turtle Soup and Ts +1

Thanks again.
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Well-Known Member
Can somebody please check Gail as it made almost tripple bottom yesterday...and little bit bounced today...Is it potential candidate for 4th Feb on TS?


Well-Known Member
Excel sheet for EOD 1st Feb 2013 !

Sheet 1 in the file had all Nifty50 stocks and Sheet 2 has Nifty50 plus Group A stocks of BSE. Some names may be duplicate as they appear in both Nifty50 and BSE Group A.
Levels are as per BSE in BSE Group A and NSE levles in Nifty50 stocks.
In Sheet 2 have tried to mention whether HH is near the last CLOSE value or LL is nearer. If CLOSE id nearer to HH we look to Short and if CLOSE is nearer LL we look for Long trade.

If any one can modify the Excel file and make it more useful to use, I can Upload the same with current data.

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/73613258/Turtle Soup.xls

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