User reputation system is becoming subject of personal graviances?

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renu daga

Well-Known Member
User reputation system... 13th October 2007 05:22 PM

My remark was made in good humor and I did not intend to hurt you, however I realize that I was wrong and I shouldn't have done that... I will not do this again, and I apologize for my behaviour...

thanks traderji sir, and all senior members (pkjha,czar,rkkarnani,uasish,dev) who so ever has shown concerned for me...
to the member who has passed such comment .. i would have been more glad if u would have stated ur identity.or i would know who actually u were...I accept ur apology.



its always traderji & him mainly to thank, for his humongous efforts to please us members & do the necessary & keep this family alive & strong, salute...


Well-Known Member
User reputation system... 13th October 2007 05:22 PM

My remark was made in good humor and I did not intend to hurt you, however I realize that I was wrong and I shouldn't have done that... I will not do this again, and I apologize for my behaviour...

thanks traderji sir, and all senior members (pkjha,czar,rkkarnani,uasish,dev) who so ever has shown concerned for me...
to the member who has passed such comment .. i would have been more glad if u would have stated ur identity.or i would know who actually u were...I accept ur apology.

Hi renu

"To err is human , to forgive is divine."

I suppose your reply is a fitting comment to this episode, renu. I really appreciate what ashish said that you participated in this male dominated forum very sportingly and courageously.I hope you continue to do the same. Let bygones be bygone.May be the member is ashamed of what he did and repents so no need to further add insult to injury. If same thing continues then he knows that he could be tracked. Also let others know that while user reputation system offers some degree of anonymity, it does not guarantee absolute anonymity, one can be tracked down if need be.

Your posts certainly benefit some members else there would not have been so much outrage at this offense.

While, I agree with the comment of nb that without comments reputation system may not be so effective, but only if we post comments as responsibly as we do for thread replies. We can always put comments in the threads. While getting marksheet we don't get comments of the evaluators/examiners yet marks reflect some degree of knowledge or ignorance of examinees.

In any case the general warmth and helpful attitude of members of this Forum should not be disturbed.

Pankaj :)


on the note of benefiting & on the lighter side to end this thread, hope the English keyboard which recently renu has adopted will remain & the french one will be discarded, otherwise we have to learn french to benefit ;)

renu daga

Well-Known Member
respected sir,(pkjha)

i truly agree with u.. with ur views using teh reputation comment,,, hope other memebrs too understand..

and for sure ,,,In any case the general warmth and helpful attitude of members of this Forum should not be disturbed.

but with earnest request i could not reveal out teh name of member!!! never mind...
all is well that ends up well..
Received two anonymous reputation remarks for my post one said "correct" another said"stop trolling old fart"

Do you find any justification for second remark?READ MY POST ONCE AGAIN

"How would you react if after getting 13 positive comments from fellow boarders Traderji takes offence to post in question and bans you"[/QUOTE]

Last time this gentelman sent vulgar IM to fellow boarder this time he has sent this annonymous remark.BTW person sending vulgar IM is still member of forum and you still call it AUGUST forum?? i want to bring this matter to the notice of ADMINISTRATOR (Not moderator) of this forum can anybody guide?
there is other side to this story.

How would you react if after getting 13 positive comments from fellow boarders Traderji takes offence to post in question and bans you

ratan jain


Are you old?

If not then u can ignore the comment, and if u are OLD, track him down with the help of traderji!
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