I will call this post : The hidden problems for not experienced option traders
As you remember my post :
""Here the solution I trade in my markets : You are now long the call and your are short the future. The next step is to sell a call credit spread.
You sell one deep in the money call, which brings you back cash, you lost with your long calls !!
To protect now this sold call, you buy one further out of the money call.
You now have one long call, the short future and a call credit spread and the whole trade is managed.""
Now, hidden problems ? Where ?
As market was heading down, selling the future hedged the long calls loss. Sounds easy, but has a few details which can become nasty.
Now lets point on the first one of them :
- As the long call never was in the money, he did not act one to one with the future. Only itm calls are likely to act like the future ( Delta of the options )
The future made slightly some more money, comparing to the loss of time decay and intrinsic value the call lost.
And here is the next detail :
- Time decay. The life of the options are a significant point in any option strategy. The one I mentioned in that situation, works strongly on that behavior of the options.
So far, for exactly that situation we had now, this fine tuned strategy worked fine with the bought call and sold future.
Will be continued in the next post