"The Winning " JunJun style


Well-Known Member
Days by day price is going down ...
i have feeling this trade will end in profit .
Budget is hope :xD i have 18 trading session left

I expect 10500 - 10600 an come on down side ...
Winter is comming lol

Staying put i will update this one i close trade

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Well-Known Member
Days by day price is going down ...

Staying put i will update this one i close trade
Although there should have been some correction already, somehow the index is being pushed UP, to show that market is happy, etc, etc. I think there will be huge unwinding after budget. Budget day itself, there will be a lot of volatility.

Unfortunately, unable to see daily market and unable to post much on traderji due to many people removed from the company and therefore work has increased alot. :(


Well-Known Member
One last bet :xD

Buys 11000 Feb CE @ 51 qty 11025 ...
when this one if ever reaches 250 thread be closed
wil let go this trade till feb 22

yup above trade was not good idea lol ... it;s showing loss from start lol
Our grandsire said " A good trade should show profit from very start.

i always wonder where did i ho wrong why when i buy every time it shows me loss.

will this time too crocodile spare me hahaha
wait want watch till feb 22
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Well-Known Member
.. thread gets closed and re-opened immediately thereafter :D:D
strong fall in world markets and bedget knee-jerk reaction gave good gains

i always wonder where did i ho wrong why when i buy every time it shows me loss.
.. this one is interesting.. there would surely be a reason for taking this one.. did you ask yourself.. can give bumper gains .. and market can move in any direction ... for any amount of time.. ;)


Well-Known Member
Kind ya yeah i did .... It;s like Rocky he takes beating first but in end wins

i am sure that call will make me see 17 or 25 lol and hopefully it might end in profit Who knows only crocks knows ...IF this time too i get away i am cal myself as champ lol see ya on feb 16 or 22 lol


Well-Known Member
bought 10800 CE @ 70 4800 qty

NOw will post here on feb 16 / feb 22

It did not go below 10500 means someBOOOOdy has started buying... so chance is there
Full chance is here it will take to atleast 11050 or 11100 before expiry

This one is showing profit right from start like our Grandsire said
"Right trade is one that shows u profit from start "

sleeps :)

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