You can check khushi mam's utility for calculating 10 days volatility, its best of all.
here's the link
here's the link
Some clarification pl:
Open value- Is it to days after the mkt or eod.
Presume Volatalities r as per EOD.
But,calculator does not have provision for Ten days average
So,how is related to Rish's posting.
As per ajeetsingh, the range for NF for today 4/4
R - 5707/5719/5738
S - 5669/5657/5638
They worked Very nicely for Trading:clapping:
I also calculated for Adanient & Wipro,cash & both worked very well.:thumb:
Is it possible to construct a Xl which when entered Closing price & Volatility,other parameters would be shown.
I am Not good at it.
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