Trading the Ranges

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I was looking for free EOD data for Amibroker.

Tried the following:-

Getbhavcopy (Stopped working on and off due to upgradations or Host is unavailale)
NSE site (Could not open the site for days together)
Investbulls (Their IEOD free data will be discontinued in near future).

Even I wanted to try paid services, but not yet found a suitable EOD data provider at reasonable rates.

I found a source where EOD data is provided for free of cost. The source is a commercial site. I donot promote the contents of the site or am not propagating the site in any way. My recommendation is only free EOD data.
Hope this would be of some help to the members who are looking for free EOD data for amibroker for doing Technical Analysis and investment. I hope if its free, there should not be any problem even if the site is commercially explicit.

Here is the link


Well-Known Member
The question is - why should we continue to trade if we are certain that the system fails sometimes.

To answer it, let us assume that market observes a random walk theory. That is to say any random trade taken has a chance of winning half of the times. That makes sense to avoid following any system altogether. But consider the following.

Human brain uses a peg system to make decisions. Peg compares itself with a support fixed by a mountaineer while climbing. The mountaineer uses his judgement where to put the support so that it withstands his weight in case of a failed attempt of climb or slip. Like a mountaineer, a trader also needs a peg to base his trading. Needless to emphasize the placement of a peg needs lot of experience, judgement so that it withstands incase of emergency. Both Mountaineer and trader want to climb high and donot want to test the stregth of Peg already fixed. The aim is to climb high. Having a system for trading helps trader to judge the better placement of a peg. System merely tells the likely place of a peg. It is the trader who decides whether to go ahead or not based upon his experience, understanding. System constitutes 10% and trader constitutes 90% of trading success.

Happy and successful Pegs.


Well-Known Member

As traders and investors, we are always struggling with the demons that deminish performance or that cause us to lose money. The best trading tools are useless in the hands of an undisciplined trader whereas a mediocre trading approach can be transformed into a money-making swan. The critical variables that differentiate winners from losers are not on a function of the pragmatic considerations but they are also related to the internal and/or behavior factors that affect the trader.

The enemies of the trader are usually those that reside deep within the psyche of the trader or in learned behavior patterns that may have served their purpose at one time but which are no longer functional at this time. Trading and investing are, at best, difficult undertakings and, at worst, losing propositions. Yet in spite of the difficulties, the allure, the intrigue, and the possibility of striking it rich continue to attract traders the world over. Unfortunately, many of the newcomers lack the trading skills as well as the trading discipline. Jesse Livermore (alias Edwin LeF`evre) expressed it eloquently as follows: The chief enemies of the trader are always boring from within.

What or who are these chief enemies? How can we recognize them? How can we locate and eradicate them? Are there proven methods for doing so? There are many roadblocks to successful trading. In fact, hundreds of pages could be written about the factors that limit success but fewer yet on the factors that facilitate success. There are literally hundreds of things traders can do that will lose them money. There are only a few things that lead to profits.

The major loss producing factors (i.e., the enemies of the trader) as shown below. While it is certain that there are many who disagree with these conclusions, they have drawn on many years of experience in trading as well as observations of thousands of traders the world over. Here is a synopsis of those findings. It is followed by a brief commentary about each.


An active imagination can prove highly beneficial to a fiction writer, an artist, or a musician, but it has no place in trading. Many traders are prone to overly
active imaginations. They envision or create positive as well as negative scenarios. Both can be destructive because they may lead to unrealistic conclusions and expectations. It is best for the trader to avoid imagining possible outcomes for a given trade.

To counteract this tendency, the trader must rely on his or her trading methodology to the exclusion of all other expectations. Once you have entered a trade, do not allow your imagination to rule your emotions or your expectations.


Overthinking is a form of an overly active imagination, in a more concrete or intellectual way. Once you have developed a trading system or method, and once you have entered a trade, all the thinking or analysis in the world will not change the outcome of that trade. In fact, too much thinking may cause you to lose your confidence, thereby prompting you to make a costly error that is not based on your original methodology.

Avoid talking or thinking in phrases such as If I had only, or I should have or What if or If I added more indicators to my system then . . . Other statements to avoid are Looks like the market wants to . . . or I think it is time to get in. This type of analysis should be done when developing a system, not after a trade has been entered and not after your system has indicated that a trade should be entered. The market does not care what you think. The market will do its own thing no matter what you think and no matter how strongly you think that it looks like it wants to go up.

Overdosing on the News

The amount of news that is available on the markets is staggering, and it is growing larger by the second. The rapid growth of Internet communications,
blogs, websites, and e-mail has created a news overload situation. There is so much news out there that it can often be confusing and even misleading.
Experts are plentiful. Opinions are available virtually everywhere. Traders have a love-hate relationship with news. They love the news when it supports their position in the market(s) and they hate the news when it is contrary to their position in the market(s). Unless you know the news before it happens, or unless you are the person making the news, the odds are that it will not help you make money.

As market technicians, we expect that our indicators and methods will let us know when markets are likely to change direction or that they have changed direction. Most market technicians believe that their methods are sensitive enough to detect the behavior of insiders before the markets make their moves. We believe technical indicators will tell us the impact of the news and not the news itself. As a technical trader, avoid being exposed to the news if you are prone to deviate from your system or trading plan. The news can be your best friend and your worst enemy. Try to avoid either of these extremes.

Fight Your Fear
Fear is the most serious enemy of the trader. It can cause you to avoid making a trade and it can cause you to exit a trade too soon. The time to be fearful about a trade is before you enter it. Once it has been entered, your fate is sealed. Let the trade run to its logical conclusion as prescribed by your system or method. Do not get out too soon and do not get out too late.

Simply stated, follow the rules and they will eliminate the fear, or, at the very least, minimize it.

The best antidote for fear is confidence. Confidence does not just happen. It is the product of an effective trading strategy. If you have confidence in your methods then you will have less fear. And less fear will bring more profits through less error.

Keeping Greed in Check

Greed is not as serious an enemy as fear, but it runs a close second. Greed can also prove to be your greatest enemy by causing you to stay with a trade
after it should be closed out. When it is time to get out of a trade, then get out. Do not hold on, attempting to force the last drop of money out of the

Furthermore, do not accumulate a larger position on any market if your finances and risk will not allow it. Having too large a position at the wrong time can and will destroy you.

Managing Expectation

If there is anything you should rightfully expect after you put on a trade it is that you will take a loss. Beyond this any profit you make is confirmation
and affirmation that your methodology is effective and that you are able to execute it thoroughly. Expect the worst-case scenario, not the best!Expectation falls into the category of imagination as discussed above. Be less imaginative and more mechanical.

Avoiding Rationalization

One of the worst things a trader can do is to avoid taking responsibility for his or her losses. It is very tempting to blame everyone but yourself. Do not try to explain away your losses by resorting to all manner and sorts of excuses. You lost on a trade either because your system or method was wrong orbecause you didnt follow the rules. You must assume full responsibility in order to facilitate learning by correcting your error(s). There is always thetemptation to blame your broker, or your trading advisor, or a newsletter writer or a friend. There are no excuses. Most traders have a repertoire ofexcuses that grows with each loss. Forget about making excusesthey are not productive.
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Active Member
Let us get on to the point of our main theme "Trading the Ranges"

I am giving below a simple formula to calculate Range Top and Bottom which serve us two purposes. One is that it helps us to trade range bound market ie sell at top and buy at bottom. Also it helps us to trade a trend if any of these Range support or resistance is broken by reversing our positions. Isnot it a two edged weapon?

The formula is as follows:

(High + Low + Close)/3 = X

NUM1=2X - High
NUM2 =2X - Low

Let us consider the values of Nifty Spot for example.

High - 5333.90
Low - 5298.90
close - 5309.40

X = (5333.90 + 5298.90 + 5309.40)/3 = 5314.06

NUM1 = 2 x 5314.06 - 5333.90 = 5294.22
NUM2 = 2 x 5314.06 - 5298.90 = 5329.22

Here NUM2 is highest and it becomes resistance. NUM1 is lowest and it becomes support.

Next day, the market opened at 5252.25 and has a high of 5276.95 and a low of 5198. That is Nifty has opened with a huge gap down ie below support about 41 points and tried to reach support and eventually lost ground and touched a low of 5198. Since the price out of range of above pivots, its in a trend zone and should look for a shorting opportunity below support as long as it is below support. If the price successfully breaks support and enters in the Range, we should look for buying with a target of resistance. Hope the method is clear.

How to trade these Pivots on Range days.

Sell at resistance and buy at support.
We have already learned two important candlesticks in above posts to assess the price movement at resistance and support.
Further, look out for failed breakout candlesticks at these two important levels to trade.

Note :- Successful penetration of these resistance and support points, will throw us an opportunity to enter the trade as trend following.
One important clue for identifying a successful breakout is a definite close beyond these points with higher volumes.

There is every likelihood of Gap openings making calculated resistance and support redundant.

So, let us add a new dimension to them.

Take first half an hour or one hour high/low. Continuing the above example, the high/low of first half an hour are 5269 and 5247.

Now, consider today's anticipated range as per above resistance/support as 5329.22 - 5294.22 = 35

Add 35 to Low of first half an hour ie 5247 + 35 = 5282
Subtract 35 from High of first half an hour ie 5269 - 35 = 5234.

It is likely that the price will hit any of these two numbers ie either 5282 or 5234. Hitting both is very unlikely.

In the example, the price has hit 5234 but failed to hit 5282.

How We will take Trade with this System for Weekly and Monthly Trades. Kindly explain in detail as Suppose in Weeky Trade We Buy at the Support level being given by the System in Excel Sheet, what will be the Stoploss and vice versa for Selling at the Resistance. What Success Ration We can Expect from this System of your's..



Well-Known Member
Weekly pivots.

During the week, if the price breaks down support, go short. Trail it by 25 points or as per your comfort level. Go long if the price breaks up support, go long. Trail it by 25 points or as per your comfort level. Similarly, go long when resistance is broken up and go short when resistance broken down.

Fill up the weekly pivot sheet and watch yourself, atleast one of pivots is hit in a week. Ofcourse, there are exceptional weeks where none of the pivots is hit but they are very rare.

This is to be monitored on intraday basis. Support/Resistances are probable U turn points for the markets.


Active Member
Weekly pivots.

During the week, if the price breaks down support, go short. Trail it by 25 points or as per your comfort level. Go long if the price breaks up support, go long. Trail it by 25 points or as per your comfort level. Similarly, go long when resistance is broken up and go short when resistance broken down.

Fill up the weekly pivot sheet and watch yourself, atleast one of pivots is hit in a week. Ofcourse, there are exceptional weeks where none of the pivots is hit but they are very rare.

This is to be monitored on intraday basis. Support/Resistances are probable U turn points for the markets.
Sir, I am trying to understand your Statergy to my best.

If Price Breaks down Support, we will go Short, similarly we will go Long when Resistance is Broken up. If the price remains below the Support when we will short or above the Resistance, it will be in favour of our Trade but if there is only One Reversal (there can be more) in both the Conditions and Price does not meet the Opposite Pivot, how there be any Profit, I would request you to give your Guidance.

Sir,how hitting of One Pivot in a week will be Profitable, kindly guide in detail.

Sir, what I want to know say is unless opposite Pivot is not hit,how will we get Profit and on the other hand if the Price Breaks Support / Resistance 2/3 times in a week, how we will deal with these type of situations to say our self from Loss.

I would be Obliged for your Guidance and help.



Active Member
Sir, I am trying to understand your Statergy to my best.

If Price Breaks down Support, we will go Short, similarly we will go Long when Resistance is Broken up. If the price remains below the Support when we will short or above the Resistance, it will be in favour of our Trade but if there is only One Reversal (there can be more) in both the Conditions and Price does not meet the Opposite Pivot, how there be any Profit, I would request you to give your Guidance.

Sir,how hitting of One Pivot in a week will be Profitable, kindly guide in detail.

Sir, what I want to know say is unless opposite Pivot is not hit,how will we get Profit and on the other hand if the Price Breaks Support / Resistance 2/3 times in a week, how we will deal with these type of situations to say our self from Loss.

I would be Obliged for your Guidance and help.

Veluri Sir,

I am waiting for your reply.



Well-Known Member
Veluri Sir,

I am waiting for your reply.

For time constraints, I could not reply in time.

Whipsaws are common at weekly resistance/supports.

Traders adopt various methods to minimise losses at these levels. I am touching some of them here.

1. Keep a 15 min or more TF and watch the candle where it is closing. If it closes above the resistance/support after the price breaks up with a decent volumes, it should then only be considered as successful breakout. It is highly probable that it would continue upward journey. Also the same with downward breaks.

2. If you want to try with first breakout itself, be ready to change the direction of trades many number of times. You have to be very quick doing this. Explaining the concept with an example. Support the weekly Resistance as per excel calculation is 5403. Now, introduce a filter say + or - 7 points. That is when the price enters 5396 and crosses above 5410 enter the trade. If we get cought in a whipsaw and the price slips below 5396, reverse the trade. Again if crosses above 5410 enter the trade.

3. The technique of Trailing SL. prefer 25 points stop. Some are using anywhere between 15 to 30 points. When the trade is triggered for example at 5403 intial stop is at 5378. If the next immediate 15 min candle made a high of 5430, move the stop to 5405. Any next further high made automatically revises SL and it is moved higher. When Trailing SL is hit, book profit if any and reverse the trade, then and there. Thus Trailing SL keeps you in the major trends inspite of minor whipsaws unless it is clean trade though.

All the best.
Hai veluri ,

Today NIFTY made a new high with a breakout at 5400 and closed below 5400 indicating gravestone doji with more than average volumes .
Can we consider it as a failed breakout, With a minimum target of 4800 ?

I am beginner leave it if it is very silly question ..


Mano :confused:


Well-Known Member
There are numerous threads in this forum to give live calls on Nifty and Banknifty futures and options. But, these are of no use for traders like me who are full time employed and are not able to monitor the trades through out the day.

Traders who are looking for EOD based trades may have a look at these trades for a while to see if these are workable or not. Be cautioned that it requires deep pockets to withstand drawdowns. Though I have backtested this strategy it is worthwhile to watch these calls in real time.

Strategy consists of two tier positions.

Tier One

One lot either long or short ranging anywhere between 1 day to 1 month or more.

Tier Two

One lot either long or short usually ranging between 1 day to 3 days.

[U][B][COLOR="Red"]Tier One[/COLOR][/B][/U]

1 lot Banknifty Long since 07/7/2010 @ 9500.
[B][U][COLOR="Green"]Tier Two[/COLOR][/U][/B]

Go long 1 lot Banknifty on 26/7/2010 preferably at open price.
Tier Two trades since 07/7/2010.

08/7/10  Short 9784
12/7/10  Long  9723   +61 points
15/7/10  short  9961   +263 points
16/7/10  Long   9925   +36 points
21/7/10  short  9993    +68 points
22/7/10  Long  9949    +44 points
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