Incisive Nifty Trend Analysis


Well-Known Member
Thanks TC, interesting post. When we study and look at such large timeframes, is it possible to make money? Am a trader, and enter and exit in a matter of minutes, hours or days. My focus is on studying market movements in the smaller timeframe, and for this I try to understand the trend, psychology, candlestick patterns, bar sizes, levels. However, have an open mind to learn to swing trade, for which the mindset required is quite different. Am wondering if EW would be suited for positional trading rather than short term swing? In the current times that we live in : there is chaos, random noise, political geo-tension, fundamental data etc. which happens frequently enough and moves the market. A short term trader is in alignment with the short term sentiment to gain from such moves. Last Non Farm Payroll data was such an event. Post news, Crude rallied and Gold moved in the opposite direction (-25K in less than 10 minutes) Got in a part of the move in Crude. This trading suits me as my trade is aligned to fundamentals as well as the sentiments. There is no uncertainty of overnight gap etc, and as a trader I am in control of my position. (Incidentally, crude went -ve the next day) Nice sharing views and ideas on Prada's thread which I follow to get an insight to how swing/positional traders think.

@DSM , Prada and other friends

since EW is analysis of the crowds psychology shown best in stock markets charts ,because markets discounts the change in moods instantly in matter of hours.

however , the psychology exists irrespective of the markets existence or without it means that when stock markets in India didnt exist one has to find other means of checking the barometer of bullishness or happiness also called as good mood or bad mood .

i have met Dr S.K Sinha once and recently got my hands with his latest analysis upto the december 2013 ..........beautiful work beautifully taking its course with a lot of precision . it takes a lot of years to understand and being called an expert in this field ...........its a rocket science in the field of TA , i believe.

he has data starting 1938.............think about it if you dont have historic data of past as far as possible , how can the counting be correct ? starting points of waves will be wrong and so will be the final result of yours ............and you will be in illusion of being right a lot of times when it will be a coincidence :)

@Prada , but i must admit , even though you had limited data you are remarkably closer to the reality ...........have a look. but please remember the levels and shown are not engraved in stone and can change with time as analysis is a continuous process .



Well-Known Member
@DSM , Prada and other friends

since EW is analysis of the crowds psychology shown best in stock markets charts ,because markets discounts the change in moods instantly in matter of hours.

however , the psychology exists irrespective of the markets existence or without it means that when stock markets in India didnt exist one has to find other means of checking the barometer of bullishness or bearishness also called as good mood or bad mood .

i have met Dr S.K Sinha once and recently got my hands with his latest analysis upto the december 2013 ..........beautiful work beautifully taking its course with a lot of precision . it takes a lot of years to understand and being called an expert in this field ...........its a rocket science in the field of TA , i believe.

he has data starting 1938.............think about it if you dont have historic data of past as far as possible , how can the counting be correct ? starting points of waves will be wrong and so will be the final result of yours ............and you will be in illusion of being right a lot of times when it will be a coincidence :)

@Prada , but i must admit , even though you had limited data you are remarkably closer to the reality ...........have a look. but please remember the levels and shown are not engraved in stone and can change with time as analysis is a continuous process .

i am a noobie trader but still I find it hard to believe that anything can predict what will happen decades into the future.
I would be an old man by that time :)

Is this actually useful in any way (serious question, not flaming) ?


Well-Known Member
Nifty today down punch 5620 technically validated bottom level in weekly chart.

Now top breakout level 6584. Let us see how market reacts.

Now, almost nifty reached the intermediate top, closing above 6566 weekly basis, trend may continue, otherwise nifty may test 6399......

Now going long nifty without correction may be wrong decision.

Let us see



Well-Known Member
Bobo, Not arguing, and I have respect for your or all alternative opinions, as I too in theoretical manner understand and accept the 5 wave Elliott theory. But only one question is : Are markets obliged to follow a theory? Rather is it not that we try to understand the market moves in relation to the theory.?

One of the most well known and famous exponent of Elliott Wave theory is Robert Prechter. He had rightly predicted the end of bear market in 2009 and thereafter the DOW has been in a an uptrend. However, Robert Prechter asked his subscribers to go short with leverage thrice resulting in large losses if the positions were not covered.

What I am trying to understand is that how (other than major waves) can one interpret, understand and apply EW to make money.? I hope my question will bring forth discussion, as the purpose to ask question is to understand rather than to argue. Thanks.

The truth is that if 10 well-versed ellioticians, who are really good at their job, are made to analyse the same set of data then each of those will arrive at the same exact conclusion. Elliott wave analysis is quite complex and has large learning curve. It will take atlest 1 full year to begin basis analysis and will take atleast 10 years to be an expert.


Well-Known Member
Nifty SPOT hourly (Retracement calculated from orthodox Wave 3 end point)

Nifty SPOT hourly (Retracement calculated from actual Wave 3 end point)

6427-6407 looks like probable wave 4 target. If we break that then 6343-6326 level is possible. I have posted calculations from actual as well as orthodox end points above.
@bobo your charts are not opening in full window. Pl rectify. I am using iPad tapatalk.


Well-Known Member

Just curious to know

We are still in wave 2
It is over and now we are in wave 3

Wave 1 has extended

Nifty SPOT 10 Minutes
Nothing much has changed since yesterday except that the 5th within C of 2 is formed as a ending diagonal. I am expecting it to end near the targets mentioned yesterday and after that an explosive move up. Also I spotted a inverted Head & Shoulder. see the chart above.
Depth of the head is about 140 pts. So if this works out, we would be looking at 6600+ on NS !! Let's see.


Well-Known Member
If you don't mind me asking, how on earth can you trade on Elliott on such a short time frame?................ Since when you are doing it and what is the result?

I am curious actually, Elliott looks untradable on such short times :)

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