Stocks To Keep A Close Eye On - Chapter II

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Active Member
Hi Anant

Since the time i posted my query to you have been continuously reading the posts on this thread since page 1 and am presently on page no 42 post number 414 dated 19/10/2009 - I think i am using the old Updater AFL and not the newupdater AFL as mentioned in the above referred post.

Would just like to reconfirm with you if the AFL posted vide your post no 414 dt. 19/10/2009 on page 42 of this thread is the correct one? i.e. i need to use this AFL in conjunction with the 3 csv files as mentioned there?

If yes then i will follow the instructions as per your post and get back to you once again in case i come across some issues.

Awaiting your reply
God Bless

Hi Floyd,

Can you give a couple of instances where you found the mismatch?



Active Member
Hi Anant

I am presently trying to accomplish what you have advised as per your post on the 19/10/2009. Will get back to you in case of any issues that i face.

To be very honest am just making an excuse to take this opportunity to sincerely thank SG, you, Ken, UMA and all team members (sorry if i have missed any names unknowingly) for the dedication, hard work, sharing and caring attitude.

God Bless You All
Best Regards
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Well-Known Member

NEW TRIGGERS on 09-03-2010 (For Trading on 10-03-2010):


Symbol     | C. M. P.|  Target | StopLoss | 
ANANTRAJ   |  139.40 |  160.90 |   123.70 |
EXIDEIND   |  114.65 |  127.20 |   108.50 |
ITC        |  251.05 |  269.15 |   238.35 |
ROLTA      |  186.75 |  200.30 |   178.20 |
ZYLOG      |  357.35 |  439.95 |   302.65 |


  Symbol   | Buy Date |  Price  |  Target | Stop Loss |    CMP    |  P / L %  |
BANKRAJAS  | 04-03-10 |   69.60 |   83.60 |     62.40 |     62.50 |  -10.2 %  |


Symbol     | Buy Date  |  Price  |  Target |  StopLoss |   C.M.P.  |  P / L % |
HDFC       | 25-Feb-10 | 2480.75 | 2639.75 |   2495.45 |   2659.25 |    7.1 % |
HDFCBANK   | 19-Feb-10 | 1681.95 | 1797.50 |   1706.00 |   1811.20 |    7.7 % |

HDFC          Next Target:  2784.60,  Stop Loss:  2545.40
HDFCBANK      Next Target:  1887.45,  Stop Loss:  1742.55


Symbol     | Buy Date  |  Price  |  Target |  StopLoss |   C.M.P.  |  P / L % |
HINDALCO   | 18-Feb-10 |  153.00 |  174.60 |    163.90 |    162.10 |    5.9 % |
ICRA       | 18-Feb-10 |  867.65 | 1020.70 |    870.00 |    866.10 |   -0.2 % |
INDHOTEL   | 04-Mar-10 |   94.10 |  107.60 |     91.95 |     91.65 |   -2.6 % |
REIAGROLTD | 26-Feb-10 |   52.10 |   58.60 |     50.20 |     49.45 |   -5.1 % |


The updated Excel file is available for DOWNLOAD HERE



Active Member
Hi Anant

Hopefully, this should be my last post with a query about your AFL's.

Based on what you have explained, I have read so far and also applied i have the following observations to make which i request you to re-confirm.

BUY TRIGGERS - Are arrived at through exploration on the Modified Single MA AFL in combination with the triggers option in paramters.

SELL TRIGGERS - Too are arrived at through exploration on the Modified Single MA AFL in combination with the triggers option in paramters. Only difference in output is we do not get the target & stop loss figures in the report and have to update the same manually.

TARGETS REACHED - Are arrived at through exploration on the New Updater AFL and the output is available in the updated.csv file.

Observation:TARGETS REACHED - If i try to use the Modified Single MA AFL in combination with the Tgt-SL option in parameters the Previous Target in the report is replaced by the figures from the Next Target thus there is a slight difference in the report thrown out by this exploration and one that is arrived at in the updated.csv file. We get Next Target figures in both the Tgt as well as the NextTgt columns.

STOP LOSS HIT - Are arrived at through exploration on the New Updater AFL and the output is available in the updated.csv file.

Kindly correct me if what i have stated above is wrong.

Thanks in advance
God Bless


Well-Known Member
Dear Ananat

Have been using your latest moving Avg (WMA) for intraday and it is great tool.

Just had a doubt and request, while the price is moving up that is once the 20 WMA line is crossed above then Target lines are visible above 20WMA, but similarly when prices crosses below 20WMA then it DOES NOT show the next support targets, if you could help me in modifying the existing program which would show targets even for shorts as similar to longs, will be Truly helpful.

Many Thanks
Hi Aanat

I m Pankaj, I just join this forum today (10.03.10), i m a day trader n hv an a/c in Religare, i read ur charting tips Anant can u tell me how can i make effective chart, you showed in ur thread in brief but i couldn't understand on where i can run this coding u mentioned, wt is AFL n whr can i get it? you r very gud in analysis, can u tell me how can i also predict the market as u can. if u can send me some articles (like put n call, pridiction on a pertidular stock, n other option bcoz i just know the intraday n delivery)on the mkt then i will very grateful to you. Anant i hv lost about 1 lac in the mkt bcoz of intraday, but i like to trade in intra, plz advise me to gain some profit in intra mkt. plz mail me [email protected] with ur effective tips n suggestions.

Pankaj V
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Well-Known Member

NEW TRIGGERS on 10-03-2010 (For Trading on 11-03-2010):


Symbol     | C. M. P.|  Target | StopLoss | 
BASF       |  384.30 |  418.45 |   372.15 |


  Symbol   | Buy Date |  Price  |  Target | Stop Loss |    CMP    |  P / L %  |
GIPCL      | 04-03-10 |   69.60 |   83.60 |     62.40 |    106.45 |  -10.2 %  |
GUJFLUORO  | 08-03-10 |  149.95 |  169.10 |    142.00 |    143.10 |   -4.5 %  |
GVKPIL     | 08-03-10 |   45.10 |   49.45 |     43.50 |     43.50 |   -3.5 %  |
SATYAMCOMP | 09-03-10 |   99.75 |  109.05 |     96.70 |     98.10 |   -1.7 %  |
UNITECH    | 05-03-10 |   78.20 |   88.60 |     71.50 |     74.70 |   -4.5 %  |


Symbol     | Buy Date  |  Price  |  Target |  StopLoss |   C.M.P.  |  P / L % |
BATAINDIA  | 26-Feb-10 |  219.85 |  239.60 |    230.30 |    241.25 |    9.7 % |
BATAINDIA     Next Target:   267.10,  Stop Loss: 230.3


Symbol     | Buy Date  |  Price  |  Target |  StopLoss |   C.M.P.  |  P / L % |
BARTRONICS | 02-Mar-10 |  159.60 |  172.50 |    158.50 |    156.75 |   -1.8 % |
CAIRN      | 04-Mar-10 |  270.80 |  294.60 |    265.85 |    263.45 |   -2.7 % |
DCB        | 04-Mar-10 |   36.95 |   41.65 |     35.60 |     35.50 |   -3.9 % |
DENABANK   | 03-Mar-10 |   85.00 |   91.85 |     83.90 |     81.90 |   -3.6 % |
GRAPHITE   | 04-Mar-10 |   84.40 |   93.00 |     81.00 |     80.95 |   -4.1 % |
HCLTECH    | 16-Feb-10 |  361.60 |  396.90 |    358.70 |    358.05 |   -1.0 % |
IFCI       | 03-Mar-10 |   52.60 |   64.80 |     52.25 |     52.15 |   -0.9 % |
INDRAMEDCO | 09-Mar-10 |   43.40 |   47.80 |     42.75 |     42.40 |   -2.3 % |
IVRCLINFRA | 04-Mar-10 |  336.70 |  363.25 |    327.50 |    326.55 |   -3.0 % |
OPTOCIRCUI | 03-Mar-10 |  231.10 |  262.20 |    221.40 |    216.55 |   -6.3 % |
RALLIS     | 04-Dec-09 |  897.65 | 1647.00 |   1281.00 |   1250.90 |   39.3 % |
UCOBANK    | 03-Mar-10 |   58.90 |   64.90 |     58.10 |     57.80 |   -1.9 % |


The updated Excel file is available for DOWNLOAD HERE



Well-Known Member
Hi Anant

Hopefully, this should be my last post with a query about your AFL's.

Based on what you have explained, I have read so far and also applied i have the following observations to make which i request you to re-confirm.

BUY TRIGGERS - Are arrived at through exploration on the Modified Single MA AFL in combination with the triggers option in paramters.

SELL TRIGGERS - Too are arrived at through exploration on the Modified Single MA AFL in combination with the triggers option in paramters. Only difference in output is we do not get the target & stop loss figures in the report and have to update the same manually.

TARGETS REACHED - Are arrived at through exploration on the New Updater AFL and the output is available in the updated.csv file.

Observation:TARGETS REACHED - If i try to use the Modified Single MA AFL in combination with the Tgt-SL option in parameters the Previous Target in the report is replaced by the figures from the Next Target thus there is a slight difference in the report thrown out by this exploration and one that is arrived at in the updated.csv file. We get Next Target figures in both the Tgt as well as the NextTgt columns.

STOP LOSS HIT - Are arrived at through exploration on the New Updater AFL and the output is available in the updated.csv file.

Kindly correct me if what i have stated above is wrong.

Thanks in advance
God Bless
Hi Floyd,

You have mastered the AFL. Whatever you have written above is correct. Just one correction:
SELL TRIGGERS - Too are arrived at through exploration on the Modified Single MA AFL in combination with the triggers option in paramters. Only difference in output is we do not get the target & stop loss figures in the report and have to update the same manually.
When a Sell is triggered Target / SL are not reported because, Sell trigger means we are getting out of the position and therefore there can not be a target or SL for closing our Buy position. A SELL or STOPLOSS hit means that the expected target will not be reached. That is why the output does not show these figures. The reason why I programmed it that way is to prevent some misinterpretation. Earlier version of the AFL was giving Target/SL (with respect to the original BUY trigger) even when SELL was triggered. But some members thought that SELL trigger means "GO SHORT" and took the Target/SL as figures for going short. To avoid this confusion I removed the printing of SL/TGT in case of SELL trigger.

When a Target is reached, the next target is not printed on the same day. It appears in the report next day. If you are back testing you will get the Next TGT/SL figures for past triggers. In live run if a SELL is triggered on today's bar the Next TGT/SL are reported tomorrow when tomorrow's Bar is available.

However I have made change to the AFL which will print the Next TGT/SL on the same day as the target reached day. That is if Target is reached today, the next TGT/SL are printed today itself. But I have not posted the modification. I have also modified the updater AFL such that the output file is not a CSV file but a TXT file formatted in the form which I post in this thread. I simply copy the output Text file and paste in my post. I made this modification for my convenience to post the triggers and updates in this thread. This modified version also is not published in the thread.

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