Volume Profile and Market Profile a new wave of market picture

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Well-Known Member
i think some of members are feeling difficult in understanding distribution patterns so explaining once again as these are important and we have trade according to its merit below are the pattern with the afl i'm using

Actually Double distribution is explained by Happy singh with respective to practical purpose but there are patterns which offer significant potential to trade are: A capital “P” pattern indicates a retest of resistance and/or higher prices. A lower case “b” pattern shows a retest of support and/or lower prices.

Hope this clarifies now !!!


Well-Known Member
XRAY bro,

Please try this for the lines, its the same afls slightly modified,

//  Formula Name:    Market Profile 
// Use with 5/15min chart
// Originial - From AFL library
// Edited by - Milind / KAKA
// AFL Modified by Rajandran- code works good in 5min, 15min, 30min timeframe
// Code is Compatible with Amibroker 5.8 and above
// Letter A now repeats for first 30 min, Letter B next 30 min so on
// Multiple Repeating Alphabets Horizontally to be fixed in 5min and 15min

//Market Profile 9/12/2009

_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g", Ref(O,-1), Ref(H,-1), Ref(L,-1), Ref(C,-1) ));

EnMP2= ParamList("MarketProfile","Letters|Solid|Lines");
styleLines = ParamStyle("Style", styleLine, maskAll);

Type=ParamList("Type","Price Profile|Volume Profile");
Period= ParamList("Base","Hourly|Daily|Weekly|Monthly",1);

Den = Param("Density", 3, 0.25, 100, 0.25); // Resolution in terms of $
percent=Param("Value Area", 70, 1, 100, 1);
ViewTPOCount= ParamToggle("Show TPO Count", "No|Yes",1);

ViewPOC = ParamToggle("Show POC", "No|Yes",1);
ViewVALVAH = ParamToggle("Show VAL VAH Line", "No|Yes",1);
Viewfill = ParamToggle("Show VA Fill", "No|Yes",1);
Colorpoc=ParamColor("Color POC", colorYellow);
Colorfill=ParamColor("Color Fill", ColorRGB(20,40,60));

EnIB = ParamToggle("Show Initial Balance", "Yes|No");
IBBars = Param("Initial Balance Bars", 2, 0, 10, 1);

BarsInDay = BarsSince(Day() != Ref(Day(), -1));
Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, 0);
Top = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, 0);
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice("V", inDaily, 0);

BarsInDay = BarsSince(Minute() != Ref(Minute(), -1));
Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", in5Minute, 0);
Top = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", in5Minute, 0);
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice("V", in5Minute, 0);

BarsInDay = BarsSince(DayOfWeek() < Ref( DayOfWeek(), -1 ));
Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inWeekly, 0);
Top = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inWeekly, 0);
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice("V", inWeekly, 0);

if(Period=="Monthly" ){
BarsInDay = BarsSince(Month() != Ref(Month(), -1));
Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inMonthly, 0);
Top = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inMonthly, 0);
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice("V", inMonthly, 0);

CurTop = HHV(H,BarsInDay+1);
Curbot = LLV(L,BarsInDay+1);
Range = Highest(Top-Bot);
TodayRange = Top - Bot;

AveRange = Sum(Top-Bot,30)/30;
LAveRange = AveRange[BarCount-1];

// Initialization
baseX = 0;
baseY = floor(Bot[0]/Den)*Den;
relTodayRange = 0;
firstVisBar = Status("firstvisiblebar");
lastVisBar = Status("lastvisiblebar");


for (j=0; j <= 100; j++) {
  x[j] = 0;

i0 = 0;
i1 = 0;
for (i=0; i<BarCount; i++) {
  if (BarsInDay[i] == 0 AND i < firstVisBar) {
    i0 = i;
  if (BarsInDay[i] == 0 AND i >= lastVisBar) {
    i1 = i;

i1 = BarCount-1;
for (i=i0; i<=i1; i++) {
  if (BarsInDay[i] == 0) {
    baseX = i;
    baseY = floor(Bot[i]/Den)*Den;
    maxY = floor(Top[i]/Den)*Den;
    relTodayRange = (maxY-baseY)/Den;

    for (j=0; j <= relTodayRange; j++) {
      x[j] = 0;
	spread = Param("X Space", 112, 1, 200, 1);
	tpl = Param("Time Per Letter (mins)", 30, 1, 360, 1);
	flt =Param("First Letter (Bars)", 1, 1, 60, 1);
	teb=ParamToggle("To Each Bar","No|Yes");
	Color=Param("Color Threshold",20,1,50,1);

  if (EnMP2 == "Letters") {
    for (j=0; j<= relTodayRange; j++) {
      if (L[i] <= baseY+j*Den AND H[i] >= baseY+j*Den) {
        //PlotTextSetFont("", "Arial", 6, BarCount-1, Close[ BarCount - 3 ], colorGreen, colorDefault, -20 ); 
        //PlotTextSetFont("C", "Arial", 40, 100, 100, colorGreen, colorDefault, -20 ); 
		PlotText(StrExtract(" A , B , C , D , E , F , G , H ,  I  , J , K , L , M , N , O , P , Q , R , S , T , U , V , W , X , Y , Z, a , b , c , d , e , f , g , h , i , j , k , L , m , n ,o , p , q , r , s , t , u , v , w , x , y , z ",
		IIf(BarsInDay[i]<flt,0,floor(BarsInDay[i]/(tpl/Intervalmin))-0)), baseX+IIf(teb==1,BarsInDay[i],x[j]*(range_x/spread)), baseY+j*Den, 
	//PlotTextSetFont("", "Arial", 10, BarCount-1, Close[ BarCount - 3 ], colorGreen, colorDefault, -20 ); 
  else if (EnMP2 == "Lines" OR EnMP2 == "Solid") {
    for (j=0; j<= relTodayRange; j++) {
     if (L[i] <= baseY+j*Den AND H[i] >= baseY+j*Den) {
		if(Type=="Price Profile"){x[j]=x[j]+1;}
		else if(Type=="Volume Profile"){x[j]=x[j]+round(V[i]/Voloumeunit);}

  // Draw Initial Balance after 11am bar is complete
  if (BarsInDay[i] == IBBars AND EnIB == 0) {
    Line1 = LineArray(i-2, curtop[i-1],i+7, curtop[i-1],0,True);
    Line1 = LineArray(i-2, curbot[i-1],i+7, curbot[i-1],0,True);

  // Examine x[j]
  if ((i < BarCount - 1 AND BarsInDay[i+1] == 0) OR i == BarCount-1) {
    maxXj = 0;
	maxj = 0;
    for (j=0; j<= relTodayRange; j++) {
      if (maxXj < x[j]) {maxXj = x[j]; maxj = j; StaticVarSet("Maxj",j); new=j;
	for ( n = 1; n <= relTodayRange; n++ ) {

	for ( a = 1; a <= relTodayRange; a++ )
		if(Maxj-a>0 AND Maxj+a<relTodayRange)
			if(MaxXj+total[Maxj+a]-total[Maxj]+total[Maxj-1]-total[Maxj-(a+1)]>=Value_area) {shiftup=a; shiftdn=a; break;}
		else if(Maxj-a<1 ) 
			if(MaxXj+total[Maxj+a]-total[Maxj]+total[Maxj-1]>=Value_area){shiftup=a; shiftdn=maxj-1; break;}		
		else if(Maxj+a>relTodayRange ) 
			if(MaxXj+total[relTodayRange]-total[Maxj]+total[Maxj-1]-total[Maxj-(a+1)] >=Value_area){shiftup=relTodayRange-maxj; shiftdn=a; break;}		

	Vah = LineArray(baseX, baseY+(maxj+shiftup)*Den, i, baseY+(maxj+shiftup)*Den,0,True);
	Val = LineArray(baseX, baseY+(maxj-shiftdn)*Den, i, baseY+(maxj-shiftdn)*Den,0,True);
	poc = LineArray(baseX, baseY+maxj*Den, i, baseY+maxj*Den,0,True);
//Shift for Yesterday's Values
	nobs = ceil(375/(Interval()/60));
		//Plot(Vah,"",ParamColor("Color_VA",  colorLightBlue),styleLine|styleNoRescale);
		//Plot(Val,"",ParamColor("Color_VA",  colorLightBlue),styleLine|styleNoRescale);


	if(ViewTPOCount==1){PlotText(""+total[maxj],basex,bot[i]-(Top[i]-bot[i])*0.05,ParamColor("Color_VAL", colorLavender));
	PlotText(""+(total[relTodayRange]-total[maxj]),basex,Top[i]+(Top[i]*0.0005),ParamColor("Color_VAH", colorLavender));}

	if (i < BarCount - 1 AND BarsInDay[i+1] == 0 OR i == BarCount-1) {
	  for  (p = 1; p < relTodayRange+1; p++){
	  line = LineArray(baseX, baseY+p*Den, baseX+x[p], baseY+p*Den);
	  line2 = LineArray(baseX, baseY+(p-1)*Den, baseX+x[p-1], baseY+(p-1)*Den);

      if (EnMP2 == "Solid")
	PlotOHLC( Line,  Line,  Line2, Line2, "",IIf(p>(maxj+shiftup),ParamColor("Color_VAH",  colorLavender),IIf(p<=(maxj+shiftup)AND p>(maxj-shiftdn),ParamColor("Color_VA", colorLightBlue),ParamColor("Color_VAL", colorLavender))) ,styleCloud|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel);
	  if (EnMP2 == "Lines") 
     Plot(line,"",IIf(p>(maxj+shiftup),ParamColor("Color_VAH", colorLavender),IIf(p<=(maxj+shiftup)AND p>(maxj-shiftdn),ParamColor("Color_VA", colorLightBlue),ParamColor("Color_VAL",  colorLavender))) , styleLines|styleNoLabel);



_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorDefault ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); 

_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));

// - there was a plot limit call introduced after 5.41.0 beta
// i.e. "•Warning 502: Calling Plot()/PlotOHLC over 500 times is displayed in indicator in runtime to prevent abuse"
// - uses GFX for major calls of plot only if AB version newer than 5.40 - this only delays reaching the plot limit
// - see also the toggle parameter "use_original_version"

//PlotOHLC( O, H, L, C, "Price", IIf( C > O, colorGreen, colorRed ), styleCandle );
function Lastthursday()
Daysinmonth = IIf( Month() == 1 OR Month() == 3 OR Month() == 5 OR Month() == 7 OR Month() == 8 OR Month() == 10 OR Month() == 12, 31, 30 );
Daysinmonthfeb = IIf( Year() % 4 == 0 AND Year() % 100 != 0, 29, 28 );
Daysinmonthfinal = IIf( Month() == 2, Daysinmonthfeb, Daysinmonth );
returnvalue = IIf( Daysinmonthfinal - Day() < 7 AND DayOfWeek() == 4, 1, IIf( Daysinmonthfinal - Day() < 8 AND DayOfWeek() == 3 AND Ref( DayOfWeek(), 1 ) != 4 AND Day() != Daysinmonthfinal , 1, 0 ) );
return returnvalue;

procedure PlotlinewithGFXinit()
global AB_Miny, AB_Maxy, AB_lvb, AB_fvb;
global AB_pxchartleft, AB_pxchartwidth, AB_pxchartbottom, AB_pxchartheight;
global AB_TotalBars, AB_penwidth;

GfxSetOverlayMode( 0 );
AB_penwidth = 2;

AB_Miny = Status( "axisminy" );
AB_Maxy = Status( "axismaxy" );
AB_lvb = Status( "lastvisiblebar" );
AB_fvb = Status( "firstvisiblebar" );

AB_pxchartleft = Status( "pxchartleft" );
AB_pxchartwidth = Status( "pxchartwidth" );
AB_pxchartbottom = Status( "pxchartbottom" );
AB_pxchartheight = Status( "pxchartheight" );

AB_TotalBars = AB_Lvb - AB_fvb;

procedure Plot_horizon_line_with_GFX( ix0, ix1, iy, icolor )
global AB_Miny, AB_Maxy, AB_lvb, AB_fvb;
global AB_pxchartleft, AB_pxchartwidth, AB_pxchartbottom, AB_pxchartheight;
global AB_TotalBars, AB_penwidth;

local ix0, ix1, iy, icolor;
local x_px, y_px, y_scale;

GfxSelectPen( icolor, AB_penwidth, 0 );
x_px = AB_pxchartleft + ( ix0 - AB_fvb ) * AB_pxchartwidth / ( AB_TotalBars + 1 );

y_scale = AB_pxchartheight / ( AB_maxy - AB_miny );
y_px = AB_pxchartbottom - floor( 0.5 + ( iy - AB_Miny ) * y_scale );
GfxMoveTo( x_px, y_px );

x_px = AB_pxchartleft + ( ix1 - AB_fvb ) * AB_pxchartwidth / ( AB_TotalBars + 1 );
GfxLineTo( x_px, y_px );

FirstVisibleBar = Status( "FirstVisibleBar" );
Lastvisiblebar = Status( "LastVisibleBar" );

totalVisible = Lastvisiblebar - FirstVisibleBar;
use_original_version = ParamToggle("MP version", "GFX code(only if AB > 5.40)|original code", 0);
//Den = Param("Density", 1, 0.1, 10, 0.1);
percent = Param( "Value Area", 70, 1, 100, 1 );
Type = ParamList( "Type", "Price Profile|Volume Profile" );
Period = ParamList( "Base", "Hourly|Daily|Weekly|Monthly|Lastthursday|Year ly", 1 );
x_scale = Param( "Horizontal_scale", 2, 0, 10, 0.1 );
EnMP2 = ParamStyle( "Style", styleLine | styleNoLabel, maskAll );
styleLines = styleDots;
EnIB = ParamToggle( "Show Initial Balance", "No|Yes", 0 );
IBBars = Param( "Initial Balance Bars", 2, 1, 10, 1 );
ViewYvalues = ParamToggle( "Show Yesterdays Values", "No|Yes", 1 );
ViewVlines = ParamToggle( "Show Vertical Base Lines", "No|Yes", 1 );
Viewvalues = ParamToggle( "Show Values", "No|Yes", 0 );
ViewVpoc = ParamToggle( "Show Virgin POC", "No|Yes", 1 );
ViewTPO = ParamToggle( "Show TPO Count", "No|Yes", 0 );
Viewsideprof= ParamToggle( "Show side profile", "No|Yes", 0 );

Color_Above_VA = ParamColor( "Color_Above_VA", colorGrey40 );
Color_VA = ParamColor( "Color_VA", colorBlueGrey );
Color_Below_VA = ParamColor( "Color_Below_VA", colorGrey40 );
Color_POC_line = ParamColor( "Color_POC_Line", colorYellow );

color_YVAH = ParamColor( "YVAH", colorWhite );
color_YVAL = ParamColor( "YVAL", colorWhite );
color_YPOC = ParamColor( "YPOC", colorYellow );

IBColor = ParamColor( "IB Color", colorWhite );
IBstyle = ParamStyle( "IB style", styleLine, maskAll );
Color_Virgin_POC = ParamColor( "Virgin Poc Color", colorYellow );
Color_Base_Line = ParamColor( "Base Line Color", colorDarkGrey );

if ( Period == "Hourly" )
BarsInDay = BarsSince( Hour() != Ref( Hour(), -1 ) );
Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice( "L", inHourly, 0 );
Top = TimeFrameGetPrice( "H", inHourly, 0 );
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice( "V", inHourly, 0 );

if ( Period == "Daily" )
//OR Interval()==3600
BarsInDay = BarsSince( Day() != Ref( Day(), -1 ) ) ;
Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice( "L", inDaily, 0 );
Top = TimeFrameGetPrice( "H", inDaily, 0 );
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice( "V", inDaily, 0 );

if ( Period == "Weekly" OR Interval() == 24 * 3600 )
BarsInDay = BarsSince( DayOfWeek() < Ref( DayOfWeek(), -1 ) );
bot1 = ValueWhen( BarsInDay == 0, L, 1 );
Bot2 = ValueWhen( Ref( BarsInDay, 1 ) == 1 OR BarIndex() > BarCount - 2 , LLV( L, BarsInDay ), 0 );
bot = Min( bot1, bot2 );
top1 = ValueWhen( BarsInDay == 0, H, 1 );
Top2 = ValueWhen( Ref( BarsInDay, 1 ) == 1 OR BarIndex() > BarCount - 2, HHV( H, BarsInDay ), 0 );
top = Max( top1, top2 );
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice( "V", inWeekly, 0 );

if ( Period == "Monthly" )
BarsInDay = BarsSince( Month() != Ref( Month(), -1 ) );
Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice( "L", inMonthly, 0 );
Top = TimeFrameGetPrice( "H", inMonthly, 0 );
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice( "V", inMonthly, 0 );

if ( Period == "Lastthursday" )
BarsInDay = BarsSince( Lastthursday() == 0 AND Ref( Lastthursday(), -1 ) == 1 );
bot1 = ValueWhen( BarsInDay == 0, L, 1 );
Bot2 = ValueWhen( Ref( BarsInDay, 1 ) == 1 OR BarIndex() > BarCount - 2 , LLV( L, BarsInDay ), 0 );
bot = Min( bot1, bot2 );
top1 = ValueWhen( BarsInDay == 0, H, 1 );
Top2 = ValueWhen( Ref( BarsInDay, 1 ) == 1 OR BarIndex() > BarCount - 2, HHV( H, BarsInDay ), 0 );
top = Max( top1, top2 );
Vol = ValueWhen( Ref( BarsInDay, 1 ) == 1 OR BarIndex() > BarCount - 2 , Sum( V, BarsInDay ), 0 );


if ( Period == "Yearly" )
BarsInDay = BarsSince( Year() != Ref( Year(), -1 ) );
Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice( "L", inYearly, 0 );
Top = TimeFrameGetPrice( "H", inYearly, 0 );
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice( "V", inYearly, 0 );

CurTop = HHV( H, BarsInDay + 1 );

Curbot = LLV( L, BarsInDay + 1 );

Range = Top - Bot;
coverage = LastValue( Ref( ATR( 10 ), -1 ) );

den = ( coverage / 10 );

multiplier = IIf( round( totalVisible ) / 300 < 1, 1, round( totalVisible ) / 300 );

if ( ViewVlines == 1 )

Plot( BarsInDay == 0, "", Color_Base_Line, styleHistogram | styleOwnScale | styleLine | styleNoLabel );

relTodayRange = 0;

x = 0;
basey = 0;
basex = 0;
newday = 0;
total = 0;
shiftup = 0;
shiftdn = 0;
Line = Null;
Voloumeunit = 0;

for ( i = IIf( FirstVisibleBar - 100 > 1, FirstVisibleBar - 100, FirstVisibleBar ); i < Lastvisiblebar AND i < BarCount - 1 ; i++ )
if ( BarsInDay[i] == 0 )
t = BarsInDay[i-1];

if ( EnIB == 1 )
IBH = HHV( H, IBBars );
IBL = LLV( L, IBBars );
Line1 = LineArray( basex, IBH[basex+IBBars-1], i, IBH[basex+IBBars-1] );
Plot( Line1, "", IBColor, IBstyle );
Line2 = LineArray( basex, IBL[basex+IBBars-1], i, IBL[basex+IBBars-1] );
Plot( Line2, "", IBcolor, IBstyle );

poc = 0;
pocj = 0;
midrange = int( relTodayRange / 2 ) + 1;

for ( j = 1; j <= relTodayRange + 1 ; j++ )
if ( poc < x[j] )
poc = x[j];
pocj = j;
if ( poc == x[j] )
if ( abs( midrange - j ) < abs( midrange - pocj ) )
poc = x[j];
pocj = j;


for ( n = 1; n <= relTodayRange; n++ )
total[n] = x[n] + total[n-1];

Value_area = ( total[relTodayRange] * percent ) / 100;

for ( a = 1; a <= relTodayRange; a++ )
if ( pocj - a > 0 AND pocj + a < relTodayRange )
if ( poc + total[pocj+a] - total[pocj] + ( total[pocj] - poc ) - total[pocj-( a+1 )] >= Value_area )
shiftup = a;
shiftdn = a;
if ( pocj - a < 1 )
if ( poc + total[pocj+a] - total[pocj] + ( total[pocj] - poc ) >= Value_area )
shiftup = a;
shiftdn = pocj;
if ( pocj + a > relTodayRange )
if ( poc + total[relTodayRange] - total[pocj] + ( total[pocj] - poc ) - total[pocj-( a+1 )] >= Value_area )
shiftup = floor( relTodayRange ) - pocj;
shiftdn = a + 1;

if ( ViewVpoc == 1 )
Virginpoc = basey + pocj * den;
newi = Null;

for ( j = i; j <= ( BarCount - 1 ) ; j++ )
if ( L[j] < Virginpoc AND H[j] > Virginpoc )
newi = j;
newi = BarCount;

Plot( LineArray( basex[i], basey + pocj*den, newi, basey + pocj*den ), "", Color_Virgin_POC, styleLine | styleNoRescale );

Vah = LineArray( baseX[i], baseY + ( pocj + shiftup ) * den, i, baseY + ( pocj + shiftup ) * den );
Val = LineArray( baseX[i], baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn ) * den, i, baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn ) * den );
pocline = LineArray( basex, basey + pocj * den, basex[i] + poc, basey + pocj * den );

Vahn = LineArray( i, baseY + ( pocj + shiftup ) * den, i + t, baseY + ( pocj + shiftup ) * den );
pocn = LineArray( i, baseY + ( pocj ) * den, i + t, baseY + ( pocj ) * den );
Valn = LineArray( i, baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn ) * den, i + t, baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn ) * den );

if ( Version() > 5.4 && !use_original_version )
// pocline
Plot_horizon_line_with_GFX( baseX, basex[i] + poc, basey + pocj * den, Color_POC_Line );
Plot( pocline, "", Color_POC_Line, styleLine | styleNoRescale | styleNoLabel );

if ( ViewYvalues == 1 )
Plot( Vahn, "", color_YVAH, styleDashed | styleNoRescale );
Plot( Valn, "", color_YVAL, styleDashed | styleNoRescale );
Plot( pocn, "", color_YPOC, styleDashed | styleNoRescale );

if ( ViewTPO == 1 )
nnn = HHV( H, BarsInDay );
PlotText( "" + ( total[relTodayRange] - total[pocj] ), basex[i], nnn[i], colorLightGrey );
PlotText( "" + ( total[pocj-1] ), basex[i], basey - den, colorLightGrey );

if ( Viewvalues == 1 )
PlotText( "" + ( ( basey + pocj*den ) ), baseX[i], basey + pocj*den, colorWhite, colorDarkGrey );
PlotText( "" + ( ( baseY + ( pocj + shiftup )*den ) ), baseX[i], baseY + ( pocj + shiftup )*den, colorWhite, colorDarkGrey );
PlotText( "" + ( ( baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn )*den ) ), baseX[i], baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn )*den, colorWhite, colorDarkGrey );

if ( Version() > 5.4 && !use_original_version )
for ( p = 0; p <= relTodayRange + 1; p = p + multiplier )
Plot_horizon_line_with_GFX( baseX, baseX + x[p], baseY + p * Den, IIf( p > ( pocj + shiftup ), Color_Above_VA, IIf( p <= ( pocj + shiftup ) AND p >= ( pocj - shiftdn ), Color_VA, Color_Below_VA )));
for ( p = 0; p <= relTodayRange + 1; p = p + multiplier )
if ( P > 0 )
line = LineArray( baseX, baseY + ( p ) * Den, baseX + x[p], baseY + ( p ) * Den );
Plot( line, "", IIf( p > ( pocj + shiftup ), Color_Above_VA, IIf( p <= ( pocj + shiftup )AND p >= ( pocj - shiftdn ), Color_VA, Color_Below_VA ) ) , EnMP2 );

basex = 0;
x = 0;
Basex = i;
baseY = Bot[i];
relTodayRange = Range[i] / Den;
Voloumeunit = Vol[i] / LastValue( BarsInDay );


for ( j = 0; j <= relTodayRange ; j++ )
if ( L[i] <= Bot[i] + j*Den AND H[i] >= Bot[i] + j*Den )

if ( Type == "Price Profile" )
x[j] = ( x[j] ) + x_scale;
if ( Type == "Volume Profile" )
x[j] = x[j] + round( V[i] / Voloumeunit ) + 1;


if ( EnIB == 1 )
IBH = HHV( H, IBBars );
IBL = LLV( L, IBBars );
Line1 = LineArray( basex, IBH[basex+IBBars-1], i, IBH[basex+IBBars-1] );
Plot( Line1, "", IBColor, IBstyle );
Line2 = LineArray( basex, IBL[basex+IBBars-1], i, IBL[basex+IBBars-1] );
Plot( Line2, "", IBColor, IBstyle );

poc = 0;
pocj = 0;
midrange = int( relTodayRange / 2 ) + 1;

for ( j = 1; j <= relTodayRange + 1 ; j++ )
if ( poc < x[j] )
poc = x[j];
pocj = j;
if ( poc == x[j] )
if ( abs( midrange - j ) < abs( midrange - pocj ) )
poc = x[j];
pocj = j;


for ( n = 1; n <= relTodayRange; n++ )
total[n] = x[n] + total[n-1];

Value_area = ( total[relTodayRange] * percent ) / 100;

for ( a = 1; a <= relTodayRange; a++ )
if ( pocj - a > 0 AND pocj + a < relTodayRange )
if ( poc + total[pocj+a] - total[pocj] + ( total[pocj] - poc ) - total[pocj-( a+1 )] >= Value_area )
shiftup = a;
shiftdn = a;
if ( pocj - a < 1 )
if ( poc + total[pocj+a] - total[pocj] + ( total[pocj] - poc ) >= Value_area )
shiftup = a;
shiftdn = pocj;
if ( pocj + a > relTodayRange )
if ( poc + total[relTodayRange] - total[pocj] + ( total[pocj] - poc ) - total[pocj-( a+1 )] >= Value_area )
shiftup = floor( relTodayRange ) - pocj;
shiftdn = a + 1;

Vah = LineArray( baseX[i], baseY + ( pocj + shiftup ) * den, i, baseY + ( pocj + shiftup ) * den );
Val = LineArray( baseX[i], baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn ) * den, i, baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn ) * den );
pocline = LineArray( basex, basey + pocj * den, basex[i] + poc, basey + pocj * den );

if ( ViewTPO == 1 )
PlotText( "" + ( total[relTodayRange] - total[pocj] ), basex[i], top[i], colorLightGrey );
PlotText( "" + ( total[pocj-1] + x_scale ), basex[i], basey - den, colorLightGrey );

if ( Viewvalues == 1 )
PlotText( "" + ( ( basey + pocj*den ) ), baseX[i], basey + pocj*den, colorWhite, colorDarkGrey );
PlotText( "" + ( ( baseY + ( pocj + shiftup )*den ) ), baseX[i], baseY + ( pocj + shiftup )*den, colorWhite, colorDarkGrey );
PlotText( "" + ( ( baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn )*den ) ), baseX[i], baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn )*den, colorWhite, colorDarkGrey );

if ( Version() > 5.4 && !use_original_version )
for ( p = 0; p <= relTodayRange + 1; p = p + multiplier )
Plot_horizon_line_with_GFX( baseX, baseX + x[p], baseY + p * Den, IIf( p > ( pocj + shiftup ), Color_Above_VA, IIf( p <= ( pocj + shiftup ) AND p >= ( pocj - shiftdn ), Color_VA, Color_Below_VA )));
// pocline
Plot_horizon_line_with_GFX( baseX, basex[i] + poc, basey + pocj * den, Color_POC_Line );
for ( p = 0; p <= relTodayRange + 1; p = p + multiplier )
line = LineArray( baseX, baseY + p * Den, baseX + x[p], baseY + p * Den );
Plot( line, "", IIf( p > ( pocj + shiftup ), Color_Above_VA, IIf( p <= ( pocj + shiftup )AND p >= ( pocj - shiftdn ), Color_VA, Color_Below_VA ) ), EnMP2 );

Plot( pocline, "", Color_POC_Line, styleLine | styleNoRescale | styleNoLabel );

_SECTION_BEGIN("Volume At Price");
PlotVAPOverlay( Param("Lines", 500, 100, 1000, 1 ), Param("Width", 12, 1, 100, 1 ), ParamColor("Color", colorGrey40 ), ParamToggle("Side", "Left|Right" ) | 4*ParamToggle("Z-order", "On top|Behind", 0 ) );


The VWAP for a stock is calculated by adding the value traded for every transaction in that stock ("price" x "number of shares traded") and dividing the total shares traded. A VWAP is computed from the Open of the market to the market Close, AND is calculated by Volume weighting all transactions during this time period

if(Period=="Daily" )
{//OR Interval()==3600
Bars_so_far_today = 1 + BarsSince( Day() != Ref(Day(), -1));
StartBar = ValueWhen(TimeNum() == 090000, BarIndex());
TodayVolume = Sum(V,Bars_so_far_today);
IIf (BarIndex() >= StartBar, VWAP = Sum (C * V, Bars_so_far_today ) / TodayVolume,0);

if(Period=="Weekly" OR Interval()==24 * 3600 )
Bars_so_far_today = 1 + BarsSince(DayOfWeek() < Ref( DayOfWeek(), -1 ));
StartBar = ValueWhen(TimeNum() == 090000, BarIndex());
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice("V", inWeekly, 0);
TodayVolume = Sum(Vol,Bars_so_far_today);
IIf (BarIndex() >= StartBar, VWAP = Sum (C * Vol, Bars_so_far_today ) / TodayVolume,0);

if(Period=="Monthly" )
Bars_so_far_today = 1 + BarsSince(Month() != Ref(Month(), -1));
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice("V", inMonthly, 0);
StartBar = ValueWhen(TimeNum() == 090000, BarIndex());
TodayVolume = Sum(Vol,Bars_so_far_today);
IIf (BarIndex() >= StartBar, VWAP = Sum (C * Vol, Bars_so_far_today ) / TodayVolume,0);

Plot (VWAP, "Vwap",colorYellow);


Well-Known Member
XRAY bro,

Please try this for the lines, its the same afls slightly modified,

//  Formula Name:    Market Profile 
// Use with 5/15min chart
// Originial - From AFL library
// Edited by - Milind / KAKA
// AFL Modified by Rajandran- code works good in 5min, 15min, 30min timeframe
// Code is Compatible with Amibroker 5.8 and above
// Letter A now repeats for first 30 min, Letter B next 30 min so on
// Multiple Repeating Alphabets Horizontally to be fixed in 5min and 15min

//Market Profile 9/12/2009

_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g", Ref(O,-1), Ref(H,-1), Ref(L,-1), Ref(C,-1) ));

EnMP2= ParamList("MarketProfile","Letters|Solid|Lines");
styleLines = ParamStyle("Style", styleLine, maskAll);

Type=ParamList("Type","Price Profile|Volume Profile");
Period= ParamList("Base","Hourly|Daily|Weekly|Monthly",1);

Den = Param("Density", 3, 0.25, 100, 0.25); // Resolution in terms of $
percent=Param("Value Area", 70, 1, 100, 1);
ViewTPOCount= ParamToggle("Show TPO Count", "No|Yes",1);

ViewPOC = ParamToggle("Show POC", "No|Yes",1);
ViewVALVAH = ParamToggle("Show VAL VAH Line", "No|Yes",1);
Viewfill = ParamToggle("Show VA Fill", "No|Yes",1);
Colorpoc=ParamColor("Color POC", colorYellow);
Colorfill=ParamColor("Color Fill", ColorRGB(20,40,60));

EnIB = ParamToggle("Show Initial Balance", "Yes|No");
IBBars = Param("Initial Balance Bars", 2, 0, 10, 1);

BarsInDay = BarsSince(Day() != Ref(Day(), -1));
Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, 0);
Top = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, 0);
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice("V", inDaily, 0);

BarsInDay = BarsSince(Minute() != Ref(Minute(), -1));
Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", in5Minute, 0);
Top = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", in5Minute, 0);
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice("V", in5Minute, 0);

BarsInDay = BarsSince(DayOfWeek() < Ref( DayOfWeek(), -1 ));
Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inWeekly, 0);
Top = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inWeekly, 0);
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice("V", inWeekly, 0);

if(Period=="Monthly" ){
BarsInDay = BarsSince(Month() != Ref(Month(), -1));
Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inMonthly, 0);
Top = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inMonthly, 0);
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice("V", inMonthly, 0);

CurTop = HHV(H,BarsInDay+1);
Curbot = LLV(L,BarsInDay+1);
Range = Highest(Top-Bot);
TodayRange = Top - Bot;

AveRange = Sum(Top-Bot,30)/30;
LAveRange = AveRange[BarCount-1];

// Initialization
baseX = 0;
baseY = floor(Bot[0]/Den)*Den;
relTodayRange = 0;
firstVisBar = Status("firstvisiblebar");
lastVisBar = Status("lastvisiblebar");


for (j=0; j <= 100; j++) {
  x[j] = 0;

i0 = 0;
i1 = 0;
for (i=0; i<BarCount; i++) {
  if (BarsInDay[i] == 0 AND i < firstVisBar) {
    i0 = i;
  if (BarsInDay[i] == 0 AND i >= lastVisBar) {
    i1 = i;

i1 = BarCount-1;
for (i=i0; i<=i1; i++) {
  if (BarsInDay[i] == 0) {
    baseX = i;
    baseY = floor(Bot[i]/Den)*Den;
    maxY = floor(Top[i]/Den)*Den;
    relTodayRange = (maxY-baseY)/Den;

    for (j=0; j <= relTodayRange; j++) {
      x[j] = 0;
	spread = Param("X Space", 112, 1, 200, 1);
	tpl = Param("Time Per Letter (mins)", 30, 1, 360, 1);
	flt =Param("First Letter (Bars)", 1, 1, 60, 1);
	teb=ParamToggle("To Each Bar","No|Yes");
	Color=Param("Color Threshold",20,1,50,1);

  if (EnMP2 == "Letters") {
    for (j=0; j<= relTodayRange; j++) {
      if (L[i] <= baseY+j*Den AND H[i] >= baseY+j*Den) {
        //PlotTextSetFont("", "Arial", 6, BarCount-1, Close[ BarCount - 3 ], colorGreen, colorDefault, -20 ); 
        //PlotTextSetFont("C", "Arial", 40, 100, 100, colorGreen, colorDefault, -20 ); 
		PlotText(StrExtract(" A , B , C , D , E , F , G , H ,  I  , J , K , L , M , N , O , P , Q , R , S , T , U , V , W , X , Y , Z, a , b , c , d , e , f , g , h , i , j , k , L , m , n ,o , p , q , r , s , t , u , v , w , x , y , z ",
		IIf(BarsInDay[i]<flt,0,floor(BarsInDay[i]/(tpl/Intervalmin))-0)), baseX+IIf(teb==1,BarsInDay[i],x[j]*(range_x/spread)), baseY+j*Den, 
	//PlotTextSetFont("", "Arial", 10, BarCount-1, Close[ BarCount - 3 ], colorGreen, colorDefault, -20 ); 
  else if (EnMP2 == "Lines" OR EnMP2 == "Solid") {
    for (j=0; j<= relTodayRange; j++) {
     if (L[i] <= baseY+j*Den AND H[i] >= baseY+j*Den) {
		if(Type=="Price Profile"){x[j]=x[j]+1;}
		else if(Type=="Volume Profile"){x[j]=x[j]+round(V[i]/Voloumeunit);}

  // Draw Initial Balance after 11am bar is complete
  if (BarsInDay[i] == IBBars AND EnIB == 0) {
    Line1 = LineArray(i-2, curtop[i-1],i+7, curtop[i-1],0,True);
    Line1 = LineArray(i-2, curbot[i-1],i+7, curbot[i-1],0,True);

  // Examine x[j]
  if ((i < BarCount - 1 AND BarsInDay[i+1] == 0) OR i == BarCount-1) {
    maxXj = 0;
	maxj = 0;
    for (j=0; j<= relTodayRange; j++) {
      if (maxXj < x[j]) {maxXj = x[j]; maxj = j; StaticVarSet("Maxj",j); new=j;
	for ( n = 1; n <= relTodayRange; n++ ) {

	for ( a = 1; a <= relTodayRange; a++ )
		if(Maxj-a>0 AND Maxj+a<relTodayRange)
			if(MaxXj+total[Maxj+a]-total[Maxj]+total[Maxj-1]-total[Maxj-(a+1)]>=Value_area) {shiftup=a; shiftdn=a; break;}
		else if(Maxj-a<1 ) 
			if(MaxXj+total[Maxj+a]-total[Maxj]+total[Maxj-1]>=Value_area){shiftup=a; shiftdn=maxj-1; break;}		
		else if(Maxj+a>relTodayRange ) 
			if(MaxXj+total[relTodayRange]-total[Maxj]+total[Maxj-1]-total[Maxj-(a+1)] >=Value_area){shiftup=relTodayRange-maxj; shiftdn=a; break;}		

	Vah = LineArray(baseX, baseY+(maxj+shiftup)*Den, i, baseY+(maxj+shiftup)*Den,0,True);
	Val = LineArray(baseX, baseY+(maxj-shiftdn)*Den, i, baseY+(maxj-shiftdn)*Den,0,True);
	poc = LineArray(baseX, baseY+maxj*Den, i, baseY+maxj*Den,0,True);
//Shift for Yesterday's Values
	nobs = ceil(375/(Interval()/60));
		//Plot(Vah,"",ParamColor("Color_VA",  colorLightBlue),styleLine|styleNoRescale);
		//Plot(Val,"",ParamColor("Color_VA",  colorLightBlue),styleLine|styleNoRescale);


	if(ViewTPOCount==1){PlotText(""+total[maxj],basex,bot[i]-(Top[i]-bot[i])*0.05,ParamColor("Color_VAL", colorLavender));
	PlotText(""+(total[relTodayRange]-total[maxj]),basex,Top[i]+(Top[i]*0.0005),ParamColor("Color_VAH", colorLavender));}

	if (i < BarCount - 1 AND BarsInDay[i+1] == 0 OR i == BarCount-1) {
	  for  (p = 1; p < relTodayRange+1; p++){
	  line = LineArray(baseX, baseY+p*Den, baseX+x[p], baseY+p*Den);
	  line2 = LineArray(baseX, baseY+(p-1)*Den, baseX+x[p-1], baseY+(p-1)*Den);

      if (EnMP2 == "Solid")
	PlotOHLC( Line,  Line,  Line2, Line2, "",IIf(p>(maxj+shiftup),ParamColor("Color_VAH",  colorLavender),IIf(p<=(maxj+shiftup)AND p>(maxj-shiftdn),ParamColor("Color_VA", colorLightBlue),ParamColor("Color_VAL", colorLavender))) ,styleCloud|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel);
	  if (EnMP2 == "Lines") 
     Plot(line,"",IIf(p>(maxj+shiftup),ParamColor("Color_VAH", colorLavender),IIf(p<=(maxj+shiftup)AND p>(maxj-shiftdn),ParamColor("Color_VA", colorLightBlue),ParamColor("Color_VAL",  colorLavender))) , styleLines|styleNoLabel);



_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorDefault ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); 

_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));

// - there was a plot limit call introduced after 5.41.0 beta
// i.e. "•Warning 502: Calling Plot()/PlotOHLC over 500 times is displayed in indicator in runtime to prevent abuse"
// - uses GFX for major calls of plot only if AB version newer than 5.40 - this only delays reaching the plot limit
// - see also the toggle parameter "use_original_version"

//PlotOHLC( O, H, L, C, "Price", IIf( C > O, colorGreen, colorRed ), styleCandle );
function Lastthursday()
Daysinmonth = IIf( Month() == 1 OR Month() == 3 OR Month() == 5 OR Month() == 7 OR Month() == 8 OR Month() == 10 OR Month() == 12, 31, 30 );
Daysinmonthfeb = IIf( Year() % 4 == 0 AND Year() % 100 != 0, 29, 28 );
Daysinmonthfinal = IIf( Month() == 2, Daysinmonthfeb, Daysinmonth );
returnvalue = IIf( Daysinmonthfinal - Day() < 7 AND DayOfWeek() == 4, 1, IIf( Daysinmonthfinal - Day() < 8 AND DayOfWeek() == 3 AND Ref( DayOfWeek(), 1 ) != 4 AND Day() != Daysinmonthfinal , 1, 0 ) );
return returnvalue;

procedure PlotlinewithGFXinit()
global AB_Miny, AB_Maxy, AB_lvb, AB_fvb;
global AB_pxchartleft, AB_pxchartwidth, AB_pxchartbottom, AB_pxchartheight;
global AB_TotalBars, AB_penwidth;

GfxSetOverlayMode( 0 );
AB_penwidth = 2;

AB_Miny = Status( "axisminy" );
AB_Maxy = Status( "axismaxy" );
AB_lvb = Status( "lastvisiblebar" );
AB_fvb = Status( "firstvisiblebar" );

AB_pxchartleft = Status( "pxchartleft" );
AB_pxchartwidth = Status( "pxchartwidth" );
AB_pxchartbottom = Status( "pxchartbottom" );
AB_pxchartheight = Status( "pxchartheight" );

AB_TotalBars = AB_Lvb - AB_fvb;

procedure Plot_horizon_line_with_GFX( ix0, ix1, iy, icolor )
global AB_Miny, AB_Maxy, AB_lvb, AB_fvb;
global AB_pxchartleft, AB_pxchartwidth, AB_pxchartbottom, AB_pxchartheight;
global AB_TotalBars, AB_penwidth;

local ix0, ix1, iy, icolor;
local x_px, y_px, y_scale;

GfxSelectPen( icolor, AB_penwidth, 0 );
x_px = AB_pxchartleft + ( ix0 - AB_fvb ) * AB_pxchartwidth / ( AB_TotalBars + 1 );

y_scale = AB_pxchartheight / ( AB_maxy - AB_miny );
y_px = AB_pxchartbottom - floor( 0.5 + ( iy - AB_Miny ) * y_scale );
GfxMoveTo( x_px, y_px );

x_px = AB_pxchartleft + ( ix1 - AB_fvb ) * AB_pxchartwidth / ( AB_TotalBars + 1 );
GfxLineTo( x_px, y_px );

FirstVisibleBar = Status( "FirstVisibleBar" );
Lastvisiblebar = Status( "LastVisibleBar" );

totalVisible = Lastvisiblebar - FirstVisibleBar;
use_original_version = ParamToggle("MP version", "GFX code(only if AB > 5.40)|original code", 0);
//Den = Param("Density", 1, 0.1, 10, 0.1);
percent = Param( "Value Area", 70, 1, 100, 1 );
Type = ParamList( "Type", "Price Profile|Volume Profile" );
Period = ParamList( "Base", "Hourly|Daily|Weekly|Monthly|Lastthursday|Year ly", 1 );
x_scale = Param( "Horizontal_scale", 2, 0, 10, 0.1 );
EnMP2 = ParamStyle( "Style", styleLine | styleNoLabel, maskAll );
styleLines = styleDots;
EnIB = ParamToggle( "Show Initial Balance", "No|Yes", 0 );
IBBars = Param( "Initial Balance Bars", 2, 1, 10, 1 );
ViewYvalues = ParamToggle( "Show Yesterdays Values", "No|Yes", 1 );
ViewVlines = ParamToggle( "Show Vertical Base Lines", "No|Yes", 1 );
Viewvalues = ParamToggle( "Show Values", "No|Yes", 0 );
ViewVpoc = ParamToggle( "Show Virgin POC", "No|Yes", 1 );
ViewTPO = ParamToggle( "Show TPO Count", "No|Yes", 0 );
Viewsideprof= ParamToggle( "Show side profile", "No|Yes", 0 );

Color_Above_VA = ParamColor( "Color_Above_VA", colorGrey40 );
Color_VA = ParamColor( "Color_VA", colorBlueGrey );
Color_Below_VA = ParamColor( "Color_Below_VA", colorGrey40 );
Color_POC_line = ParamColor( "Color_POC_Line", colorYellow );

color_YVAH = ParamColor( "YVAH", colorWhite );
color_YVAL = ParamColor( "YVAL", colorWhite );
color_YPOC = ParamColor( "YPOC", colorYellow );

IBColor = ParamColor( "IB Color", colorWhite );
IBstyle = ParamStyle( "IB style", styleLine, maskAll );
Color_Virgin_POC = ParamColor( "Virgin Poc Color", colorYellow );
Color_Base_Line = ParamColor( "Base Line Color", colorDarkGrey );

if ( Period == "Hourly" )
BarsInDay = BarsSince( Hour() != Ref( Hour(), -1 ) );
Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice( "L", inHourly, 0 );
Top = TimeFrameGetPrice( "H", inHourly, 0 );
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice( "V", inHourly, 0 );

if ( Period == "Daily" )
//OR Interval()==3600
BarsInDay = BarsSince( Day() != Ref( Day(), -1 ) ) ;
Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice( "L", inDaily, 0 );
Top = TimeFrameGetPrice( "H", inDaily, 0 );
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice( "V", inDaily, 0 );

if ( Period == "Weekly" OR Interval() == 24 * 3600 )
BarsInDay = BarsSince( DayOfWeek() < Ref( DayOfWeek(), -1 ) );
bot1 = ValueWhen( BarsInDay == 0, L, 1 );
Bot2 = ValueWhen( Ref( BarsInDay, 1 ) == 1 OR BarIndex() > BarCount - 2 , LLV( L, BarsInDay ), 0 );
bot = Min( bot1, bot2 );
top1 = ValueWhen( BarsInDay == 0, H, 1 );
Top2 = ValueWhen( Ref( BarsInDay, 1 ) == 1 OR BarIndex() > BarCount - 2, HHV( H, BarsInDay ), 0 );
top = Max( top1, top2 );
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice( "V", inWeekly, 0 );

if ( Period == "Monthly" )
BarsInDay = BarsSince( Month() != Ref( Month(), -1 ) );
Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice( "L", inMonthly, 0 );
Top = TimeFrameGetPrice( "H", inMonthly, 0 );
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice( "V", inMonthly, 0 );

if ( Period == "Lastthursday" )
BarsInDay = BarsSince( Lastthursday() == 0 AND Ref( Lastthursday(), -1 ) == 1 );
bot1 = ValueWhen( BarsInDay == 0, L, 1 );
Bot2 = ValueWhen( Ref( BarsInDay, 1 ) == 1 OR BarIndex() > BarCount - 2 , LLV( L, BarsInDay ), 0 );
bot = Min( bot1, bot2 );
top1 = ValueWhen( BarsInDay == 0, H, 1 );
Top2 = ValueWhen( Ref( BarsInDay, 1 ) == 1 OR BarIndex() > BarCount - 2, HHV( H, BarsInDay ), 0 );
top = Max( top1, top2 );
Vol = ValueWhen( Ref( BarsInDay, 1 ) == 1 OR BarIndex() > BarCount - 2 , Sum( V, BarsInDay ), 0 );


if ( Period == "Yearly" )
BarsInDay = BarsSince( Year() != Ref( Year(), -1 ) );
Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice( "L", inYearly, 0 );
Top = TimeFrameGetPrice( "H", inYearly, 0 );
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice( "V", inYearly, 0 );

CurTop = HHV( H, BarsInDay + 1 );

Curbot = LLV( L, BarsInDay + 1 );

Range = Top - Bot;
coverage = LastValue( Ref( ATR( 10 ), -1 ) );

den = ( coverage / 10 );

multiplier = IIf( round( totalVisible ) / 300 < 1, 1, round( totalVisible ) / 300 );

if ( ViewVlines == 1 )

Plot( BarsInDay == 0, "", Color_Base_Line, styleHistogram | styleOwnScale | styleLine | styleNoLabel );

relTodayRange = 0;

x = 0;
basey = 0;
basex = 0;
newday = 0;
total = 0;
shiftup = 0;
shiftdn = 0;
Line = Null;
Voloumeunit = 0;

for ( i = IIf( FirstVisibleBar - 100 > 1, FirstVisibleBar - 100, FirstVisibleBar ); i < Lastvisiblebar AND i < BarCount - 1 ; i++ )
if ( BarsInDay[i] == 0 )
t = BarsInDay[i-1];

if ( EnIB == 1 )
IBH = HHV( H, IBBars );
IBL = LLV( L, IBBars );
Line1 = LineArray( basex, IBH[basex+IBBars-1], i, IBH[basex+IBBars-1] );
Plot( Line1, "", IBColor, IBstyle );
Line2 = LineArray( basex, IBL[basex+IBBars-1], i, IBL[basex+IBBars-1] );
Plot( Line2, "", IBcolor, IBstyle );

poc = 0;
pocj = 0;
midrange = int( relTodayRange / 2 ) + 1;

for ( j = 1; j <= relTodayRange + 1 ; j++ )
if ( poc < x[j] )
poc = x[j];
pocj = j;
if ( poc == x[j] )
if ( abs( midrange - j ) < abs( midrange - pocj ) )
poc = x[j];
pocj = j;


for ( n = 1; n <= relTodayRange; n++ )
total[n] = x[n] + total[n-1];

Value_area = ( total[relTodayRange] * percent ) / 100;

for ( a = 1; a <= relTodayRange; a++ )
if ( pocj - a > 0 AND pocj + a < relTodayRange )
if ( poc + total[pocj+a] - total[pocj] + ( total[pocj] - poc ) - total[pocj-( a+1 )] >= Value_area )
shiftup = a;
shiftdn = a;
if ( pocj - a < 1 )
if ( poc + total[pocj+a] - total[pocj] + ( total[pocj] - poc ) >= Value_area )
shiftup = a;
shiftdn = pocj;
if ( pocj + a > relTodayRange )
if ( poc + total[relTodayRange] - total[pocj] + ( total[pocj] - poc ) - total[pocj-( a+1 )] >= Value_area )
shiftup = floor( relTodayRange ) - pocj;
shiftdn = a + 1;

if ( ViewVpoc == 1 )
Virginpoc = basey + pocj * den;
newi = Null;

for ( j = i; j <= ( BarCount - 1 ) ; j++ )
if ( L[j] < Virginpoc AND H[j] > Virginpoc )
newi = j;
newi = BarCount;

Plot( LineArray( basex[i], basey + pocj*den, newi, basey + pocj*den ), "", Color_Virgin_POC, styleLine | styleNoRescale );

Vah = LineArray( baseX[i], baseY + ( pocj + shiftup ) * den, i, baseY + ( pocj + shiftup ) * den );
Val = LineArray( baseX[i], baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn ) * den, i, baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn ) * den );
pocline = LineArray( basex, basey + pocj * den, basex[i] + poc, basey + pocj * den );

Vahn = LineArray( i, baseY + ( pocj + shiftup ) * den, i + t, baseY + ( pocj + shiftup ) * den );
pocn = LineArray( i, baseY + ( pocj ) * den, i + t, baseY + ( pocj ) * den );
Valn = LineArray( i, baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn ) * den, i + t, baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn ) * den );

if ( Version() > 5.4 && !use_original_version )
// pocline
Plot_horizon_line_with_GFX( baseX, basex[i] + poc, basey + pocj * den, Color_POC_Line );
Plot( pocline, "", Color_POC_Line, styleLine | styleNoRescale | styleNoLabel );

if ( ViewYvalues == 1 )
Plot( Vahn, "", color_YVAH, styleDashed | styleNoRescale );
Plot( Valn, "", color_YVAL, styleDashed | styleNoRescale );
Plot( pocn, "", color_YPOC, styleDashed | styleNoRescale );

if ( ViewTPO == 1 )
nnn = HHV( H, BarsInDay );
PlotText( "" + ( total[relTodayRange] - total[pocj] ), basex[i], nnn[i], colorLightGrey );
PlotText( "" + ( total[pocj-1] ), basex[i], basey - den, colorLightGrey );

if ( Viewvalues == 1 )
PlotText( "" + ( ( basey + pocj*den ) ), baseX[i], basey + pocj*den, colorWhite, colorDarkGrey );
PlotText( "" + ( ( baseY + ( pocj + shiftup )*den ) ), baseX[i], baseY + ( pocj + shiftup )*den, colorWhite, colorDarkGrey );
PlotText( "" + ( ( baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn )*den ) ), baseX[i], baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn )*den, colorWhite, colorDarkGrey );

if ( Version() > 5.4 && !use_original_version )
for ( p = 0; p <= relTodayRange + 1; p = p + multiplier )
Plot_horizon_line_with_GFX( baseX, baseX + x[p], baseY + p * Den, IIf( p > ( pocj + shiftup ), Color_Above_VA, IIf( p <= ( pocj + shiftup ) AND p >= ( pocj - shiftdn ), Color_VA, Color_Below_VA )));
for ( p = 0; p <= relTodayRange + 1; p = p + multiplier )
if ( P > 0 )
line = LineArray( baseX, baseY + ( p ) * Den, baseX + x[p], baseY + ( p ) * Den );
Plot( line, "", IIf( p > ( pocj + shiftup ), Color_Above_VA, IIf( p <= ( pocj + shiftup )AND p >= ( pocj - shiftdn ), Color_VA, Color_Below_VA ) ) , EnMP2 );

basex = 0;
x = 0;
Basex = i;
baseY = Bot[i];
relTodayRange = Range[i] / Den;
Voloumeunit = Vol[i] / LastValue( BarsInDay );


for ( j = 0; j <= relTodayRange ; j++ )
if ( L[i] <= Bot[i] + j*Den AND H[i] >= Bot[i] + j*Den )

if ( Type == "Price Profile" )
x[j] = ( x[j] ) + x_scale;
if ( Type == "Volume Profile" )
x[j] = x[j] + round( V[i] / Voloumeunit ) + 1;


if ( EnIB == 1 )
IBH = HHV( H, IBBars );
IBL = LLV( L, IBBars );
Line1 = LineArray( basex, IBH[basex+IBBars-1], i, IBH[basex+IBBars-1] );
Plot( Line1, "", IBColor, IBstyle );
Line2 = LineArray( basex, IBL[basex+IBBars-1], i, IBL[basex+IBBars-1] );
Plot( Line2, "", IBColor, IBstyle );

poc = 0;
pocj = 0;
midrange = int( relTodayRange / 2 ) + 1;

for ( j = 1; j <= relTodayRange + 1 ; j++ )
if ( poc < x[j] )
poc = x[j];
pocj = j;
if ( poc == x[j] )
if ( abs( midrange - j ) < abs( midrange - pocj ) )
poc = x[j];
pocj = j;


for ( n = 1; n <= relTodayRange; n++ )
total[n] = x[n] + total[n-1];

Value_area = ( total[relTodayRange] * percent ) / 100;

for ( a = 1; a <= relTodayRange; a++ )
if ( pocj - a > 0 AND pocj + a < relTodayRange )
if ( poc + total[pocj+a] - total[pocj] + ( total[pocj] - poc ) - total[pocj-( a+1 )] >= Value_area )
shiftup = a;
shiftdn = a;
if ( pocj - a < 1 )
if ( poc + total[pocj+a] - total[pocj] + ( total[pocj] - poc ) >= Value_area )
shiftup = a;
shiftdn = pocj;
if ( pocj + a > relTodayRange )
if ( poc + total[relTodayRange] - total[pocj] + ( total[pocj] - poc ) - total[pocj-( a+1 )] >= Value_area )
shiftup = floor( relTodayRange ) - pocj;
shiftdn = a + 1;

Vah = LineArray( baseX[i], baseY + ( pocj + shiftup ) * den, i, baseY + ( pocj + shiftup ) * den );
Val = LineArray( baseX[i], baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn ) * den, i, baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn ) * den );
pocline = LineArray( basex, basey + pocj * den, basex[i] + poc, basey + pocj * den );

if ( ViewTPO == 1 )
PlotText( "" + ( total[relTodayRange] - total[pocj] ), basex[i], top[i], colorLightGrey );
PlotText( "" + ( total[pocj-1] + x_scale ), basex[i], basey - den, colorLightGrey );

if ( Viewvalues == 1 )
PlotText( "" + ( ( basey + pocj*den ) ), baseX[i], basey + pocj*den, colorWhite, colorDarkGrey );
PlotText( "" + ( ( baseY + ( pocj + shiftup )*den ) ), baseX[i], baseY + ( pocj + shiftup )*den, colorWhite, colorDarkGrey );
PlotText( "" + ( ( baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn )*den ) ), baseX[i], baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn )*den, colorWhite, colorDarkGrey );

if ( Version() > 5.4 && !use_original_version )
for ( p = 0; p <= relTodayRange + 1; p = p + multiplier )
Plot_horizon_line_with_GFX( baseX, baseX + x[p], baseY + p * Den, IIf( p > ( pocj + shiftup ), Color_Above_VA, IIf( p <= ( pocj + shiftup ) AND p >= ( pocj - shiftdn ), Color_VA, Color_Below_VA )));
// pocline
Plot_horizon_line_with_GFX( baseX, basex[i] + poc, basey + pocj * den, Color_POC_Line );
for ( p = 0; p <= relTodayRange + 1; p = p + multiplier )
line = LineArray( baseX, baseY + p * Den, baseX + x[p], baseY + p * Den );
Plot( line, "", IIf( p > ( pocj + shiftup ), Color_Above_VA, IIf( p <= ( pocj + shiftup )AND p >= ( pocj - shiftdn ), Color_VA, Color_Below_VA ) ), EnMP2 );

Plot( pocline, "", Color_POC_Line, styleLine | styleNoRescale | styleNoLabel );

_SECTION_BEGIN("Volume At Price");
PlotVAPOverlay( Param("Lines", 500, 100, 1000, 1 ), Param("Width", 12, 1, 100, 1 ), ParamColor("Color", colorGrey40 ), ParamToggle("Side", "Left|Right" ) | 4*ParamToggle("Z-order", "On top|Behind", 0 ) );


The VWAP for a stock is calculated by adding the value traded for every transaction in that stock ("price" x "number of shares traded") and dividing the total shares traded. A VWAP is computed from the Open of the market to the market Close, AND is calculated by Volume weighting all transactions during this time period

if(Period=="Daily" )
{//OR Interval()==3600
Bars_so_far_today = 1 + BarsSince( Day() != Ref(Day(), -1));
StartBar = ValueWhen(TimeNum() == 090000, BarIndex());
TodayVolume = Sum(V,Bars_so_far_today);
IIf (BarIndex() >= StartBar, VWAP = Sum (C * V, Bars_so_far_today ) / TodayVolume,0);

if(Period=="Weekly" OR Interval()==24 * 3600 )
Bars_so_far_today = 1 + BarsSince(DayOfWeek() < Ref( DayOfWeek(), -1 ));
StartBar = ValueWhen(TimeNum() == 090000, BarIndex());
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice("V", inWeekly, 0);
TodayVolume = Sum(Vol,Bars_so_far_today);
IIf (BarIndex() >= StartBar, VWAP = Sum (C * Vol, Bars_so_far_today ) / TodayVolume,0);

if(Period=="Monthly" )
Bars_so_far_today = 1 + BarsSince(Month() != Ref(Month(), -1));
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice("V", inMonthly, 0);
StartBar = ValueWhen(TimeNum() == 090000, BarIndex());
TodayVolume = Sum(Vol,Bars_so_far_today);
IIf (BarIndex() >= StartBar, VWAP = Sum (C * Vol, Bars_so_far_today ) / TodayVolume,0);

Plot (VWAP, "Vwap",colorYellow);
Good code wisp !!! drawing of lines are reduced and we can see the profile background only in case of need
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Well-Known Member
Very nice explanation sir. 2 contrasting set ups.

The morning one required swift action. Within a matter of 15 mins we were down from 8686 to 8655. Or in one way it was quick money as well.

The afternoon one after failure it waited there. Gave us time to analyse ponder and then enter. then slowly moved upwards

Yesterday Double distribution so any BO should be above yesterday high with cap to weekly level of 8745

Once BOF is noted...shorted to Half back refer as tsl then moved to above POC..

Same thing applies for P and b distributions !!! first is bullish and later is bearish

Typo in chart just read it as half back refer point


Well-Known Member
i think some of members are feeling difficult in understanding distribution patterns so explaining once again as these are important and we have trade according to its merit below are the pattern with the afl i'm using

Actually Double distribution is explained by Happy singh with respective to practical purpose but there are patterns which offer significant potential to trade are: A capital “P” pattern indicates a retest of resistance and/or higher prices. A lower case “b” pattern shows a retest of support and/or lower prices.

Hope this clarifies now !!!
XRAY27 Bro,

Thanks for ur detailed explanation, Still i m learner of this MP concept, Anyway Hope my understanding is right, regarding Double Distribution, Lower case 'b' Pattern.:D




Well-Known Member
i think some of members are feeling difficult in understanding distribution patterns so explaining once again as these are important and we have trade according to its merit below are the pattern with the afl i'm using

Actually Double distribution is explained by Happy singh with respective to practical purpose but there are patterns which offer significant potential to trade are: A capital “P” pattern indicates a retest of resistance and/or higher prices. A lower case “b” pattern shows a retest of support and/or lower prices.

Hope this clarifies now !!!
For making trading decesion do we need to see yesterdays Pattern and respond accordingly or we trade as per today's distribution?

I m still under confusion for entries using this b ,P and B distribution ,Please advise .
XRAY bro,

Please try this for the lines, its the same afls slightly modified,

The earlier version was not showing letters, many thanks for the amended code. :clap:

A few things that are observed...

In the parameters, SHOW MP has to be selected NO to plot profile
The letter size seems to be fixed and a bit large gets merged with each other, hinders in recognition
Is it possible to plot both TPO/Vol profile simultaneously :p
Can the profile's transparency be controlled.



The MP chart seems to be of NinjaTrader.

I had tried using IGMarketProfile indicator but it didn't work.

Which indicator can be used in NT for Market Profile, please enlighten.



Well-Known Member
More keen on the morning short.(yesterday your chart one not today).. Which timeframe you were viewing while entering shorts.

15 min. Two candles and we were down 30 points here

5 mins.

Yesterday Double distribution so any BO should be above yesterday high with cap to weekly level of 8745

Once BOF is noted...shorted to Half back refer as tsl then moved to above POC..

Same thing applies for P and b distributions !!! first is bullish and later is bearish

Typo in chart just read it as half back refer point
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