A Strong Trading Mind

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Well-Known Member
Live your truth. Most people go through life living a lie. Pretending to be someone they're not....and they are miserable. Live your truth. You only have one life to live. Live it your way. If family or friends don't approve - that's their problem. Don't make it yours.

What people think of you is none of your business. To thine own self be true. Being yourself unblocks your energy. It frees you up. It allows you to live from your power. The world is waiting for you. It's time to be you! Live from the GREATNESS within you!!

Les Brown


Well-Known Member
How to relax

What is this topic doing in a place which is about money?

Well this is about money. Remember every step that you take is helping you go towards your goal or towards complicating your life. Most of us reach a particular a little by chance, a little by luck, and a little by strategy. I can now look back and say ‘it was strategy’ but that strategy was helped by many things. Some of it like place of birth and stay were clearly luck, and the fact that I learnt some of the skills that I have is skill!

Let us assume that you want to get calmer in life and in investing..what are the things that help?

  • Realize that good fund managers create a focus in their strategy and stick to it. Like Raamdeo Agrawal says companies are either multi baggers, ordinary, or value destroyers. It is the fund managers job to constantly look for Great companies – and it is numbers driven. So somebody has to relentlessly keep pursuing the numbers.
  • After a point you realize that there is nothing new to learn in investing: it is just the implementation of the simple things that you learnt. Continuous pursuit of the same things – Roce, growth, PEG, ronw, management integrity. I have seen a study showing that only about 100 listed companies have created wealth for the shareholder. So looking at the 9000 listed companies makes no sense. Look intensely at the sensible companies.
  • Get up early: you get a lot of time for yourself without any disturbance. Just you and your books. Or you and your writing. Or you and walking, running, etc. A lot of ‘you’ time is available from say 4.30am till about 8am.
  • Chant some mantras: If this helps you great. It is a nice way to start. See if you can sit silently for an hour even when there are people around you (silence is easy when there is nobody). Try practicing 45 minutes of silence – no talking, no writing, no pen, paper, phone, ipad…just no interaction except with yourself. At some stage no processing of thoughts.
  • Walk instead of using a vehicle: again you get time with yourself. 2-3 kms is easy to walk. In Lower Parel it is faster than taking a vehicle, trust me, tried it yesterday it worked. Took a train, finished 3 meetings, came back by road simply because i thought 8.30 trains would be too crowded. Works. Public transport helps many times.
  • Concentrate: Do one thing at a time. When you are listening, listening. In most times there is no need to react. When somebody asks me ‘where do you think the market is headed?’ I look to the person next to me to answer. That person does. In most cases the person next to me will have a view on China, Obama, Na Mo, Rail budget, ..I am happy listening. I do not understand macros. I am happy that I know that.
  • Be Focused on what you want: Money, happiness, meeting people, high sounding title, – have not found ‘one job’ which gives all of this. Normally it is this or that. Make your choice responsibly.



Well-Known Member
How to Use These Practices to Cultivate Laser-Sharp Focus

Do you ever feel like you’re too busy for meditation?

You understand the benefits, and you’d really like to commit to it. But you’re a busy person. You have deadlines to meet, food to prepare, bills to pay, kids to raise, family members to call—and even that’s barely scratching the surface.

Think of each situation as a trigger to bring you back to the present moment. You definitely don’t have to start with all of them; in fact, I’d start by choosing three or four to practice. Then try adding one a week until you can incorporate all of them into your life.

1. Waking up.

As soon as you wake up, before you get out of bed, take three deep breaths. This will have the double benefit of quietening your mind and giving your brain an oxygen boost to get you out of bed.

2. Getting out of bed.

Not all of us have time for yoga. But we all have time to stretch. When you first stand, take a deep breath in and stretch your hands as high as you can toward the ceiling, fingers pointing straight up. Then as you breathe out, relax, lean forward, and try to touch your toes. Make sure to focus on your breathing and the sensations of the stretch.

3. Making your bed.

Making your bed first thing in the morning is a great opportunity to practice mindfulness. Try to be completely engaged in the activity, putting all your attention into the folding of the sheets.

4. Showering.

As you take a shower, spend a minute or two just feeling the water on your skin; notice the temperature, the pressure, and the sounds as it falls.

5. Getting dressed.

Most of us rush to get our clothes on, but when you get dressed in the morning, take a second to pay attention to the way they feel on your skin, the texture of the material, and the warmth that they provide.

6. Boiling the kettle.

Instead of running around the house and trying to do everything before the kettle boils, sit quietly and listen intently to the water bubble or the kettle whistle.

7. Drinking tea or coffee.

When you drink tea of coffee, sip slowly and be mindful of the taste, temperature, and subtle effect it has on your body.

8. Brushing your teeth.

We all (hopefully) do this. So it’s a great place to start focusing on the present moment.

9. Listen to music.

Listening to some relaxing music before you leave the house in the morning is a great way to center yourself. Completely immerse yourself in the song. Be aware of the volume, cadence, tempo, the uniqueness of the sounds.

10. Writing a to-do list by hand.

Whether you do this first thing in the morning or last thing at night, creating a to-do list can quell anxieties and bring your attention to exactly what you have to do throughout the day. Using an old-fashioned pen and paper will help you be more mindful then will typing it in your phone or computer.

11. Running.

Leave your music at home and just pay attention to the sounds of whatever is around you as you run. You might want to focus on the rhythm of your feet as they hit the ground.

12. Touching your hair.

Next time you catch yourself running your hands through your hair, pay attention how it feels in your hands. Is it soft, spikey, curly, wavy?

13. Stopping at a red light.

A lot of us get angry, nervous or tense when we drive. Every time you stop at a red light, take a deep breath and try to relax any tension you might be holding in your jaw, neck or shoulders.

14. When waiting.

Whenever you find yourself waiting, whether it be for a meeting, at a bus stop, or an appointment, try to relax all the muscles in your face—your jaw, your brows, your eyelids.

15. Walking.

As you’re walking down the street, pay attention to how your legs and feet feel against the ground. Check your breathing. It’s common to breathe shallow when you’re in public, so make sure you’re still breathing through your diaphragm.

16. Hugging or handshakes.

No one likes a cold hug. Make sure the first person you hug or shake hands with today feels like you gave it your complete attention instead of feeling like your mind was somewhere else.

17. Exercising.

At the gym, be completely focused on whatever exercise you are doing. You can let your mind wander when you’re taking a break, but throughout the exercise itself, be focused entirely on the practice.

18. Eating lunch.

At lunchtime, take a bite out of your food and chew it slowly. Be mindful of the texture; is it crunchy or soft? Taste; is it spicy, bitter, sweet, or sour? Temperature; is it hot, cold, or just lukewarm?

19. Talking to someone.

Try to be completely present in conversation, making eye contact and listening to what they say without thinking about what you want to add next or where you’re going to be later.

20. At your desk.

If you work at a desk and catch yourself slouching, take a deep breath, sit up straight, and relax the muscles in your face, your neck, and finally your shoulders.

21. Set a phone alarm.

A lot of people see technology as a hindrance to mindfulness, and that’s true to an extent. But we can use things like phone alarms to remind us to spend a few seconds bringing our awareness back to our breath throughout the day.

22. Follow an insect.

Yep. You may feel like a child, but that’s a good thing—children live in the present. If you see an insect, forget everything else around you and watch how it moves for a few seconds. Be aware that it’s a living being just like you.

23. Getting home at night.

When you walk through the door to your house or apartment, pause and think about how grateful you are to be home. Whether it’s cold outside, and you’ve just walked into warmth, or you’re returning home to someone you love – there’s always something to appreciate.

24. Taking off your shoes.

We all like to take our shoes off after a long day. Pay attention to how your feet feel on the ground, try to move your toes around and feel each one individually.

25. Cooking.

Cooking offers a variety of ways to be mindful. You can hone your attention in on your own movements, the sounds in the kitchen, the taste of the food you are preparing, or the aromas of the different spices as they cook.

26. Watching T.V.

A lot of us work anxiously all day, and when we get some leisure time end up too distracted to truly enjoy it. If you’re watching T.V try to be fully present to what you’re watching, as opposed to half-heartedly talking to a loved one or browsing through your phone.

27. Vacuuming.

Counter-intuitive, I know—this isn’t for everyone. But focusing on the noise of the vacuum can be effective because it often drowns out any other sensory distractions.

28. At dinner.

Think about the ingredients that have gone into your meal—where have they come from? If it’s fish, for example, imagine the fisherman catching it at sea, bringing it to the docks, and selling it to local farmers markets.

29. At least five minutes of Do Nothing Time (DNT).

No checking your phone. No reading a newspaper. Don’t even try to meditate. Just sit there, and if any feelings come up—discomfort, restlessness, or even guilt that you’re not doing anything—just embrace them. Most of the time we’re so wrapped up in doing something ‘productive’ that it’s difficult to just sit still and do nothing.

30. Lying in bed.

Before you go to sleep, take a moment to think of one thing you were grateful for that day, no matter how big or small, or how difficult the day was. This will condition your mind for positivity, and help you sleep better.

As you start to see the benefits of these daily practices, you’ll feel more focused, energized, and you can move on to longer focused meditation sessions. Start taking a few moments out of your day to practice mindfulness now, and you’ll enjoy the rewards for years to come.


Well-Known Member
Stretch yourself. Over the next 90 days, do something new that will challenge you to grow. Make it a point to develop different business contacts; form new relationships; and expand your friends and colleagues beyond your present circle. These should be people that you can grow from mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and financially.

Seek out positive and inspiring relationships. Find multiple ways to stretch yourself. Decide to grow in at least two areas of interest that will stimulate your mind; challenge your creativity; and increase your value. You have the ability to impact others, and the capacity to do much more in your life ~ so go ahead..S..T..R..E..T..C..H yourself!! You have GREATNESS within you!!

Les Brown


Well-Known Member
Know your worth! Do not fall into the trap of believing that who you are and what you are worth are dependent on who you are with or what you have. No one can ever give you your self-worth...but you decide if you let someone rob you of it. Become aware of how you medicate the pain in your life. It may include food, shopping, alcohol, drugs, or relationships which continue to diminish your sense of self.

You will never truly feel good until you learn to love yourself unconditionally. Your life is a gift. Say to yourself constantly..."I deserve the best that life has to offer."

Live from this place. Make it a point to build new relationships that are positive, encouraging and supportive. Take it upon yourself to develop a sense of purpose, optimism and discipline. Realize that no one can take away your most valuable assets - your mind and your self-esteem...without your permission. You Deserve!

Les Brown


Well-Known Member
Follow your heart and go after your dream! There will be people in your life who will tell you that you are wasting your time. Ignore them.

There are things that will happen that will catch you on the blind side and drop you to your knees. Pull yourself together and move past them. Above all, do not take it personally. It is called life.

Life is full of disappointments, failures and setbacks. None of those things can permanently stop you. You have the power in you to overcome anything that life throws at you. There is nothing as powerful as a made-up mind. Surround yourself with people who remind you that you matter and support you in the ways that matter most to you. No person, situation or circumstance can define who you are. Do not give up, cave in, or stop believing that it is possible. You have GREATNESS within you!

Les Brown

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