[Simple Trading System] Trendline Break (The Only System You Need)

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Learn to Trade Forex

I’m a newbie, I want to learn forex …

How to trade forex??? …

I trade in stocks, I’m interested to trade forex….

I’m new trader, how can I learn to trade the Forex market? …

Where can I go to learn Forex??...

Is there any institute teaching Forex trading?..????




Hello friends,

EDUCATION is a MUST prior you touch Forex.​

In here, I’m listing some books and materials that would be immensely beneficial for start-up (newbie) traders in Forex.

To be really good at anything, you need skills and knowledge in that field. A huge amount of time, effort and money is required for a trader to attain consistent success in forex trading. Despite the availability of forex trading-related resources on the internet, and in the bookstores, traders can find it quite daunting to learn about trading on their own as they do not know what there is to be known. If you do not wish to pay large tuition fees to the market, or if you wish to shorten your learning time, you may want to consider online trading courses or physical seminars on
forex trading. I recommend that you check out those which are offered by skilled and practising instructors.

Note: Be wary of signing up for courses or seminars that are full of hype, for they can be very misleading.Avoid those that give you the impression that you can attain consistent profits after two days of intensive learning, or those that require you to purchase expensive software. While there are some shortcuts to gaining knowledge via courses or seminars, there is no substitute for honing your trading skills in the market.

Majority of the newbies start trading Forex with ‘special’ trading systems (based completely on Technical Analysis) hyped by internet marketing or pushed by their brokers. To be frank, even I started up in similar way and got hurt badly.

Technical Analysis might work pretty well in the Stock trading scenario but in Forex, we need to understand the fact that this is a completely different Beast of a different species. In one word, the Market Dynamics are DIFFERENT.

You need to have knowledge on:

۞ What actually is Forex?

۞ Who and What moves prices in Forex?

۞ What is the Market Structure?

۞ Who are the Elephants, Sharks & other predators waiting for your money?

۞ Does a 24 Hour market really mean more trading opportunity?

۞ What are the pros or the cons? In other words, what are the major DISADVANTAGES in Forex that are AGAINST you.

What I’d recommend here is that you MUST invest your TIME, ENERGY and MONEY to go thru appropriate EDUCATION is MANDATORY prior even making your first demo trade.

I hope the information in here would be beneficial for all newbies for the next 5/10 years. At the moment, I might not remember all the reference materials and I’d be updating later. I’d also request experienced Forex traders to provide their opinions here.

**A small side note:

In this thread, you won't find any trading system or formulas. This is not a spoon feeding. In this thread, I intend that the reader, who doesn't have any knowledge about Forex, learn and understand the market and make his own decisions; in other words become self-reliant. After completing your education, it is entirely your decision if you would choose to be a scalper or a long term forex trader and which favorite indicator you'd follow.
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Well-Known Member
Learn to Trade Forex: Preliminary


As I've mentioned in prior post, it's IMPORTANT to
take sufficient time and read properly. If you not have have adequate amount of time to read and understand, please leave this thread. If you are always in hurry with day to day activities and if you doNOT have the necessary TIME dedicated to read, forget about this subject and carry on with your other activities. Forex is not for you.

For the best result, I'd recommend that you set aside 1 or 2 hours daily to learn this new topic. In these time, nobody - no calls no outings nothing should disturb you. Best would be to lockup yourself during these hours, play soft music at very low audible level and then read. It could any time of the day - morning 6-8 or evening 6-8 doesn't matter. But you should be FRESH to have the patience and peace of mind in order to soak in the knowledge.

Later on, I'll tell why you need to spend MONEY to learn this subject. If you're NOT ready or cannot spend a huge amount of money (= Rs. 2,000 - 3,000/-); please please doNOT get yourself involved and waste your time here.
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Well-Known Member
The Basics:-

If you haven't, please read my Post #2 above. Only & only after you've agreed and could swear to yourself that you qualify under those Term & Conditions, please continue reading ...

First & foremost, I recommend BabyPips; which provides really good information free of cost:



On visiting the above link, you'd find something like this:

Start with 'Pre-school'. There are 10 chapters in there.

I recommend that you re-read them from beginning slowly, atleast twice. Only after you've totally soaked in what's there, then on next day, move to:

'Kindergarten: Types of charts'.

There are 3 chapters in there.

Only after you've totally soaked in what's there, then on next day move to:

I recommend that you re-read them from beginning slowly, atleast twice. Only after you've totally soaked in what's there, then next day move to:

'1st Grade: Japanese Candlesticks'

There are 5 chapters in there.

As the Grades increases, so should your level of concentration. Do NOT skip anything. If necessary, write down important things that you noticed. Re-read the information in there, you should have missed vital points. That's why I lay emphasis on re-reading.

Don NOT attempt to read thru everything on a single sitting - you would waste your time & energy. Take one chapter per day and the necessary TIME to understand what's in there thoroughly. Go Slow.

Remember, ALL the Chapters starting from "Pre-school: Forex Basics" to "COLLEGE: Divergence Trading" are

Do NOT skip anything. Do NOT Surf thru anything. Do NOT skim thru anything. Totally NO disturbance or any sort of distractions.

And most IMPORTANT is my Post #2 above.

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Well-Known Member


Now comes the part where you need to lighten your pocket and spend a hefty amount that I've mentioned above.

Why and where you need to spend your cash

I'm specifying couple of books below which you need to get hardcopy (print-outs). Yes, you're reading this right. Complete print out of the books. No money saving plans here. If you feel it's not necessary or you feel wasting money over stupid print outs is useless, then please please:

forget about this subject and carry on with your day to day normal activities. Forget Forex.
In other words, .... Save your money - keep it with you and stop wasting time here.

Is this guy crazy??...
I've got COMPUTER man why prints??
Print them, and bind them into physical books instead of eBooks. If you are will, I would recommend that you buy them as physical books.

When you've got the book in your hand, and you've got the necessary level of interest to learn it, these physical books would help you to sit down and study the subject. Remember your school days??

However, the ultimate decision is your own. If you're comfortable enough with eBooks, so be it. But personally, I'm comfortable with books in my hand which I can read anywhere and I feel that I'm actually studying.

** A sidenote:
I'm NOT linked to any of these guys & I do NOT get any sort of profit in providing the information.
Any PM for these books won't be entertained, please do your own searchings.


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Moving a Step Up

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