My Yahoo RealTime Data Viewer


Active Member
Hi Satya,

Wonderful idea. This is one of the section-software, I everyday peep in just to look for some thing of these kind. And I know how much popular you are here in Traderji. Long live Satya. Keep the good work and all the best to you.

Just a small suggestion for time being - do add last days close price and the % change.

By the by I also stay here in Saudi (Riaydh). Where are you? I guess you are in Khobar-ARAMCO.

chachi said:
Hi Satya,

Wonderful idea. This is one of the section-software, I everyday peep in just to look for some thing of these kind. And I know how much popular you are here in Traderji. Long live Satya. Keep the good work and all the best to you.

Just a small suggestion for time being - do add last days close price and the % change.

By the by I also stay here in Saudi (Riaydh). Where are you? I guess you are in Khobar-ARAMCO.

oh Chachi,

great that i have a Traderji member in Saudi. I live in Khobar and work for Aramco.

Hi Satya,
Just want to say Cheees for yur excellent effort, now wonder this place is full of people like you who make is a special place. It what make this also different from other

all the best


srisara said:

I am just releasing a Screen Shot of my NEW Application in Making (Yahoo RealTime Data Viewer 1.0).

This is just to give you all a glimpse of what is that I am currently developing and will bet that it will have rich features to get your Trading going.

It is still in development and Experimentation Stage.

I havent decided yet, when to release the First Trial Version.

If you have any suggestions, please do post it here.



Well-Known Member
theres lot of software thats download rt from yahoo, which may or may not works for indian stock exchanges.

but its great to hear a rt software thats exclusively INDIAN :) .

waiting eagerly for the launch.


This is the latest Update on my Yahoo RT Data Viewer.

New Features:
1. Automatic updating of Yahoo RT Data to Amibroker.

At present, I am testing the functionality with only 1 Scrip and will test with more Scrips.

I am attaching a Sample 5 min Chart of NTPC.

Would love to Hear Your Comments on the Subject.



Dear Satya
Please tell me how to set up Amibroker to get eod data from nse/bse/yahoo
as inbuilt Amiquote downloads 2 days old data instead of getting latest one.

Thanks in advance.
