Why seniors and experts donot respond to AFL building queries?


Active Member
There is a gentlemen KAKA on forum indi traders(dot)com

I had posted therein the conditions for this afl,
hats off to him that he developed the Expl AFL for EoD data with an hour of posting of the thread

the link to that is w w w . i n d i t r a d e r s . com/ showthread. php?t=1712
remove spaces

the afl is

p=Param("Volume EMA",15,0,100,1);

Buy=C>Ref(C,-1) AND Ref(C,-1)>Ref(C,-2) AND V>EMA(V,p) AND Zig(C,Z)>Ref(Zig(C,Z),-1) ;
Sell=C<Ref(C,-1) AND Ref(C,-1)<Ref(C,-2) AND V>EMA(V,p) AND Zig(C,Z)<Ref(Zig(C,Z),-1) ;

Filter = Buy OR Sell;
AddColumn( Ref(C,-1), "YESTERDAY " );
AddColumn( Ref(C,-2), "DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY " );
AddColumn( Close, "Close" );
AddColumn( V, "Volume" );
AddColumn( EMA(V,p), " EMA Volume "+P );
AddColumn( Zig(C,Z), "ZIG-ZAG" +Z );

Entire Credit and thanx goes to KAKA, i have named that AFL as KAKA attached
dear pkg,
I am trying to learn AFL.Pl tell me how can you install and run an AFL programme without buying a software from ami and installing it in your system.
Dear seniors,
When using this AFL it shows the lines of day high and low at 10.15am and the lines are extending to nextday till 10.15,I wanted to break at 15.30 and the lines are not to extend to next day .how can I put the end time in this AFL kindly correct this.

Thanks in advance..
breakoutime = 101500;
afterbreakout0 = Cross(TimeNum(),101500);
afterbreakout1 = TimeNum()>=101500 ;

NewDay = Day()!= Ref(Day(), -1);
highestoftheday = HighestSince(newday,H,1);
Lowestoftheday =LowestSince(newday,L,1);

ORBHigh = ValueWhen(afterbreakout0,highestoftheday,1);
ORBLow = ValueWhen(afterbreakout0,lowestoftheday,1);

Buy= Cross(C,orbhigh) AND afterbreakout1;
Sell = Cross(orblow,C) AND afterbreakout1;

Short=Cross(C,ORblow) AND afterbreakout1;
Cover=Cross(ORbhigh,C) AND afterbreakout1;

PlotShapes( shapeUpArrow * Buy, colorGreen,0,L,-12);
PlotShapes( shapeDownArrow * Sell, colorRed,0,H,-12);


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