Which combination of indicators helps detect an impnding upmove or downmove reliably?


Well-Known Member
Re: Which combination of indicators helps detect an impnding upmove or downmove relia

Dear Johnny

i need the macd or rsi divergence afl
SetChartBkColor( ParamColor("Chart Color", colorBlack));
GfxSetTextAlign( 6 );// center alignment
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Text Color", ColorHSB( 42, 42, 42 ) ));
GfxSetBkMode(0); // transparent
GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/12);
GfxTextOut( "PRASAD ANALYTICS ", Status("pxwidth")/2, Status("pxheight")/14);
GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/9 );
GfxTextOut( Name(), Status("pxwidth")/2, Status("pxheight")/4.1 );
GfxSelectFont("Arial Narrow", Status("pxheight")/28 );
GfxTextOut( "[email protected]", Status("pxwidth")/2, Status("pxheight")/1.5);
GfxSelectFont("arial narrow", Status("pxheight")/27 );
GfxTextOut( "Dedicated to MY FATHER : BALKRISHNA RAO", Status("pxwidth")/2, Status("pxheight")/1.15);
k = (GetPerformanceCounter()/100)%256; 
printf("GetPerformance Counter %g",k);
GfxSelectFont("Arial Narrow", 10,700 ); 
//GfxTextOut("Dedicated to the loving memory of MY FATHER on his 75th Birth  Anniversay - LATE BALKRISHNA RAMCHANDRA RAO 13.10.1935",100+k ,26); 
MACDw = MACD( 12, 26 ) - Signal( 12, 26, 9 );
MACDwLINE =  MACD( 12, 26 ) ;
MACDwSignal = Signal( 12, 26, 9 );
Plot(MACDw,"MACD Weekly",colorLavender,styleHistogram);
WeekHistRising =  Ref(MACDw , -1) < Ref(MACDw , 0);
WeekHistFalling = Ref(MACDw , -1) > Ref(MACDw , 0);
Lastbarindex = Param("last",EndValue(BarIndex()),1,EndValue(BarIndex()),1);
Thisbarindex = SelectedValue(BarIndex());
Line01 = SelectedValue(MACDw);
//Line02 = SelectedValue(MACDw);
PriceLine1= LineArray(Thisbarindex,Line01 ,Lastbarindex,Line02,0,1);
Plot(PriceLine1,"", colorYellow,styleLine|styleDots);
GfxSetTextAlign( TA_left = 0);
GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", 11, 700 ); 
GfxSetTextAlign( TA_LEFT = 0 );
GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", 11, 700 ); 
GfxTextOut(Name()+ "   " + Date(),07,25); 
Title = " "; 

//[email protected]


Well-Known Member
Re: Which combination of indicators helps detect an impnding upmove or downmove relia

macd div 2nd

// MACD divergence
// Backgraund color White

P = Param("Priod MACD", 26, 8, 26, 1);

Length = 100; 
Lapse = 3; 

fUp = VMACD > Ref(VMACD, -1) & VMACD > Ref(VMACD, 1) & VMACD >55;
fDown = VMACD < Ref(VMACD, -1) & VMACD < Ref(VMACD, 1) & VMACD < 45;

Div = 0;

for(i = Length; i < BarCount; i++)

// Down
k = i-1;
if(VMACD[k] > VMACD[i] & fUp[i] & fUp[k])
if(C[k] < C[i] & i-k > Lapse)
Div[i] = 1;
k = i-Length;
k = k-1;
} while( k > i-Length );


// Up

k = i-1;
if(VMACD[k] < VMACD[i] & fDown[i] & fDown[k])
if(C[k] > C[i] & i-k > Lapse)
Div[i] = -1;
k = i-Length;
k = k-1;
} while( k > i-Length );


Fon = IIf(Div == 0, 0, 1);

Col = IIf(Div == 1, 4, IIf(Div == -1, 5, 1));

Color = IIf(Div == 1, 48, IIf(Div == -1, 14, 1));

Color = IIf(fUp == 1, 48, IIf(fDown == 1, 14, 1));

Div = IIf(Div == 0, Null, abs(Div));
Fon = abs(Div);

Title = EncodeColor(4)+"MACD(" + WriteVal(P, 2.0) + ")" + EncodeColor(1) + " ="+WriteVal(MACD(P)); 
Plot( MACD(P), "MACD", Col, 5);
Plot( -0.015,"", 4, 16+4096);
Plot( 0.45,"", 4, 16+4096);
Plot(Fon, "", Color, 16384+32768+4096, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 1);

_SECTION_BEGIN("MACD Divergence");
// MACD divergence system
// This system detects MACD and MACD-H positive and negative divergences, and 
// crossovers.  

// This indicator/expansion is based completely on indicators/explorations written
// by other AFL contributors, all of them much cleverer than me. There is very 
// little original work here.

// As an indicator, it displays the usual MACD and MACD-H indicators. It also 
// displays a shape indicating where a divergence or crossover occurs.
// As an exploration, simply select n = 1, define the stock universe to be
// examined, and press the "Explore" button. The detected stocks are listed
// together with a red/green color-coded indication of the divergence or
// crossover
// Several parameters can be configured, including the minimum divergence and 
// histogram widths. Configure to suit your own requirements.

// This is still a work in progress, so if you have any suggestions or improvements,
// please let me know via the forum.


// Setup

// Parameters
PeriodEMA = 13;
MACDIndicatorRange = 50;

// Volume filter
VolumeFilter = Param( "Volume MA filter", 100000, 50000, 500000, 100000 );
Timeframe = Interval(2);

// Adjust for weekly if necessary
if( Timeframe == "5-day" || Timeframe == "Weekly" ) {
  VolumeFilter  = VolumeFilter * 5;
else if( Timeframe == "Monthly") {
  VolumeFilter = VolumeFilter * 20;
else if( Timeframe != "Daily" ) {
  VolumeFilter = 0;

// Minimum number of bars required to form a divergence pattern. For a
// positive divergence, this is the number of falling bars in the context
// of a rising MACD or MACD-H pattern. Vice versa for negative divergence
MACDDivMinWidth = Param("Divergence min width", 4, 1, 10, 1 ); 

// Minimum width of negative projecting wave between two positive MACD-H waves, 
// otherwise two positive waves will be considered as one single wave. This
// minimises invalid divergences, to ensure that "back of bears is broken".
// The same applies for a positive wave between two negative waves.
HistMinWidth = Param("Histogram min width", 4, 1, 10, 1 ); 

PeriodEMA = Optimize( "PeriodEMA ", 13, 5, 23, 1 );

// Other parameters
OpenPositions = 10;
ATRPeriod = 5;
InitialCapital = 100000;

PeriodFast = Param( "Fast EMA", 12, 2, 200, 1 );
PeriodSlow = Param( "Slow EMA", 26, 2, 200, 1 );
PeriodSignal = Param( "Signal EMA", 8, 2, 200, 1 );
MACDInd = MACD(PeriodFast, PeriodSlow );
SigInd = Signal(PeriodFast, PeriodSlow , PeriodSignal );
HistInd = MACDInd - SigInd ;
_N( macdStr = WriteVal( PeriodFast, 1.0 )+","+WriteVal( PeriodSlow , 1.0 ) );
_N( sigStr = macdStr + ","+WriteVal( PeriodSignal , 1.0 ) );

// Get displayed min and max value of MACD and MACD-H, to rescale it for better visibility
scMACDMax = LastValue(HHV(Max(MACDInd, sigInd), 
                  BarsSince( Status("barvisible") AND NOT Ref(Status("barvisible"),-1) ))); 
scMACDMin = LastValue(LLV(Min(MACDInd, sigInd), 
                  BarsSince( Status("barvisible") AND NOT Ref(Status("barvisible"),-1) ))); 
scaleMACD = Max( abs(scMACDMax), abs(scMACDMin) ); 

scHistMax = LastValue(HHV(HistInd, 
            BarsSince( Status("barvisible") AND NOT Ref(Status("barvisible"),-1) ))); 
scHistMin = LastValue(LLV(HistInd, 
            BarsSince( Status("barvisible") AND NOT Ref(Status("barvisible"),-1) ))); 
scaleHist = Max( abs(scHistMax), abs(scHistMin) ); 

Plot( HistInd, "", colorDarkYellow, styleHistogram  | styleOwnScale | styleThick , 
      -scaleHist * 1.2, scaleHist * 1.2);
Plot( MACDInd, "", colorGreen);
Plot( SigInd , "", colorRed);

Plot( scaleMACD * 1.2,"",colorRed,styleNoDraw);
Plot( -scaleMACD* 1.2 ,"",colorRed,styleNoDraw); 
GraphXSpace = 0;

Title = EncodeColor(colorBlue) + Name() + " - MACD: M(" + macdStr + ") = " 
        + WriteVal(MACDInd,1.3) + ", S(" + sigStr + ") = " 
        + WriteVal(SigInd,1.3) + ", H = " + WriteVal(HistInd,1.3);

// If current symbol is NOT an index, compare volume MA to filter limit
VolumeMA = MA( V, 50 );
if( IsIndex() ) {
  VolumeMABool = True;
else {
  VolumeMABool = IsTrue( VolumeMA > VolumeFilter );

// Get MACD-H, EMA, Stochastics and RSI arrays
DayHist = MACD( PeriodFast, PeriodSlow ) - 
          Signal( PeriodFast, PeriodSlow, PeriodSignal );
DayEMA = EMA( Close, PeriodEMA );
DaySTO = StochK( 14 );
DayRSI = RSI( 14 );
DayBuyBool = IsTrue( 
                ( // DayEMA > Ref(DayEMA,-1)  // EMA rising
                  DaySTO < 70                 // STO not overbought
                  // AND DayRSI > Ref(DayRSI,-1) // RSI rising
                  AND MACD( PeriodFast, PeriodSlow ) < 0 )
                OR Timeframe == "5-day" OR Timeframe == "Weekly"
DaySellBool = IsTrue( 
                ( // DayEMA < Ref(DayEMA,-1)  // EMA falling
                  DaySTO > 30                 // STO not oversold
                  // AND DayRSI < Ref(DayRSI,-1) // RSI falling
                  AND MACD( PeriodFast, PeriodSlow ) > 0 )
                OR Timeframe == "5-day" OR Timeframe == "Weekly"

// Positive MACD divergences

// Get array containing for each element, when the MACD's lowest
// value occur, within the specified number of bars
MACDLowBars = LLVBars( MACDInd, MACDDivMinWidth );

// Get array defining if the MACD's previous bar was the 
// minimum, AND if that MACD value < 0
MACDMinCond = MACDLowBars > 0 AND 
        Ref(MACDLowBars,-1) == 0 AND 
        Ref(MACDInd,-1) < 0;

// Get array containing MACD low bar values where lows
// occured, all other bars filled with 0
MACDLowVal = IIf( MACDMinCond , Ref(MACDInd,-1), 0 );

// Get array containing MACD low bar value at bar where MACD 
// low occured, all other bars filled with preceding MACD 
// low value (chandelier)
MACDLowSteps = ValueWhen( Ref(MACDMinCond,0), 
                          Ref(MACDInd,-1), 1 );

// Get array containing price low bar values where lows
// occured, all other bars filled with huge number
PriceMACDLowVal = IIf( MACDMinCond, 
                       Ref(LLV(L,MACDDivMinWidth ),-1), 
                       2000000 );

// Get array containing local price low bar value at bar 
// where MACD low occured, all other bars filled with preceding 
// price low value (chandelier)
PriceMACDLowSteps = ValueWhen( Ref(MACDMinCond ,0), 
                               LLV(L,MACDDivMinWidth ) );

// Get array containing differences in MACD low bar values
MACDLowDiffs = MACDLowSteps - Ref(MACDLowSteps,-1); 

// Get array containing differences in price low bar values
PriceMACDLowDiffs = PriceMACDLowSteps - Ref(PriceMACDLowSteps,-1);

// Get array defining positive divergences
MACDLowBarDiffs = Ref( BarsSince(MACDMinCond ), -1 );

// Divergence signal
MACDPosDivergence = // MACDLowDiffs > 0 AND 
         MACDLowVal < 0 
         AND MACDLowVal > LLV(MACDLowVal, MACDIndicatorRange ) 
         AND PriceMACDLowVal < LLV(Ref(PriceMACDLowVal,-1), MACDIndicatorRange ) 
         AND PriceMACDLowDiffs < 0 
         AND MACDLowBarDiffs < MACDIndicatorRange  
         AND VolumeMABool 
         AND C > 1.0
         // AND WeekBuyBool

// Negative MACD divergences

// Get array containing for each element, when the MACD's highest
// value occur, within the specified number of bars
MACDHighBars = HHVBars( MACDInd, MACDDivMinWidth );

// Get array defining if the MACD's previous bar was the 
// maximum, AND if that MACD value > 0
MACDMaxCond = MACDHighBars > 0 AND 
         Ref(MACDHighBars,-1) == 0 AND 
         Ref(MACDInd,-1) > 0;

// Get array containing MACD high bar values where highs
// occured, all other bars filled with 0
MACDHighVal = IIf( MACDMaxCond, 
                   Ref(MACDInd,-1), 0);

// Get array containing MACD high bar value at bar where MACD 
// high occured, all other bars filled with preceding MACD 
// high value (chandelier)
MACDHighSteps = ValueWhen( Ref(MACDMaxCond,0), 
                           Ref(MACDInd,-1), 1 );

// Get array containing MACD high bar values where highs
// occured, all other bars filled with 0
PriceMACDHighVal = IIf( MACDMaxCond, 

// Get array containing local price high bar value at bar 
// where MACD high occured, all other bars filled with preceeding 
// price high value (chandelier)
PriceMACDHighSteps = ValueWhen( Ref(MACDMaxCond,0), 
                                HHV(H,MACDDivMinWidth) );

// Get array containing differences in MACD high bar values
MACDHighDiffs = MACDHighSteps - Ref(MACDHighSteps,-1);

// Get array containing differences in price high bar values
PriceMACDHighDiffs = PriceMACDHighSteps - Ref(PriceMACDHighSteps,-1);

// Get array defining negative divergences
MACDHighBarDiffs = Ref( BarsSince(MACDMaxCond), -1 );

// Divergence signal
MACDNegDivergence = // MACDHighDiffs < 0 AND 
         MACDHighVal > 0 
         AND PriceMACDHighVal > HHV( Ref(PriceMACDHighVal,-1), MACDIndicatorRange ) 
         AND MACDHighVal < HHV( MACDHighVal, MACDIndicatorRange ) 
         AND PriceMACDHighDiffs > 0 
         AND MACDHighBarDiffs < MACDIndicatorRange 
         AND VolumeMABool 
         AND C > 1.0
         // AND WeekBuyBool

// Positive MACD Histogram divergences

// Get array containing when positive and negative and positive 
// crossovers occured
HistPosCrossover = Cross( HistInd, 0 ) ;
HistNegCrossover = Cross( 0, HistInd ) ;
BarsSinceNegCross = BarsSince( HistNegCrossover );
BarsSincePosCross = BarsSince( HistPosCrossover );

// Get arrays containing for each element, when the MACD-H lowest
// values occur, within the specified number of bars
HistLowBars = LLVBars( HistInd, MACDDivMinWidth );

// Get array defining if the MACD-H previous bar was the minimum
// AND if that MACD-H value was < 0 or > 0
HistMinCond = HistLowBars > 0 AND 
        BarsSinceNegCross >= HistLowBars AND
        Ref(HistLowBars,-1) == 0 AND 
        Ref(HistInd,-1) < 0;

// Get array containing MACD-H  low bar values where lows
// occured, all other bars filled with 0
HistLowVal = IIf( HistMinCond , Ref(HistInd,-1), 0 );

// Get array containing MACD-H  low bar value at bar where MACD-H  
// low occured, all other bars filled with preceding MACD-H  
// low value (chandelier)
HistLowSteps =  ValueWhen( Ref(HistMinCond,0), Ref(HistInd,-1), 1 );

// Get array containing differences between MACD-H low bar value and the value
// at previous MACD-H zero positive crossing
// HistLowDiffs = HistLowSteps - ValueWhen( HistPosCrossover, HistLowSteps, 1 );
HistLowDiffs = HistLowSteps - Ref(HistLowSteps,-1); 

// Get array containing MACD-H min value when MACD-H < 0, all other
// bars filled with 0
BarsSincePrevNegCross = ValueWhen( HistNegCrossover, 
                                   Ref(BarsSinceNegCross ,-1), 1 );
BarsSinceWideNegCross = IIf( HistInd < 0 AND 
                             BarsSincePosCross - BarsSinceNegCross < 
                             BarsSincePrevNegCross + BarsSinceNegCross + 1,
                             BarsSinceNegCross  );
HistMinSteps = IIf( !BarsSinceWideNegCross,
                    LLV( HistInd , BarsSinceWideNegCross + 1) );                   

// Get array containing differences in MACD-H max bar values
HistMinDiffs = IIf( HistInd < 0, 
                    HistMinSteps - Ref(HistMinSteps,-1),

// Get minumum from previous MACD-H negative wave
// Plot( ValueWhen( HistNegCrossover, Ref(HistMinSteps,-1), 1 ),"PrevHistMinSteps-1", colorGreen );
// Plot( ValueWhen( HistNegCrossover, Ref(HistMinSteps,-1), 2 ),"PrevHistMinSteps-1", colorGreen );
PrevHistMinSteps = IIf( HistInd < 0 AND 
                        BarsSincePosCross - BarsSinceNegCross < 
                        ValueWhen( HistNegCrossover, 
                                   Ref(HistMinSteps,-1), 2 ),
                        ValueWhen( HistNegCrossover, 
                                   Ref(HistMinSteps,-1), 1 ) );

// Get array containing price low bar values where lows
// occured, all other bars filled with huge number
PriceHistLowVal = IIf( HistMinCond, 
                       2000000 );

// Get array containing local price low bar value at bar 
// where MACD-H low occured, all other bars filled with preceding 
// price low value (chandelier)
PriceHistLowSteps = ValueWhen( Ref(HistMinCond ,0), 
                               LLV(L,MACDDivMinWidth) );

// Get array containing differences in price low bar values
PriceHistLowDiffs = PriceHistLowSteps - Ref(PriceHistLowSteps,-1);

// Get array containing price low minimum value when MACD-H < 0, 
// all other bars filled with 0
PriceHistMinSteps = IIf( !BarsSinceNegCross, 
                          LLV( L , BarsSinceNegCross) );

// Get minimum from previous MACD-H negative wave
PrevPriceHistMinSteps = IIf( BarsSincePosCross - BarsSinceNegCross < 
                             ValueWhen( HistNegCrossover, 
                                        Ref(PriceHistMinSteps,-1), 2 ),
                             ValueWhen( HistNegCrossover, 
                                        Ref(PriceHistMinSteps,-1), 1 ) );

// Divergence signal
HistPosDivergence = // HistLowDiffs > 0 AND 
         // AND PriceHistLowDiffs < 0 
         HistMinSteps > PrevHistMinSteps 
         AND PriceHistMinSteps < PrevPriceHistMinSteps 
         AND HistLowVal < 0 
         AND VolumeMABool 
         AND C > 1.0

// Negative MACD Histogram divergences

// Get arrays containing for each element, when the MACD-H highest values 
// occur, within the specified number of bars
HistHighBars = HHVBars( HistInd, MACDDivMinWidth );

// Get array defining if the MACD-H previous bar was the maximum, 
// AND if that MACD-H value was < 0 OR > 0
HistMaxCond = HistHighBars > 0 
         AND BarsSincePosCross >=  HistHighBars 
         AND Ref(HistHighBars,-1) == 0 
         AND Ref(HistInd,-1) > 0

// Get array containing MACD-H high bar values where highs
// occured, all other bars filled with 0
HistHighVal = IIf( HistMaxCond, Ref(HistInd,-1), 0);

// Get array containing MACD-H high bar value at bar where MACD-H 
// high occured, all other bars filled with preceding MACD-H 
// high value (chandelier)
HistHighSteps = ValueWhen( Ref(HistMaxCond,0), 
                           Ref(HistInd,-1), 1 );

// Get array containing differences in MACD-H high bar values
HistHighDiffs = HistHighSteps - Ref(HistHighSteps,-1);

// Get array containing MACD-H max value when MACD-H > 0, all other
// bars filled with 0
BarsSincePrevPosCross = ValueWhen( HistPosCrossover, 
                                   Ref(BarsSincePosCross ,-1), 1 );
BarsSincePrevNegCross = ValueWhen( HistNegCrossover, 
                                   Ref(BarsSinceNegCross ,-1), 1 );
BarsSinceWidePosCross = IIf( HistInd > 0 AND 
                             BarsSinceNegCross - BarsSincePosCross < 
                             BarsSincePrevPosCross + BarsSincePosCross + 1,
                             BarsSincePosCross  );
HistMaxSteps = IIf( !BarsSinceWidePosCross,
                    HHV( HistInd , BarsSinceWidePosCross + 1) );

// Get array containing differences in MACD-H max bar values
HistMaxDiffs = IIf( HistInd > 0, 
                    HistMaxSteps - Ref(HistMaxSteps,-1),

// Get high from pevious MACD-H positive wave
PrevHistMaxSteps = IIf( HistInd > 0 AND 
                        BarsSinceNegCross - BarsSincePosCross < 
                        ValueWhen( HistPosCrossover, 
                                   Ref(HistMaxSteps,-1), 2 ),
                        ValueWhen( HistPosCrossover, 
                                   Ref(HistMaxSteps,-1), 1 ) );

// Get array containing MACD-H high bar values where highs
// occured, all other bars filled with 0
PriceHistHighVal = IIf( HistMaxCond, 

// Get array containing local price high bar value at bar 
// where MACD-H high occured, all other bars filled with preceeding 
// price high value (chandelier)
PriceHistHighSteps = ValueWhen( Ref(HistMaxCond,0), 
                                HHV(H,MACDDivMinWidth) );

// Get array containing differences in price high bar values
PriceHistHighDiffs = PriceHistHighSteps - Ref(PriceHistHighSteps,-1);

// Get array containing MACD-H max value when MACD-H > 0, all other
// bars filled with 0
PriceHistMaxSteps = IIf( !BarsSincePosCross, 
                         HHV( H , BarsSincePosCross) );

// Get high from pevious MACD-H positive wave
PrevPriceHistMaxSteps = IIf( BarsSinceNegCross - BarsSincePosCross < 
                             ValueWhen( HistPosCrossover, 
                                        Ref(PriceHistMaxSteps,-1), 2 ),
                             ValueWhen( HistPosCrossover, 
                                        Ref(PriceHistMaxSteps,-1), 1 ) );

// Divergence signal
HistNegDivergence = // HistHighDiffs < 0 AND 
         // AND PriceHistHighDiffs > 0 
         HistMaxSteps < PrevHistMaxSteps 
         AND PriceHistMaxSteps > PrevPriceHistMaxSteps 
         AND HistHighVal > 0 
         AND VolumeMABool 
         AND C > 1.0

// MACD crossover signals

PosCrossover = Cross( DayHist, 0 ) 
        AND DayBuyBool
        AND VolumeMABool
        AND C > 1.0
NegCrossover = Cross( 0, DayHist ) 
        AND DaySellBool
        AND VolumeMABool
        AND C > 1.0

// Plot signals
PlotShapes( IIf( HistPosDivergence , shapeSmallUpTriangle, shapeNone ),
            colorBlack, 0, 0 , -12  );
PlotShapes( IIf( HistNegDivergence , shapeSmallDownTriangle, shapeNone ),
            colorBlue, 0, 0, -12  );
PlotShapes( IIf( MACDPosDivergence , shapeUpArrow , shapeNone ),
            colorGreen, 0, Graph1, -12 );
PlotShapes( IIf( MACDNegDivergence , shapeDownArrow, shapeNone ),
            colorYellow, 0, Graph1, -12 );
PlotShapes( IIf( PosCrossover , shapeSmallCircle, shapeNone ),
            colorBlue, 0, Graph1 , 0  );
PlotShapes( IIf( NegCrossover , shapeSmallCircle, shapeNone ),
            colorRed, 0, Graph1 , 0  );

Filter = HistPosDivergence 
         OR HistNegDivergence 
         OR PosCrossover 
         OR NegCrossover 
         OR MACDPosDivergence 
         OR MACDNegDivergence 

if( Sector = SectorID( 0 ) >= 0 )
  Sector = SectorID( 1 );
  Industry = IndustryID( 1 );
  Sector = "MG";
  Industry = "MG";

AddColumn( 32, "H-PD", formatChar, colorDefault,
           IIf(Filter && HistPosDivergence,colorBrightGreen,colorDefault) );
AddColumn( 32, "M-PD", formatChar, colorDefault,
           IIf(Filter && MACDPosDivergence,colorBrightGreen,colorDefault)  );
AddColumn( 32, "M-PC", formatChar, colorDefault,
           IIf(Filter && PosCrossover,colorBrightGreen,colorDefault) );
AddColumn( 32, "H-ND", formatChar, colorDefault,
           IIf(Filter && HistNegDivergence,colorRed,colorDefault)  );
AddColumn( 32, "M-ND", formatChar, colorDefault,
           IIf(Filter && MACDNegDivergence,colorRed,colorDefault)  );
AddColumn( 32, "M-NC", formatChar, colorDefault,
           IIf(Filter && NegCrossover,colorRed,colorDefault)  );
AddTextColumn( Sector , "Sector" );
AddTextColumn( Industry , "Industry" );




// MACD divergence
// Backgraund color White

P = Param("Priod MACD", 26, 8, 26, 1);

Length = 100; 
Lapse = 3; 

fUp = VMACD > Ref(VMACD, -1) & VMACD > Ref(VMACD, 1) & VMACD >55;
fDown = VMACD < Ref(VMACD, -1) & VMACD < Ref(VMACD, 1) & VMACD < 45;

Div = 0;

for(i = Length; i < BarCount; i++)

// Down
k = i-1;
if(VMACD[k] > VMACD[i] & fUp[i] & fUp[k])
if(C[k] < C[i] & i-k > Lapse)
Div[i] = 1;
k = i-Length;
k = k-1;
} while( k > i-Length );


// Up

k = i-1;
if(VMACD[k] < VMACD[i] & fDown[i] & fDown[k])
if(C[k] > C[i] & i-k > Lapse)
Div[i] = -1;
k = i-Length;
k = k-1;
} while( k > i-Length );


Fon = IIf(Div == 0, 0, 1);

Col = IIf(Div == 1, 4, IIf(Div == -1, 5, 1));

Color = IIf(Div == 1, 48, IIf(Div == -1, 14, 1));

Color = IIf(fUp == 1, 48, IIf(fDown == 1, 14, 1));

Div = IIf(Div == 0, Null, abs(Div));
Fon = abs(Div);

Title = EncodeColor(4)+"MACD(" + WriteVal(P, 2.0) + ")" + EncodeColor(1) + " ="+WriteVal(MACD(P)); 
Plot( MACD(P), "MACD", Col, 5);
Plot( -0.015,"", 4, 16+4096);
Plot( 0.45,"", 4, 16+4096);
Plot(Fon, "", Color, 16384+32768+4096, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 1);

_SECTION_BEGIN("MACD Divergence");
// MACD divergence system
// This system detects MACD and MACD-H positive and negative divergences, and 
// crossovers.  

// This indicator/expansion is based completely on indicators/explorations written
// by other AFL contributors, all of them much cleverer than me. There is very 
// little original work here.

// As an indicator, it displays the usual MACD and MACD-H indicators. It also 
// displays a shape indicating where a divergence or crossover occurs.
// As an exploration, simply select n = 1, define the stock universe to be
// examined, and press the "Explore" button. The detected stocks are listed
// together with a red/green color-coded indication of the divergence or
// crossover
// Several parameters can be configured, including the minimum divergence and 
// histogram widths. Configure to suit your own requirements.

// This is still a work in progress, so if you have any suggestions or improvements,
// please let me know via the forum.


// Setup

// Parameters
PeriodEMA = 13;
MACDIndicatorRange = 50;

// Volume filter
VolumeFilter = Param( "Volume MA filter", 100000, 50000, 500000, 100000 );
Timeframe = Interval(2);

// Adjust for weekly if necessary
if( Timeframe == "5-day" || Timeframe == "Weekly" ) {
  VolumeFilter  = VolumeFilter * 5;
else if( Timeframe == "Monthly") {
  VolumeFilter = VolumeFilter * 20;
else if( Timeframe != "Daily" ) {
  VolumeFilter = 0;

// Minimum number of bars required to form a divergence pattern. For a
// positive divergence, this is the number of falling bars in the context
// of a rising MACD or MACD-H pattern. Vice versa for negative divergence
MACDDivMinWidth = Param("Divergence min width", 4, 1, 10, 1 ); 

// Minimum width of negative projecting wave between two positive MACD-H waves, 
// otherwise two positive waves will be considered as one single wave. This
// minimises invalid divergences, to ensure that "back of bears is broken".
// The same applies for a positive wave between two negative waves.
HistMinWidth = Param("Histogram min width", 4, 1, 10, 1 ); 

PeriodEMA = Optimize( "PeriodEMA ", 13, 5, 23, 1 );

// Other parameters
OpenPositions = 10;
ATRPeriod = 5;
InitialCapital = 100000;

PeriodFast = Param( "Fast EMA", 12, 2, 200, 1 );
PeriodSlow = Param( "Slow EMA", 26, 2, 200, 1 );
PeriodSignal = Param( "Signal EMA", 8, 2, 200, 1 );
MACDInd = MACD(PeriodFast, PeriodSlow );
SigInd = Signal(PeriodFast, PeriodSlow , PeriodSignal );
HistInd = MACDInd - SigInd ;
_N( macdStr = WriteVal( PeriodFast, 1.0 )+","+WriteVal( PeriodSlow , 1.0 ) );
_N( sigStr = macdStr + ","+WriteVal( PeriodSignal , 1.0 ) );

// Get displayed min and max value of MACD and MACD-H, to rescale it for better visibility
scMACDMax = LastValue(HHV(Max(MACDInd, sigInd), 
                  BarsSince( Status("barvisible") AND NOT Ref(Status("barvisible"),-1) ))); 
scMACDMin = LastValue(LLV(Min(MACDInd, sigInd), 
                  BarsSince( Status("barvisible") AND NOT Ref(Status("barvisible"),-1) ))); 
scaleMACD = Max( abs(scMACDMax), abs(scMACDMin) ); 

scHistMax = LastValue(HHV(HistInd, 
            BarsSince( Status("barvisible") AND NOT Ref(Status("barvisible"),-1) ))); 
scHistMin = LastValue(LLV(HistInd, 
            BarsSince( Status("barvisible") AND NOT Ref(Status("barvisible"),-1) ))); 
scaleHist = Max( abs(scHistMax), abs(scHistMin) ); 

Plot( HistInd, "", colorOrange, styleHistogram  | styleOwnScale | styleThick , 
      -scaleHist * 1.2, scaleHist * 1.2);
Plot( MACDInd, "", colorGreen);
Plot( SigInd , "", colorRed);

Plot( scaleMACD * 1.2,"",colorRed,styleNoDraw);
Plot( -scaleMACD* 1.2 ,"",colorRed,styleNoDraw); 
GraphXSpace = 0;

Title = EncodeColor(colorBlue) + Name() + " - MACD: M(" + macdStr + ") = " 
        + WriteVal(MACDInd,1.3) + ", S(" + sigStr + ") = " 
        + WriteVal(SigInd,1.3) + ", H = " + WriteVal(HistInd,1.3);

// If current symbol is NOT an index, compare volume MA to filter limit
VolumeMA = MA( V, 50 );
if( IsIndex() ) {
  VolumeMABool = True;
else {
  VolumeMABool = IsTrue( VolumeMA > VolumeFilter );

// Get MACD-H, EMA, Stochastics and RSI arrays
DayHist = MACD( PeriodFast, PeriodSlow ) - 
          Signal( PeriodFast, PeriodSlow, PeriodSignal );
DayEMA = EMA( Close, PeriodEMA );
DaySTO = StochK( 14 );
DayRSI = RSI( 14 );
DayBuyBool = IsTrue( 
                ( // DayEMA > Ref(DayEMA,-1)  // EMA rising
                  DaySTO < 70                 // STO not overbought
                  // AND DayRSI > Ref(DayRSI,-1) // RSI rising
                  AND MACD( PeriodFast, PeriodSlow ) < 0 )
                OR Timeframe == "5-day" OR Timeframe == "Weekly"
DaySellBool = IsTrue( 
                ( // DayEMA < Ref(DayEMA,-1)  // EMA falling
                  DaySTO > 30                 // STO not oversold
                  // AND DayRSI < Ref(DayRSI,-1) // RSI falling
                  AND MACD( PeriodFast, PeriodSlow ) > 0 )
                OR Timeframe == "5-day" OR Timeframe == "Weekly"

// Positive MACD divergences

// Get array containing for each element, when the MACD's lowest
// value occur, within the specified number of bars
MACDLowBars = LLVBars( MACDInd, MACDDivMinWidth );

// Get array defining if the MACD's previous bar was the 
// minimum, AND if that MACD value < 0
MACDMinCond = MACDLowBars > 0 AND 
        Ref(MACDLowBars,-1) == 0 AND 
        Ref(MACDInd,-1) < 0;

// Get array containing MACD low bar values where lows
// occured, all other bars filled with 0
MACDLowVal = IIf( MACDMinCond , Ref(MACDInd,-1), 0 );

// Get array containing MACD low bar value at bar where MACD 
// low occured, all other bars filled with preceding MACD 
// low value (chandelier)
MACDLowSteps = ValueWhen( Ref(MACDMinCond,0), 
                          Ref(MACDInd,-1), 1 );

// Get array containing price low bar values where lows
// occured, all other bars filled with huge number
PriceMACDLowVal = IIf( MACDMinCond, 
                       Ref(LLV(L,MACDDivMinWidth ),-1), 
                       2000000 );

// Get array containing local price low bar value at bar 
// where MACD low occured, all other bars filled with preceding 
// price low value (chandelier)
PriceMACDLowSteps = ValueWhen( Ref(MACDMinCond ,0), 
                               LLV(L,MACDDivMinWidth ) );

// Get array containing differences in MACD low bar values
MACDLowDiffs = MACDLowSteps - Ref(MACDLowSteps,-1); 

// Get array containing differences in price low bar values
PriceMACDLowDiffs = PriceMACDLowSteps - Ref(PriceMACDLowSteps,-1);

// Get array defining positive divergences
MACDLowBarDiffs = Ref( BarsSince(MACDMinCond ), -1 );

// Divergence signal
MACDPosDivergence = // MACDLowDiffs > 0 AND 
         MACDLowVal < 0 
         AND MACDLowVal > LLV(MACDLowVal, MACDIndicatorRange ) 
         AND PriceMACDLowVal < LLV(Ref(PriceMACDLowVal,-1), MACDIndicatorRange ) 
         AND PriceMACDLowDiffs < 0 
         AND MACDLowBarDiffs < MACDIndicatorRange  
         AND VolumeMABool 
         AND C > 1.0
         // AND WeekBuyBool

// Negative MACD divergences

// Get array containing for each element, when the MACD's highest
// value occur, within the specified number of bars
MACDHighBars = HHVBars( MACDInd, MACDDivMinWidth );

// Get array defining if the MACD's previous bar was the 
// maximum, AND if that MACD value > 0
MACDMaxCond = MACDHighBars > 0 AND 
         Ref(MACDHighBars,-1) == 0 AND 
         Ref(MACDInd,-1) > 0;

// Get array containing MACD high bar values where highs
// occured, all other bars filled with 0
MACDHighVal = IIf( MACDMaxCond, 
                   Ref(MACDInd,-1), 0);

// Get array containing MACD high bar value at bar where MACD 
// high occured, all other bars filled with preceding MACD 
// high value (chandelier)
MACDHighSteps = ValueWhen( Ref(MACDMaxCond,0), 
                           Ref(MACDInd,-1), 1 );

// Get array containing MACD high bar values where highs
// occured, all other bars filled with 0
PriceMACDHighVal = IIf( MACDMaxCond, 

// Get array containing local price high bar value at bar 
// where MACD high occured, all other bars filled with preceeding 
// price high value (chandelier)
PriceMACDHighSteps = ValueWhen( Ref(MACDMaxCond,0), 
                                HHV(H,MACDDivMinWidth) );

// Get array containing differences in MACD high bar values
MACDHighDiffs = MACDHighSteps - Ref(MACDHighSteps,-1);

// Get array containing differences in price high bar values
PriceMACDHighDiffs = PriceMACDHighSteps - Ref(PriceMACDHighSteps,-1);

// Get array defining negative divergences
MACDHighBarDiffs = Ref( BarsSince(MACDMaxCond), -1 );

// Divergence signal
MACDNegDivergence = // MACDHighDiffs < 0 AND 
         MACDHighVal > 0 
         AND PriceMACDHighVal > HHV( Ref(PriceMACDHighVal,-1), MACDIndicatorRange ) 
         AND MACDHighVal < HHV( MACDHighVal, MACDIndicatorRange ) 
         AND PriceMACDHighDiffs > 0 
         AND MACDHighBarDiffs < MACDIndicatorRange 
         AND VolumeMABool 
         AND C > 1.0
         // AND WeekBuyBool

// Positive MACD Histogram divergences

// Get array containing when positive and negative and positive 
// crossovers occured
HistPosCrossover = Cross( HistInd, 0 ) ;
HistNegCrossover = Cross( 0, HistInd ) ;
BarsSinceNegCross = BarsSince( HistNegCrossover );
BarsSincePosCross = BarsSince( HistPosCrossover );

// Get arrays containing for each element, when the MACD-H lowest
// values occur, within the specified number of bars
HistLowBars = LLVBars( HistInd, MACDDivMinWidth );

// Get array defining if the MACD-H previous bar was the minimum
// AND if that MACD-H value was < 0 or > 0
HistMinCond = HistLowBars > 0 AND 
        BarsSinceNegCross >= HistLowBars AND
        Ref(HistLowBars,-1) == 0 AND 
        Ref(HistInd,-1) < 0;

// Get array containing MACD-H  low bar values where lows
// occured, all other bars filled with 0
HistLowVal = IIf( HistMinCond , Ref(HistInd,-1), 0 );

// Get array containing MACD-H  low bar value at bar where MACD-H  
// low occured, all other bars filled with preceding MACD-H  
// low value (chandelier)
HistLowSteps =  ValueWhen( Ref(HistMinCond,0), Ref(HistInd,-1), 1 );

// Get array containing differences between MACD-H low bar value and the value
// at previous MACD-H zero positive crossing
// HistLowDiffs = HistLowSteps - ValueWhen( HistPosCrossover, HistLowSteps, 1 );
HistLowDiffs = HistLowSteps - Ref(HistLowSteps,-1); 

// Get array containing MACD-H min value when MACD-H < 0, all other
// bars filled with 0
BarsSincePrevNegCross = ValueWhen( HistNegCrossover, 
                                   Ref(BarsSinceNegCross ,-1), 1 );
BarsSinceWideNegCross = IIf( HistInd < 0 AND 
                             BarsSincePosCross - BarsSinceNegCross < 
                             BarsSincePrevNegCross + BarsSinceNegCross + 1,
                             BarsSinceNegCross  );
HistMinSteps = IIf( !BarsSinceWideNegCross,
                    LLV( HistInd , BarsSinceWideNegCross + 1) );                   

// Get array containing differences in MACD-H max bar values
HistMinDiffs = IIf( HistInd < 0, 
                    HistMinSteps - Ref(HistMinSteps,-1),

// Get minumum from previous MACD-H negative wave
// Plot( ValueWhen( HistNegCrossover, Ref(HistMinSteps,-1), 1 ),"PrevHistMinSteps-1", colorGreen );
// Plot( ValueWhen( HistNegCrossover, Ref(HistMinSteps,-1), 2 ),"PrevHistMinSteps-1", colorGreen );
PrevHistMinSteps = IIf( HistInd < 0 AND 
                        BarsSincePosCross - BarsSinceNegCross < 
                        ValueWhen( HistNegCrossover, 
                                   Ref(HistMinSteps,-1), 2 ),
                        ValueWhen( HistNegCrossover, 
                                   Ref(HistMinSteps,-1), 1 ) );

// Get array containing price low bar values where lows
// occured, all other bars filled with huge number
PriceHistLowVal = IIf( HistMinCond, 
                       2000000 );

// Get array containing local price low bar value at bar 
// where MACD-H low occured, all other bars filled with preceding 
// price low value (chandelier)
PriceHistLowSteps = ValueWhen( Ref(HistMinCond ,0), 
                               LLV(L,MACDDivMinWidth) );

// Get array containing differences in price low bar values
PriceHistLowDiffs = PriceHistLowSteps - Ref(PriceHistLowSteps,-1);

// Get array containing price low minimum value when MACD-H < 0, 
// all other bars filled with 0
PriceHistMinSteps = IIf( !BarsSinceNegCross, 
                          LLV( L , BarsSinceNegCross) );

// Get minimum from previous MACD-H negative wave
PrevPriceHistMinSteps = IIf( BarsSincePosCross - BarsSinceNegCross < 
                             ValueWhen( HistNegCrossover, 
                                        Ref(PriceHistMinSteps,-1), 2 ),
                             ValueWhen( HistNegCrossover, 
                                        Ref(PriceHistMinSteps,-1), 1 ) );

// Divergence signal
HistPosDivergence = // HistLowDiffs > 0 AND 
         // AND PriceHistLowDiffs < 0 
         HistMinSteps > PrevHistMinSteps 
         AND PriceHistMinSteps < PrevPriceHistMinSteps 
         AND HistLowVal < 0 
         AND VolumeMABool 
         AND C > 1.0

// Negative MACD Histogram divergences

// Get arrays containing for each element, when the MACD-H highest values 
// occur, within the specified number of bars
HistHighBars = HHVBars( HistInd, MACDDivMinWidth );

// Get array defining if the MACD-H previous bar was the maximum, 
// AND if that MACD-H value was < 0 OR > 0
HistMaxCond = HistHighBars > 0 
         AND BarsSincePosCross >=  HistHighBars 
         AND Ref(HistHighBars,-1) == 0 
         AND Ref(HistInd,-1) > 0

// Get array containing MACD-H high bar values where highs
// occured, all other bars filled with 0
HistHighVal = IIf( HistMaxCond, Ref(HistInd,-1), 0);

// Get array containing MACD-H high bar value at bar where MACD-H 
// high occured, all other bars filled with preceding MACD-H 
// high value (chandelier)
HistHighSteps = ValueWhen( Ref(HistMaxCond,0), 
                           Ref(HistInd,-1), 1 );

// Get array containing differences in MACD-H high bar values
HistHighDiffs = HistHighSteps - Ref(HistHighSteps,-1);

// Get array containing MACD-H max value when MACD-H > 0, all other
// bars filled with 0
BarsSincePrevPosCross = ValueWhen( HistPosCrossover, 
                                   Ref(BarsSincePosCross ,-1), 1 );
BarsSincePrevNegCross = ValueWhen( HistNegCrossover, 
                                   Ref(BarsSinceNegCross ,-1), 1 );
BarsSinceWidePosCross = IIf( HistInd > 0 AND 
                             BarsSinceNegCross - BarsSincePosCross < 
                             BarsSincePrevPosCross + BarsSincePosCross + 1,
                             BarsSincePosCross  );
HistMaxSteps = IIf( !BarsSinceWidePosCross,
                    HHV( HistInd , BarsSinceWidePosCross + 1) );

// Get array containing differences in MACD-H max bar values
HistMaxDiffs = IIf( HistInd > 0, 
                    HistMaxSteps - Ref(HistMaxSteps,-1),

// Get high from pevious MACD-H positive wave
PrevHistMaxSteps = IIf( HistInd > 0 AND 
                        BarsSinceNegCross - BarsSincePosCross < 
                        ValueWhen( HistPosCrossover, 
                                   Ref(HistMaxSteps,-1), 2 ),
                        ValueWhen( HistPosCrossover, 
                                   Ref(HistMaxSteps,-1), 1 ) );

// Get array containing MACD-H high bar values where highs
// occured, all other bars filled with 0
PriceHistHighVal = IIf( HistMaxCond, 

// Get array containing local price high bar value at bar 
// where MACD-H high occured, all other bars filled with preceeding 
// price high value (chandelier)
PriceHistHighSteps = ValueWhen( Ref(HistMaxCond,0), 
                                HHV(H,MACDDivMinWidth) );

// Get array containing differences in price high bar values
PriceHistHighDiffs = PriceHistHighSteps - Ref(PriceHistHighSteps,-1);

// Get array containing MACD-H max value when MACD-H > 0, all other
// bars filled with 0
PriceHistMaxSteps = IIf( !BarsSincePosCross, 
                         HHV( H , BarsSincePosCross) );

// Get high from pevious MACD-H positive wave
PrevPriceHistMaxSteps = IIf( BarsSinceNegCross - BarsSincePosCross < 
                             ValueWhen( HistPosCrossover, 
                                        Ref(PriceHistMaxSteps,-1), 2 ),
                             ValueWhen( HistPosCrossover, 
                                        Ref(PriceHistMaxSteps,-1), 1 ) );

// Divergence signal
HistNegDivergence = // HistHighDiffs < 0 AND 
         // AND PriceHistHighDiffs > 0 
         HistMaxSteps < PrevHistMaxSteps 
         AND PriceHistMaxSteps > PrevPriceHistMaxSteps 
         AND HistHighVal > 0 
         AND VolumeMABool 
         AND C > 1.0

// MACD crossover signals

PosCrossover = Cross( DayHist, 0 ) 
        AND DayBuyBool
        AND VolumeMABool
        AND C > 1.0
NegCrossover = Cross( 0, DayHist ) 
        AND DaySellBool
        AND VolumeMABool
        AND C > 1.0

// Plot signals
PlotShapes( IIf( HistPosDivergence , shapeSmallUpTriangle, shapeNone ),
            colorBlack, 0, 0 , -12  );
PlotShapes( IIf( HistNegDivergence , shapeSmallDownTriangle, shapeNone ),
            colorBlue, 0, 0, -12  );
PlotShapes( IIf( MACDPosDivergence , shapeUpArrow , shapeNone ),
            colorGreen, 0, Graph1, -12 );
PlotShapes( IIf( MACDNegDivergence , shapeDownArrow, shapeNone ),
            colorYellow, 0, Graph1, -12 );
PlotShapes( IIf( PosCrossover , shapeSmallCircle, shapeNone ),
            colorBlue, 0, Graph1 , 0  );
PlotShapes( IIf( NegCrossover , shapeSmallCircle, shapeNone ),
            colorRed, 0, Graph1 , 0  );

Filter = HistPosDivergence 
         OR HistNegDivergence 
         OR PosCrossover 
         OR NegCrossover 
         OR MACDPosDivergence 
         OR MACDNegDivergence 

if( Sector = SectorID( 0 ) >= 0 )
  Sector = SectorID( 1 );
  Industry = IndustryID( 1 );
  Sector = "MG";
  Industry = "MG";

AddColumn( 32, "H-PD", formatChar, colorDefault,
           IIf(Filter && HistPosDivergence,colorBrightGreen,colorDefault) );
AddColumn( 32, "M-PD", formatChar, colorDefault,
           IIf(Filter && MACDPosDivergence,colorBrightGreen,colorDefault)  );
AddColumn( 32, "M-PC", formatChar, colorDefault,
           IIf(Filter && PosCrossover,colorBrightGreen,colorDefault) );
AddColumn( 32, "H-ND", formatChar, colorDefault,
           IIf(Filter && HistNegDivergence,colorRed,colorDefault)  );
AddColumn( 32, "M-ND", formatChar, colorDefault,
           IIf(Filter && MACDNegDivergence,colorRed,colorDefault)  );
AddColumn( 32, "M-NC", formatChar, colorDefault,
           IIf(Filter && NegCrossover,colorRed,colorDefault)  );
AddTextColumn( Sector , "Sector" );
AddTextColumn( Industry , "Industry" );


// MACD divergence
// Backgraund color White

P = Param("Priod MACD", 26, 8, 26, 1);

Length = 100; 
Lapse = 3; 

fUp = VMACD > Ref(VMACD, -1) & VMACD > Ref(VMACD, 1) & VMACD >55;
fDown = VMACD < Ref(VMACD, -1) & VMACD < Ref(VMACD, 1) & VMACD < 45;

Div = 0;

for(i = Length; i < BarCount; i++)

// Down
k = i-1;
if(VMACD[k] > VMACD[i] & fUp[i] & fUp[k])
if(C[k] < C[i] & i-k > Lapse)
Div[i] = 1;
k = i-Length;
k = k-1;
} while( k > i-Length );


// Up

k = i-1;
if(VMACD[k] < VMACD[i] & fDown[i] & fDown[k])
if(C[k] > C[i] & i-k > Lapse)
Div[i] = -1;
k = i-Length;
k = k-1;
} while( k > i-Length );


Fon = IIf(Div == 0, 0, 1);

Col = IIf(Div == 1, 4, IIf(Div == -1, 5, 1));

Color = IIf(Div == 1, 48, IIf(Div == -1, 14, 1));

Color = IIf(fUp == 1, 48, IIf(fDown == 1, 14, 1));

Div = IIf(Div == 0, Null, abs(Div));
Fon = abs(Div);

Title = EncodeColor(4)+"MACD(" + WriteVal(P, 2.0) + ")" + EncodeColor(1) + " ="+WriteVal(MACD(P)); 
Plot( MACD(P), "MACD", Col, 5);
Plot( -0.015,"", 4, 16+4096);
Plot( 0.45,"", 4, 16+4096);
Plot(Fon, "", Color, 16384+32768+4096, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 1);

// MACD divergence
// Backgraund color White

P = Param("Priod MACD", 26, 8, 26, 1);

Length = 100; 
Lapse = 3; 

fUp = VMACD > Ref(VMACD, -1) & VMACD > Ref(VMACD, 1) & VMACD >55;
fDown = VMACD < Ref(VMACD, -1) & VMACD < Ref(VMACD, 1) & VMACD < 45;

Div = 0;

for(i = Length; i < BarCount; i++)

// Down
k = i-1;
if(VMACD[k] > VMACD[i] & fUp[i] & fUp[k])
if(C[k] < C[i] & i-k > Lapse)
Div[i] = 1;
k = i-Length;
k = k-1;
} while( k > i-Length );


// Up

k = i-1;
if(VMACD[k] < VMACD[i] & fDown[i] & fDown[k])
if(C[k] > C[i] & i-k > Lapse)
Div[i] = -1;
k = i-Length;
k = k-1;
} while( k > i-Length );


Fon = IIf(Div == 0, 0, 1);

Col = IIf(Div == 1, 4, IIf(Div == -1, 5, 1));

Color = IIf(Div == 1, 48, IIf(Div == -1, 14, 1));

Color = IIf(fUp == 1, 48, IIf(fDown == 1, 14, 1));

Div = IIf(Div == 0, Null, abs(Div));
Fon = abs(Div);

Title = EncodeColor(4)+"MACD(" + WriteVal(P, 2.0) + ")" + EncodeColor(1) + " ="+WriteVal(MACD(P)); 
Plot( MACD(P), "MACD", Col, 5);
Plot( -0.015,"", 4, 16+4096);
Plot( 0.45,"", 4, 16+4096);
Plot(Fon, "", Color, 16384+32768+4096, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 1);

	SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("Outer panel",colorBlack)); // color of outer border 
	SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor("Inner panel upper",colorBlack),ParamColor("Inner panel lower",colorBlack));
	tchoice=Param("Title Selection ",2,1,2,1);


function Momentum( array, period )
  return array - Ref( array, -period );

Plot( Momentum( ParamField( "Field" ), Param("Period", 10, 1, 100 ) ),
		_DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor("Color", ColorCycle ) );


Well-Known Member
Re: Which combination of indicators helps detect an impnding upmove or downmove relia

rsi diver

_SECTION_BEGIN("RSI Divergence");
//  Formula Name:    RSI Divergence
//  Author/Uploader: Aron Pipa 
//  E-mail:          
//  Date/Time Added: 2006-03-19 22:00:02
//  Origin:          
//  Keywords:        
//  Level:           medium
//  Flags:           indicator
//  Formula URL:     http://www.amibroker.com/library/formula.php?id=603
//  Details URL:     http://www.amibroker.com/library/detail.php?id=603
//  + scanner

	RSI Divergence
	Aron Pipa, March, 20 , 2006

n=Param("% Reverse ",20,0,100,1);

Var = Zig(RSI(), n); 
t= Trough(RSI(), n, 1); 
p= Peak(RSI(), n, 1); 
x[0] =Var[0];
price[0] = C[0];

// bearish divergence
for ( i=0; i<BarCount; i++) 
if(Var[i] == p[i])

x[j] =Var[i];
price[j] =C[i];
if(x[j] <x[j-1] && price[j-1]< price[j]) 
Sell[i] =1;

// bullish divergence
for ( i=0; i<BarCount; i++) 
if(Var[i] == t[i])
x[j] =Var[i];
price[j] =C[i];
if(x[j] >x[j-1] && price[j]<price[j-1]) 
Buy[i] =1;

Plot(Var, "", 39); 
PlotShapes ( IIf(Sell, shapeSmallCircle, shapeNone), colorRed, 0 , Var,0);
PlotShapes( IIf(Buy, shapeSmallCircle, shapeNone),  colorBrightGreen, 0, Var,0);

Title ="RSI Divergence" ;

priceTitle=StrFormat("---- {{NAME}} ---------- {{VALUES}}"); 
Title ="Averages" + priceTitle;

if( ParamToggle("Tooltip shows", "All Values|Only Prices" ) )
ToolTip=StrFormat("Open: %g\nHigh: %g\nLow: %g\nClose: %g (%.1f%%)\nVolume: "+NumToStr( V, 1 ), O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 )));

SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("Outer panel color ",colorBlack)); // color of outer border 
SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor("Inner panel color upper half",colorBlack),ParamColor("Inner panel color lower half",colorBlack)); // color of inner panel

periods = Param( "Periods", 12, 1, 200, 1 );
maxClip = Param( "maxClip", 70, 1, 100, 1 );
minClip = Param( "minClip", 30, 1, 100, 1 );

Plot( RSI( periods), _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor( "Color", colorCycle ),
ParamStyle("Style")  );

r = RSI(periods);
PlotOHLC( r,r,50,r, "", IIf( r > 50, colorRed, colorBrightGreen ), styleCloud |
styleNoLabel | styleClipMinMax, minClip, maxClip ); 

periods = Param( "Periods", 14, 2, 200, 1 );
maxClip = Param( "maxClip", 80, 1, 100, 1 );
minClip = Param( "minClip", 20, 1, 100, 1 );

Plot( MFI( periods), _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor( "Color", colorCycle ),
ParamStyle("Style")  );

r = MFI(periods);
PlotOHLC( r,r,50,r, "", IIf( r > 50, colorRed, colorBrightGreen ), styleCloud |
styleNoLabel | styleClipMinMax, minClip, maxClip ); 


Well-Known Member
Re: Which combination of indicators helps detect an impnding upmove or downmove relia


Spikes in implied volatility and put call ratios. Doe's not happen very often, but when it happens, bum you get an ODDS home run.

Evert tested that?

could u please elaborate as a newbie I am not getting your point...


Well-Known Member
Re: Which combination of indicators helps detect an impnding upmove or downmove relia

could u please elaborate as a newbie I am not getting your point...
Hi Bewinner

Will do as soon as I have time. In the mean time educate your self a bit about what Put Call ratios are and what Implied Volatility is. (Options have Implied Volatility and Futures and Shares have Statistical volatility)

Until then, take care and good trading / DanPickUp
Re: Which combination of indicators helps detect an impnding upmove or downmove relia

Dear Johnny,

Would u please post AFL for Stochastic Divergence too..

Thanx you in advance


Well-Known Member
Re: Which combination of indicators helps detect an impnding upmove or downmove relia

Dear Johnny,

Would u please post AFL for Stochastic Divergence too..

Thanx you in advance

_SECTION_BEGIN( "Stochastic" );
periods = Param( "Periods", 14, 1, 200, 1 );
Ksmooth = Param( "%K avg", 3, 1, 200, 1 );
Dsmooth = Param( "%D avg", 3, 1, 200, 1 );
myStochD =StochD( periods , Ksmooth, DSmooth );
myStochK =StochK( periods , Ksmooth);
Overbought = 80 ;
Oversold =20 ;
Center = 50 ;
Buy1 = Cross(myStochK, Oversold ) ;
Buy2 = Cross(myStochK, Center ) ;
Sell1 = Cross( Overbought, myStochK );
Sell2 = Cross( Center, myStochK );
Plot( myStochD, "Stochastic %D"+_PARAM_VALUES( ), ParamColor( "ColorD", colorRed ), ParamStyle(" StyleD") );
Plot( myStochK, "Stochastic %K", ParamColor( "ColorK", colorBlue ), ParamStyle(" StyleK") );
PlotShapes(IIf( Sell1, shapeDownArrow , shapeNone), colorRed,0, Offset=Null) ;
PlotShapes(IIf( Sell2, shapeDownArrow , shapeNone), colorRed,0, Offset=Null) ;
PlotShapes(IIf( Buy1 , shapeUpArrow , shapeNone), colorGold,0, Offset=Null) ;
PlotShapes(IIf( Buy2 , shapeUpArrow , shapeNone), colorGold,0, Offset=Null) ;
Plot(Overbought, "",colorRed) ;
Plot(Oversold, "",colorGreen) ;
Plot(Center, "",colorWhite, styleDashed) ;
y0=LastValue( Trough(StochD( periods , Ksmooth, DSmooth ),1,2));
y1=LastValue( Trough(StochD( periods , Ksmooth, DSmooth ),1,1));
x0=BarCount - 1 - LastValue(TroughBars(StochD( periods , Ksmooth, DSmooth ),1,2));
price_start= Close[x0] ;
x1=BarCount - 1 - LastValue(TroughBars(StochD( periods , Ksmooth, DSmooth ),1,1));
price_end=Close[ x1];
Line = LineArray( x0, y0, x1, y1, 0 );
Plot( Line, "Support line", colorYellow );
Buy = y1>y0 AND price_end<price_start;
PlotShapes(shapeUpArrow * Buy, colorGreen,0, Line);
y00=LastValue( Peak(StochD( periods , Ksmooth, DSmooth ),1,2));
y11=LastValue( Peak(StochD( periods , Ksmooth, DSmooth ),1,1));
x00=BarCount - 1 - LastValue(PeakBars( StochD(periods , Ksmooth, DSmooth ),1,2));
price_start1= Close[x00] ;
x11=BarCount - 1 - LastValue(PeakBars( StochD(periods , Ksmooth, DSmooth ),1,1));
price_end1=Close[ x11];
Line = LineArray( x00, y00, x11, y11, 0 );
Plot( Line, "Resistance line", colorBrightGreen );
Sell = y11<y00 AND price_end1>price_start1;
PlotShapes(shapeDownArrow * Sell, colorOrange,0,Line) ;
PlotOHLC( myStochK,myStochK, 50,myStochK, "", colorDarkGrey, styleCloud | styleClipMinMax, Oversold , Overbought);
PlotOHLC( myStochD,myStochD, 50,myStochD, "", colorDarkRed, styleCloud | styleClipMinMax, Oversold , Overbought);
range = Optimize( "Range", 8, 8, 14, 1 );
Ksmooth = Optimize("%K smooth", 3, 2, 5, 1 );
Dsmooth = Optimize("%D smooth", 3, 2, 5, 1 );
Buy=Cross( StochK (range,Ksmooth) , StochD (range,Ksmooth, Dsmooth) );
Sell = Cross( StochD(range, Ksmooth,Dsmooth) , StochK(range, Ksmooth) );

negative div

/*Negative Stochastic divergence for use in 
Indicator Builder and Automatic Analysis (scan mode)*/

TR2=IIf(ST33>70 AND TR1>0 AND Ref(TR1,-1)==0,Ref(ST33,-1),0);
vs=ValueWhen(tr2, Ref(st33,-1), 1);
vc=ValueWhen(trc, HHV(H,3), 1);
diver=IIf(dvs<0 AND dvc>0,90,0);
ddd=IIf(DAS<20 AND C<Ref(C,-1),DIVER,0);

positive div

/*Positive Stochastic Divergence for use in 
Indicator Builder and Automatic Analysis (scan mode)*/

TR2=IIf(ST33<30 AND TR1>0 AND Ref(TR1,-1)==0,Ref(ST33,-1),0);
vs=ValueWhen(tr2, Ref(st33,-1), 1);
vc=ValueWhen(trc, LLV(C,3), 1);
diver=IIf(dvs>0 AND dvc<0,30,0);
DD=IIf(DAS<20 AND C>=Ref(C,-1),DIVER,0);
Buy=DD>0 ;


Well-Known Member
Re: Which combination of indicators helps detect an impnding upmove or downmove relia

For helping people :clapping: :clapping::thumb:


Well-Known Member
Re: Which combination of indicators helps detect an impnding upmove or downmove relia

You are really asset Jhony Bhai. Any afl on elliot wavre devloped or not. If yes then like to share.

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