Advice needed please help !!!

I am currently doing the same thing . I quit my job to be a trader and trust me the pressure from family and friends will be a killer. Though i am living with It. I have come to this point many times over the last 7 years of work ex and this time i finally decided to try it. If you have decided this , go for it cos every winning trade will make you lose interest in your job. I din't want to regret something in future and i have given myself a chance as this was the only time i could take this risk. If you think you can multi task that well (i.e. work in office and paper trade) then way to go..... Else quit your job and start learning TA ,but only if you can handle pressure from your family.

Since you got just 2 years of work ex in your job , take your call accordingly if you think you will get a job once you look around. Just in case your trades go wrong and your capital is 0.

I would suggest stay in your job for 6 months , build a strategy or try out your trades and if all is going good ((i.e. You are still in black). Quit your job.

Best of luck.
Jain brother I think u should keep giving ur best at job and may be give direct a chance as its trading 24 hrs. Though I have no clue how its done but trying to get more info as I am also in your shoes. May be other learned members of the forum can throw some light on this subject.

On the other I would like to request all the very experienced forum members to highest me the resources available for learning to trade on 3/5min charts. I want to learn the art. Please suggest me some fine study material on the subject.

Thanks and regards.


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Hi all,

I am facing a deli-ma please share your views regarding this

I am currently working in IT sector with OK kind of salary (I am married too...)

I have been learning and day trading since past 3/4 months and though returns are not that great but my ledger is black and I have learnt a lot and got a hang of the business.

Now problem is all this while I was day trading my other area of work this my job suffered, and I have come to the realization that both of the areas (and marriage) are difficult to juggle together; sooner or later job performance will dip due to day trading. I feel I need to choose between one of them unfortunately :mad::mad::mad:

Now problem with job is that I am not built to be a job seeker its not in my blood. I can earn OK with this and never be wealthy (the entire capitalism is based on keeping the job seekers from poor to middle class level while the capitalist are having all the fun). Advantage is a steady income, peace of mind (though there is no job security these days) etc.

Come to day trading advantage is I am on my own, there is no limit to wealth I can live my dreams through this.
Disadvantage is its risky, as of now the earnings are just a fraction (tiny one) of my steady income, I am not sure if I could be a successful trader so as to replicate my job income in any way looking at the fact that most traders loose.

I am sure many of you must have faced or are facing such a situation; having a day job and do day trade.

The most obvious answer would be to move from 3/5 min TF to 60 min TF but somehow I am not comfortable trading 60min TF. I never got a hang of 60min and swing trading. I can do delivery trades but i don't have that kind of capital to do delivery trades.

Fellow traders I appreciate all of your efforts on this forum and have no words to thanks you all as all my trading knowledge/skills are courtesy to all of you, please help me out with this one too...
I will advise you same what TraderRavi said. Don't leave your job. Your salary will help your investments and trades. Do positional or Swing trading spending few minutes at your lunch time or place after market orders. Do analysis at end of day and also at end of week.

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