
Well-Known Member
Dear Nac,

Two more points that could assist you:

1) RESET YOUR MIND: Like any disciplined child, when we START our trading day we are well behaved i.e. the initial trades of the day will be governed by our set rules or entry / exit / stop loss etc. because our overnight revision and committment to adhere to our rules is afresh. As we get into more trades we tend to ignore rules, break them and by the end we realise that it was a messed up day. Hence after each few trades take a pause, reset your mind to the same level as it was at the beginning of the day. You may want to take this pause at a preset time then set alarm on your machine / mobile which will alert you to reset your mind. At this moment it could also help you exit immediately if you are holding a losing position due to non adherence of your rules.

2) RESET YOUR MONEY TO 100: Either winning or losing reset your trading amount to 100. You being down by 32% has immediately prompted your mind to analyse and send you a message that you are 1/3 down from your capital (you have mentioned that in your last post). This figure would play a pivotal role in your trading decisions all the times. Also the mind would always be tempted to recover all the lost amount in one trade (which does not happen). Hence reset your trading account balance to 100 (even if were in profits). Base your trading calls, quantity, risk-reward w.r.t. to 100. In other words, make all your daily calculations in % terms of your trading account balance rather than the starting capital. This will make life much easier and would help you to focus on your actions rather than on results. This may take some time and little practise but it is certainly not as hard as sticking to ones trading rules.



Well-Known Member

This week much better. But still lost some. This week I lost around 7%. 3 more trading session to the end of my first month. Probably I take a break after this first month and resume after a while.

TNSN, I started thinking you're right. Better I don't spit out each and everything no matter I succeed or failed. Since I don't see much post or little to no post here in this thread, I don't drop in here. Thank you.

Thank you guys for support and suggestion. And I thank for the ONE who put some extra effort to help me. He would understand if he reads this.


Well-Known Member
My Dear Friend NAC

I want to add some point here

1) What Is Jobbing ?
Jobbing is term only and only screen reading that only best five buyer/seller....

to more explain jobbing here .....

Suppose ..You jobbing in SAIL .It;s Rate For Bid 210.10 and ASK 210.20 ...ok
Nifty Is Around 5010 .ok
If You Watching Nifty and trading in SAIL
IF nifty Goes Down And you think SAIL Also Go Down ...and you short sell it ...

But Nexxt Within Second SAIL Goes To Up ...mean's SAIL Around 210.30 ...But Nifty 5005

What you Can Do ..HERE ...You can wait ? ans. is NO...NEVER ...Not wait a second ..simply close your position ...don't ..cause of mkt going down ..SAIL will definatly down ....

How Many Time In TRADE ?
Aaap kitane Time Trade leke khade rahenge ?

i say ..if you are in favor ..then wait for 40-50 second ....and
If You Are UNFAVOR ..Then exit in 5-15 second ....It's Jobbing .....


What speed you have ?
It's alway's 70-80 numeric keypad with 100% accuracy .

If you really want to be a good jobber then can keep in mind ..

If Possible then you can go to any JOBBING FIRM see there what type of work these guy doing .....and think ...




Well-Known Member
^ Thank you vishal.

I know a bit about scalping. But I couldn't understand what are you coming to say about "70-80 numeric keypad with 100% accuracy" I guess you're talking about key speed. I am bit slow, I need to be fast at it.

आप कितने टाइम ट्रेड लेके खड़े रहेंगे?
How many trades will you stand bullet?

मैं हिंदी नहीं जानते. अपनी भाषा करने के लिए कुछ गूढ़वाचन समय लिया. अब मैं अपनी भाषा में जवाब हूँ. यह कैसा है? :clap:


Well-Known Member
hey nac u r using such hi-fi words even though i'm from hindi belt i could not undrstand all of them. google translation?
Yeah, for translation I am using google and for decoding your hindi in english script with microsoft. I ain't know those are hi-fi words. I just used...
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Well-Known Member
Best wishes. See you around at some other place on this forum.

Now I guess this thread will be more of hindi - english tutorial guide for prospective jobbers :)

Yeah you can see me around and you can see me here at least once a week. I love to discuss in my mother tongue. Upto my knowledge I know very few are from my place (Tamilnadu). I don't know if you can understand we can discuss in Tamil என்ன சொல்றீங்க ???

Recently I posted a post out and out in Tamil (about 98%). Tamil readers can check this out.
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hi nac

im a dealer, im new to this site, saw this post and went through it. watch jsw steel mkt depth u ll find 3 people jobbing wit 412 shares. they r from tirupur. they would have earned in thousands. i ll tell u more soon...

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