Windows 7 & ODin problem.

I thought the windows firewall (or antivirus-firewall) is blocking so I did un blocking and tried and got the same message (Connection failed check connection integrity)..
And then, I realised that I didn't even switched on the internet (i mean the modem/router) I use Airtel Broadband.
I guess, this means (with or without internet) the message is same.. so there must be something to do with the way win7 try to connect to the broker's server.. It could well be some additional security features blocking the odin software to interact.
So what is that it is different from Vista or XP???
Vikas, Kumar etal.. any idea for this.


Well-Known Member
lolz... sorry but couldn't stop it. no offense but buddy you need internet connection to connect to your broker's server and that is why you getting "Connection failed check connection integrity"..

the problem reported with 'Some' modem/routers + Win7 is "setsockopt failed" which is still being investigated MS but if it is due to some bug in Win7 then will require some time to fix it... but if this is due to a driver bug by the modem/router provider then it would require the modem/router company to provide updated driver.

In either case it is not going to be resolved overnight as debugging an OS is not a piece of cake, specially when you have third party components causing conflicts where you have no control or access to their source.
lolz... sorry but couldn't stop it. no offense but buddy you need internet connection to connect to your broker's server and that is why you getting "Connection failed check connection integrity"..

the problem reported with 'Some' modem/routers + Win7 is "setsockopt failed" which is still being investigated MS but if it is due to some bug in Win7 then will require some time to fix it... but if this is due to a driver bug by the modem/router provider then it would require the modem/router company to provide updated driver.

In either case it is not going to be resolved overnight as debugging an OS is not a piece of cake, specially when you have third party components causing conflicts where you have no control or access to their source.
Seems some problem in understanding!!
Please mate some one who could write in Traderji should atleast know they need internet connection!!!!.
If this ur understanding of my post (or problem) I am really doubtful!!..
I am laughing to myself..
Hai Vikas, thanks for all the effort so far.. great ..great.. service..


Well-Known Member
probably I misunderstood it and read it as that you are saying that you get that connection error when you are not connected to internet.. which is obvious though. but this thread in not really about that error but a possible bug either in modem driver or win7... lets see how it goes.
probably I misunderstood it and read it as that you are saying that you get that connection error when you are not connected to internet.. which is obvious though. but this thread in not really about that error but a possible bug either in modem driver or win7... lets see how it goes.
The message is same.. whether u r connected to internet or not..
probably I misunderstood it and read it as that you are saying that you get that connection error when you are not connected to internet.. which is obvious though. but this thread in not really about that error but a possible bug either in modem driver or win7... lets see how it goes.
In a nutshell, the messages "Connection busy error (Check connection integrity) happens in following cases
1> When your not connected to internet
2> When connected but the broker server is down (example on sat/sun days)
3> When connected but even during trading hours (when from another non win7 computer connection is sucessful) because of Win7.

My conclusion is Win7 is treating the connection in a peculiar way other than Vista or XP.
Finding an answer to this could unlock solution for this.
Any takers??


Well-Known Member
3> When connected but even during trading hours (when from another non win7 computer connection is sucessful) because of Win7.
You should be getting a different error message if you are already connected to you ODIN or web terminal. It clearly says that the user is already logged in.. isnt it?
Hi guyys, i have installed odin integrated (not odin diet) on my win7 (oem copy). but i have been getting the error "Invalid Parameter(Open Connection)" on it. I have tried fixing the H Key in Device Manager on it, but the same problem still persists. i use wifi on my desktop machine. please help.

(*didn't start a new thread cause others too were discussing similar problem)

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