A Strong Trading Mind

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Well-Known Member
It's been several months, my account isn't looking good. I have taken the time to make some self-assessment after trading. One of the behavior I have is an impulsive finger. Click, click, click... going against my trading plan, well not going against it but clicking the mouse way early before my entry signal.

There is a lack of focus. I have found that each time I entered early before my trade, I was feeling greedy. I felt that I can catch a big move, I felt excited and a rush. I also felt that I was missing out on a great opportunity to make some profits.

This is out of control, I need to control this urge. I need to stay composed and in control. I need to develop self control and patience.


What to do and how to do?

Self control and patience are a prerequisite in trading. As with life (not just in trading), impulsive decisions, impulsive actions or impulsive behaviors usually lead to problems.

As much as you would like to tell yourself to be patient and be in control, it wouldn't help very much in changing the behavior. Mark Douglas (trading in the zone) suggests that you try to catch yourself during those moments when you lose control/being impatient and try to get some control at that moment. This is one way of changing the behavior, but it is not the efficient way. This is not getting to the root of the problem. Trying to get some control during those moments would be to late. Most often, the moment you realize that you f***ed up, everything has already been done.

You see, you have got to come to the battlefield prepared. If this happens, this is what you do... when that happens, then this is what you do next. You shouldn't go into battle, not knowing what to expect, then meet the circumstance and say, "What do I do now!?". You should be prepared and know what you are doing, way before you enter the battlefield.

Can you imagine a surgeon not prepared in the operating room (battlefield). He takes a scalpel, cuts the patient open and then says, "What do I do now!?" So why would you go into trading not prepared?

Training Exercise:
During my developing years, I set aside training days (not demo-ing days). To train myself in self control and patience, I set a trading day (Friday) as one of my training day. Not weekends, but during live trading hours.

Friday was a day of no trading. I would simply sit and watch the market moved for 6 hours. I watched the market moved up and down, made lovely breakouts, skyrocketed to new heights and plummeted to extreme lows. I watched myself as I went into an emotional roller-coaster ride; the greed, the rush, the disappointments, the confused and all the mixed emotions you can ever have in trading.

I did this for almost a year (every week), slowly seeing the results the effect it had on me. I still perform and continue this exercise once every month (last trading day of the month).

Valuable lesson:
You will develop self control and patience. It does this by molding your mind into a belief that everything is fine, that everything is OK, that everything is safe when you miss a trade/don't trade. It molds your mind into a stronger belief that opportunities are abundant. When you hold such perception (everything is safe, abundant opportunities), your behavior will act accordingly; self control and patience.

Training exercise: Whether you are a scalper, short, medium or long term trader, set a day of the week (during trading days) to watch the market intensely. No Trading during this training. The beauty of it is that you don't even have to take any notes (if you don't want to). You don't have to analyze the charts. Just sit there and watch it. Just be aware of the emotions and feelings that are running through you.

IMPORTANT: Even if you see the best setup occur, the biggest move happening... it is STRICTLY NO TRADING. Just sit and watch, nothing else.

This is a very important exercise. This is the fastest way I know how to instill self control and patience.

I can hear most are whinging/sulking already. It is like a person who wants to become a doctor, but says he doesn't want to deal with piss, **** and vomit. If you don't want to deal with it, you are best to be in another Profession. These are the roads you must take to become a Professional trader. I have more than 10,000 hours of looking at live charts, and that's the difference between you and me. One drawback of medium-long term traders are that they don't get enough live screen time.

Mold the mind, don't mold the behavior. The way to mold the mind is to train it. Training, training, training, ... You must be prepared long before you enter the battlefield.
It is OK to miss a trade... But it is NOT OK to miss a trade because of laziness.


Well-Known Member
Arm yourself with courage today to face the challenges in your life. You will not defeat everything that you face, but nothing is defeated until it is faced. Do not let the feelings of fear, uncertainty and discomfort stop you from making tough decisions.

Get out of bed. Turn off the television. Stop wasting time listening to negative conversations, including your own. Limit your distractions. Cancel your pity party. Pull yourself together and take total ownership for everything in your life. Do not waste your energy or take up space in your mind by blaming others or expecting them to rescue you. You are your knight in shining armor. You hold the key to unlocking your new future.

It does not matter how many times you have been knocked down. What matters most is that you continue to get back up. It is time to get it on and move your life forward by taking your power back. Place all bets on you and get busy! You deserve more...much, much more! You have GREATNESS within you!!

Les Brown


Well-Known Member
Rise above the pain! You are bigger than your circumstances or your life situation. Your life is not defined by your relationship status, your current job, your bank account, or anything that you have or have not done in the past. Do not listen to any person or automatic negative thoughts that may have conditioned you to think of yourself or your life as a failure.

Do not ever choose a permanent solution for a temporary problem. You have people who need you and who are counting on you. There is always another day and another way. Rise above the pain and know that deep inside of you there is another person waiting to break through. You have the ability to rebuild, regroup, recover and revive!! Breathe life into your dream. Know that you can live a meaningful and purposeful life. You are an unrepeatable miracle and your dream can live...despite what you feel or what you are going through right now! You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!

Les Brown


Well-Known Member
Rise above the pain! You are bigger than your circumstances or your life situation. Your life is not defined by your relationship status, your current job, your bank account, or anything that you have or have not done in the past. Do not listen to any person or automatic negative thoughts that may have conditioned you to think of yourself or your life as a failure.

Do not ever choose a permanent solution for a temporary problem. You have people who need you and who are counting on you. There is always another day and another way. Rise above the pain and know that deep inside of you there is another person waiting to break through. You have the ability to rebuild, regroup, recover and revive!! Breathe life into your dream. Know that you can live a meaningful and purposeful life. You are an unrepeatable miracle and your dream can live...despite what you feel or what you are going through right now! You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!

Les Brown
kaay boltos amit!....tu tar rockstar aahe re raja!

loved this quote!


Well-Known Member
Beware of abusive personalities who try to isolate you from family members and friends and dominate your life. These control freaks are smooth talkers. They are convincing and persuasive Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hydes. They represent themselves one way publicly but behind closed doors ~they transform!! If you manage to escape them, they will beg and plead to get you back. They may even try to convince you that they will change or that they are sorry. It is a lie. They will never really change. It is simply a ploy to get you back in their icy grip.

Life is too short to allow yourself to be abused mentally, emotionally, financially or physically. These people are dangerous. The longer you stay with them, the harder it is to get away. If they threaten to injure you…believe them. Run. Do not look back. Do not waste good, valuable, irreplaceable time trying to change them. Use that energy to change yourself and put yourself in a different situation. Create an escape plan to get away…and GO! Cut off all communication and work on yourself for a while. Strengthen all aspects of your life. Create some new relationships where you are loved, valued and treated with respect. You Deserve a better life!! Create it!

Les Brown

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