Learning Group -VIJAYWADA

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Niftyoption bhai Chq your PM.....kindly.....


Well-Known Member

There is a pennant pattern in the 30 Min chart with a move pointing a range of 90 points in NF...8300 is the Max pain for NF

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Industrial Production Data



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These Behaviors Guarantee losses

■Lack of discipline: It takes an accumulation of knowledge and sharp focus to trade successfully. Many would rather listen to the advice of others. They just want to believe, like Fox Mulder.

■Impatience: Some have an insatiable need for action. The day trading adrenaline rush and the gamblers high can have heroin-like addiction pull.

■No objectivity: Some are unable to disengage emotionally from the market. They create a virtual lifelong marriage to their trades. Divorce is not an option.

■Greed: A desire for quick profit blinds many from the diligent work needed to actually win in the long run.

■Refusal to accept truth: Some do not want to believe that the only knowable truth is price action. They feel more secure following cult leaders serving Kool-Aid.

■Impulsive behavior: Many jump into investments based on the morning paper or Good Morning America. Thinking that if you act quickly, somehow you will beat everybody else in the great race is a recipe for a messy failure.

■Inability to stay in the moment of now: To be a successful trader, you cannot spend your time thinking about how you are going to spend your profits. Trading because you have to have money is not workable.

■Stay open-minded: Come into the day knowing your future steps. Do not be stubborn when the market does not go your way. Cut your losses and follow your stinking trading plan.

Source :Internet
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