Tom de mark sequential monitor for nifty50 stocks


In persuit of financial independence.
I tried to use the same AFL.getting the following error
"Add to Chart operation failed, reason: Script could not be translated from: null"
I am no expert in AFL or Ami, you will have to ask may be Happy Singh to guide you.

You are most welcome to post your currency pair charts in this thread and contribute in whichever way you like.
Its a perfect sell setup with intersection at bar 9 followed by a flip bar, let's see what happens in CD.

Here's an update on yen...Buy setup could not complete. However, price broke below the TDST (113.22). Can this be interpreted as DT continuing (Momentum down) and we will see a count of 9 (PROBABLY) again.
Last edited:


In persuit of financial independence.
Here's an update on yen...Buy setup could not complete. However, price broke below the TDST (113.22). Can this be interpreted as DT continuing (Momentum down) and we will see a count of 9 (PROBABLY) again.
Latest buy setup complete (9 not marked) is valid, perfect, intersection took place at bar 10 (*), we are at buy CD 5.
yes downward momentum is likely to continue.


Well-Known Member
Re: General Trading Chat

Does this AFL also mark beyond 9? I mean goes till 13 or just plots till 9 and the TD S/R lines as support & resistance?

Very new to Amibroker, so few queries! :p

I have the afl shared by ST sir, coding is alien to me.

_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() );
ToolTip = "Open = " + O + "\nHigh = " + H + "\nLow = " + L + "\nClose = " + C;


// Parameters
ShowNumbers= ParamToggle("Show 1-8 Numbers","No|Yes", 1);
ShowTDPoints = ParamToggle("Show TD Points", "No|Yes", 1);
ShowTDST = ParamToggle("Show TD Setup Trend", "No|Yes", 1);
tdstsa = 0;
tdstba = 0;
//********************************************** TD Points******************************************** ************************/
function TD_Supply()
return ( H > Ref(H, 1) AND H > Ref(H, -1) AND H > Ref(C, -2));
function TD_Demand()
return ( L < Ref(L, 1) AND L < Ref(L, -1) AND L < Ref(C, -2));
// *********************************************** TD Sequential**************************************** ********************/
// *** Setup Buy Signal ***
//nine consecutive days closes less than the close four days earlier
Con = C < Ref( C, -4);
Buy9Bars = BarsSince(BarsSince(Con));
Buy9Signal = Buy9Bars == 9;

// *** Requirements ***
//The first day of the nine-day must be preceded by a close day immediately before it that is greater than OR equal to the Close four days earlier
Con = Ref(C, -9) >= Ref(C, -13);
Buy9Req = Buy9Signal AND Con;

// *** Intersection ***
// the high of either day 8 or day 9 is greater than or equal to the low three,four, five, six, OR seven days earlier
Con1 = (H >= Ref(L, -3)) OR ( Ref(H, -1) >= Ref(L, -3));
Con2 = (H >= Ref(L, -4)) OR ( Ref(H, -1) >= Ref(L, -4));
Con3 = (H >= Ref(L, -5)) OR ( Ref(H, -1) >= Ref(L, -5));
Con4 = (H >= Ref(L, -6)) OR ( Ref(H, -1) >= Ref(L, -6));
Con5 = (H >= Ref(L, -7)) OR ( Ref(H, -1) >= Ref(L, -7));

Buy9Intr = Buy9Req AND (Con1 OR Con2 OR Con3 OR Con4 OR Con5);
// *** Setup Sell Signal ***
//nine consecutive days closes greater than the Close four days earlier.
Con = C > Ref( C, -4);
Sell9Bars = BarsSince(BarsSince(Con));
Sell9Signal = Sell9Bars == 9;

// *** Requirements ***
//The first day of the nine-day must be preceded by a Close day immediately before it that is less than the Close four days earlier
Con = Ref(C, -9) < Ref(C, -13);
Sell9Req = Sell9Signal AND Con;

// *** Intersection ***
//the low of either day 8 or day 9 is less than or equal to the high three,four, five, six, OR seven days earlier
Con1 = (L <= Ref(H, -3)) OR ( Ref(L, -1) <= Ref(H, -3));
Con2 = (L <= Ref(H, -4)) OR ( Ref(L, -1) <= Ref(H, -4));
Con3 = (L <= Ref(H, -5)) OR ( Ref(L, -1) <= Ref(H, -5));
Con4 = (L <= Ref(H, -6)) OR ( Ref(L, -1) <= Ref(H, -6));
Con5 = (L <= Ref(H, -7)) OR ( Ref(L, -1) <= Ref(H, -7));

Sell9Intr = Sell9Req AND (Con1 OR Con2 OR Con3 OR Con4 OR Con5);
if(StrToNum(NumToStr(Buy9Intr))) Sell9Intr = False;
if(StrToNum(NumToStr(Sell9Intr))) Buy9Intr = False;
BuySignal = Flip(Buy9Intr, Sell9Intr);
// *** Buy Countdown ***
//With respect to a pending Buy Signal, the close must be less than the low two days earlier
Con = C < Ref(L, -2);
Buy13Count = Sum(Con AND BuySignal, BarsSince(Buy9Intr));
Buy13Signal = Buy13Count == 13;

// *** Sell Countdown ***
//with respect to a pending Sell Signal, the Close must be greater than the High two trading days earlier.
Con = C > Ref(H, -2);
Sell13Count = Sum(Con AND NOT BuySignal, BarsSince(Sell9Intr));
Sell13Signal = Sell13Count == 13;
//*********************************************** TD Sequential Plotting area *************************************************/
Plot(C, "", IIf(O>=C, colorRed, colorGreen), styleBar);
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy9Intr OR Sell9Intr, shapeDigit9, shapeNone),colorBlue, 0, H,
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy9Bars==1, shapeDigit1,
IIf(Buy9Bars==2, shapeDigit2,
IIf(Buy9Bars==3, shapeDigit3,
IIf(Buy9Bars==4, shapeDigit4,
IIf(Buy9Bars==5, shapeDigit5,
IIf(Buy9Bars==6, shapeDigit6,
IIf(Buy9Bars==7, shapeDigit7,
IIf(Buy9Bars==8, shapeDigit8,
IIf(Buy9Bars >9, shapeStar,shapeNone))))))))),colorGreen, 0, H, H*.0015);
IIf(Sell9Bars==1, shapeDigit1,
IIf(Sell9Bars==2, shapeDigit2,
IIf(Sell9Bars==3, shapeDigit3,
IIf(Sell9Bars==4, shapeDigit4,
IIf(Sell9Bars==5, shapeDigit5,
IIf(Sell9Bars==6, shapeDigit6,
IIf(Sell9Bars==7, shapeDigit7,
IIf(Sell9Bars==8, shapeDigit8,
IIf(sell9bars>9, shapeStar,shapeNone))))))))),colorRed, 0, H, H*.0015);

Sell = Sell13Signal AND NOT BuySignal;
Buy = Buy13Signal AND BuySignal;
Sell = ExRem(Sell, Buy);
Buy = ExRem(Buy, Sell);
PlotShapes(Sell*shapeDownArrow, colorYellow, 0, H, -H*.001);
PlotShapes(Buy*shapeUpArrow, colorBrightGreen, 0, L, -L*.001);

bgColor = ColorRGB(0,66, 2);
bgColor = ColorRGB(66,2, 0);
//*********************************************** TD Points Plotting area *************************************************/
PlotShapes(TD_Supply()*shapeSmallCircle, colorRed, 0, H, H*.001);
PlotShapes(TD_Demand()*shapeSmallCircle, colorGreen, 0, L, -L*.001);
y0 = StrToNum(NumToStr(ValueWhen(TD_Demand(), L)));
x = LineArray(0, y0, (BarCount-1), y0);
Plot(x, "", colorGold, styleDashed);
y0 = StrToNum(NumToStr(ValueWhen(TD_Supply(), H)));
x = LineArray(0, y0, (BarCount-1), y0);
Plot(x, "", colorGold, styleDashed);
//*********************************************** TDST Plotting area *************************************************/
// ---------------->>>> Code from Dave <<<---------------------- //
tdstba =Cum(0);
tdstb = Null;
HHV9 = HHV(H,9);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) tdstba = Null;

for( i = 10; i < BarCount; i++ )
if (Buy9Bars == 9)
HHV_b = HHV9;
if (HHV_b > C[i-9])
tdstb = HHV_b;
else tdstb = C[i-9];

for (j = 0; j < 9; j++ )
tdstba[i-j] = tdstb;
else tdstba = tdstb;

tdstsa =Cum(0);
tdsts = Null;
LLV9 = LLV(L,9);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) tdstsa = Null;

for( i = 10; i < BarCount; i++ )
if (Sell9Bars == 9)
LLV_b = LLV9;
if (LLV_b < C[i-9])
tdsts = LLV_b;
else tdsts = C[i-9];

for (j = 0; j < 9; j++ )
tdstsa[i-j] = tdsts;
else tdstsa = tdsts;
Plot(tdstba, "TDSTb", colorBlue,styleStaircase | styleThick|styleDots);
Plot(tdstsa, "TDSTs", colorRed,styleStaircase | styleThick|styleDots);


_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() );


In persuit of financial independence.
Re: General Trading Chat

Does this AFL also mark beyond 9? I mean goes till 13 or just plots till 9 and the TD S/R lines as support & resistance?

Very new to Amibroker, so few queries! :p
AFL marks the entire buy or sell setup not countdown. Bars beyond 9 are marked by a *.



In persuit of financial independence.
Hi all,

i'm sorry if this query is already answered. I searched in this thread but could not find answers.

Where would be the TDST - support, resistance & stoploss

TDST support and resistance is marked by the AFL.
The stop loss for trading a completed sell countdown is calculated by adding the range of highest bar to the high of that bar of the entire countdown (whether numbered or not) on closing basis. Mirror for buy countdown.

TDST support and resistance is marked by the AFL.
The stop loss for trading a completed sell countdown is calculated by adding the range of highest bar to the high of that bar of the entire countdown (whether numbered or not) on closing basis. Mirror for buy countdown.

I do not have Amibroker. Use manual counting only.

I have tried it on Dr.reddy's chart(my 1st attempt,so could be wrong too)

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