My Yahoo RealTime Data Viewer


Well-Known Member
Hi Ashish

If you know the programming then whole excercise is fairly simple. One has to know algorithm and command over language or functions/controls.In that case there is no point in asking the code as there are many ways to accomplish the same task. But if you dont know that then there is no point in seeing few english alphabets written randomly defying Wren and Martin's High School English Grammer.

I am planning to release the source code for my programme so if you are interested and know VB6 write a module or class function I will incorporate before release.

Satya has a very keen and perceptive mind and does his coding as per the relevant needs. A creative work for which he deserves appreciation and kudos of all. Let him take his own time in creating a complete product.

pkjha30 said:
Hi Ashish

If you know the programming then whole excercise is fairly simple. One has to know algorithm and command over language or functions/controls.In that case there is no point in asking the code as there are many ways to accomplish the same task. But if you dont know that then there is no point in seeing few english alphabets written randomly defying Wren and Martin's High School English Grammer.

I am planning to release the source code for my programme so if you are interested and know VB6 write a module or class function I will incorporate before release.

Satya has a very keen and perceptive mind and does his coding as per the relevant needs. A creative work for which he deserves appreciation and kudos of all. Let him take his own time in creating a complete product.


Thanks for the compliments. I have sent a mail to your Yahoo email id ([email protected])

I suppose thats the correct email id.

Forum Members,

I would like to give a brief instructions of how to use the Yahoo RT Viewer. Its still in Testing and Development Phase Only.
I am adding more features as and when the need arises.

One of the laziest things in I.T is writing documentation for the developed Tool. Everyone hates this JOB. But, I need to do this for the sake of my application.

coming to point, the instructions

1. After Installing the Application, go to the installed folder and check for QM.INI. This is where most of the settings for the application is coded, it can be modified (bit carefully). In future, you can manage this from the application itself.

2. Run the Application and select RealTime DataViewer (Yahoo & QT).

3. It will open up a form and by default you see Yahoo as selected. For the timebeing QT (logic for Quote Tracker is not coded)

4. Select the List Drop Down Menu, you can see from List1 to List 10. It is similar to the watch list and can be managed by changing in the QM.ini

5. Click on Load and you can see all Stock Names in the Grid

6. Click on Manual Button to get the RT quotes

7. Auto is disable at the moment(since i am in some serious thinking of whether this will be freeware or shareware). Once i get the enligthment, I will open it up.

Any problems or ideas, please post it in this thread.



Well-Known Member
Re: My Yahoo RealTime Data Viewer (*New* Downlad Software)

srisara said:
you can now download the software from the Pankaj's brief case.

Thanks Pankaj for being so generous.

Hi Satya

You are always welcome. I have just renewed my Rediffmail Plus Account for next one year so no problem at all.

The correct link for is ending with "?d=0" appended to the URL in your post so you can edit it. My URL has different link which is not seen from the TiTle.

The actual link is

Any member faces any problem in downloading , do contact me.
My shared folder can also be accessed through



Well-Known Member
just cool. just made a watchlist. works fine.

wishlist & suggestions
sorting in ascending decending form, i mean if one clicks on Script_Name the codes organises itself in alphabetical order etc etc

yes documentation is boring but love it or hate it you cannot ignore it. but i think putting it in a HELP file is much more structured.

and again thanks both to satya and pankaj for their contribution.


GR8 WORK. wonderful tool developed.I have one suggestion as far as making it FREEware / SHAREware. A FREEware and SHAREware with some restrictions/limitations in the shareware tool. ITS PPLL like u who make this forum a gud place to be in always. KEEP up ur gud work KUDOS to u for this wonderful effort.
