Astrological nifty

Moon is in even sign. So upto approximately 11/30 AM, it's effect may be weak due to its old awastha but afterwards, it is likely to be strong. Last month also on 16/8/2017, Moon was in Rohini star,but awastha was youthful i.e very strong. Last month Moon was aspected by Retrograde Saturn, but market was very bullish-- a rise of more than 100 points. So tomorrow we have to watch the movement of the market before 11/30 AM and after 11/30 AM. It is believed that aspect of retrograde
Saturn is more powerful than direct Saturn. Last month inspite of Moon being aspected by retrograde Saturn, market was strong due to Moon awastha which was strong right from
9/15 AM to around 3 PM. This time Moon awastha is strong only after 11/30 AM. So let us watch tomorrow's market action.
Moon is in even sign. So upto approximately 11/30 AM, it's effect may be weak due to its old awastha but afterwards, it is likely to be strong. Last month also on 16/8/2017, Moon was in Rohini star,but awastha was youthful i.e very strong. Last month Moon was aspected by Retrograde Saturn, but market was very bullish-- a rise of more than 100 points. So tomorrow we have to watch the movement of the market before 11/30 AM and after 11/30 AM. It is believed that aspect of retrograde
Saturn is more powerful than direct Saturn. Last month inspite of Moon being aspected by retrograde Saturn, market was strong due to Moon awastha which was strong right from
9/15 AM to around 3 PM. This time Moon awastha is strong only after 11/30 AM. So let us watch tomorrow's market action.
It will be of great help if you please elaborate more on AWASTHA of Moon. Your statement is superb.
It will be of great help if you please elaborate more on AWASTHA of Moon. Your statement is superb.
Question is for kchusha but i will put my view.. He started looking at Avastha in reference to my post..

When ever any planet enter in a Rashi depending on its Degree between 0 to 30 it has different Avastha .. It is equivalent to stage of human life.

While entrance in ODD Rashi like 1st 3rd 5th rashi ie Mesh Mithun Sinha sequence is --- Balak -- Kumar -- Yuva --- Vrudha -- Mruta

In Even rashi sequence is Mruta -- Vrudha -- Yuva -- Kumar -- Balak

So today Moon turned Yuva in 2nd ( Vrishabh ) rashi from Vrudha avastha after 12 noon..

So as moon represents sentiments in Yuva stage sentiments are most powerful as compared to other stages.. Which reflected in storng upmove
Dear astrader and Krishan Prakash Saxena Saab,
Let us keep this astrological thread alive irrespective of any provocation / leg pulling etc. A great astrological thread started by Susheel Saab came to an abrupt end
some years back. I started reading about stock market astrology seeing Susheel and Saxena Saab's thread. Astrader views are also very excellent. So by exchange of
various we can enrich our knowledge. Astrology is an evolving process. New things will come to light as time passes. By the way, I would like to answer Saxena Saab's
query to which astrader has already given the reply. But some small correction is to be made if I am not mistaken. In odd signs, 0-6* Infant stage ( 25% result )
6-12* Kumara stage ( 50% result ) 12-18* Yuva stage ( 100% result )18-24* Vriddha stage ( weak result ) and 24-30* ( Mrita stage ( no result ). In even signs, results
are just the opposite. 0-6* ( Mrita stage ) 6-12* ( Vriddha stage ) 12-18* ( Yuva stage ) 18-24* ( Kumara stage ) and 24-30* ( Infant stage ).
Right now I do not have. I was just browsing the web site of various astrology sites and I came to know about this e-book in PDF format. He was giving some practical examples
and also he was talking about awastha of planets. If I come to know about the exact web site I will disclose in this forum.

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