SEBI's new move to cut retailers participation in F&O!

I know most of the members are losing concentration in trading due to THE fear or restriction of SEBI.
I request please concentrate on trading now until SEBI come with such regulation.

Our trading performance for next 4-6 month before any of such restriction may be an alternate escape route.
If we can show our ledger as a proof that we are making money consistently and we are maintaining the risk as a professional F&O trader we may skip some strict regulation.
In future court may direct SEBI that they can't neglect the past performance of the traders and can't stop traders who are earning their livelihood from trading.

So try your best now, concentrate on your trading. Try to post here aftermarket or when you are free. Use your maximum potential trading time. Try to build up the protest only after trading time, don't lose concentration during the trading time.


What has to happen will happen. We are used to react quickly according to the changing conditions.

Read below inspiring quote from,

Sophia Loren

When I got enough confidence, the stage was gone…..
When I was sure of Losing, I won…….
When I needed People the most, they Left me…….
When I learnt to dry my Tears, I found a shoulder to Cry on……
When I mastered the Skill of Hating, Someone started Loving me from the core of the Heart……
And, while waiting for Light for Hours when I fell asleep, the Sun came out…..

That’s LIFE!!
No matter what you Plan, you never know what Life has Planned for you……

Success introduces you to the World……. But Failure introduces the World to you……. ……
Always be Happy!!

Often when we lose Hope and think this is the end…

God smiles from above and says, “Relax Sweetheart; It’s just a Bend, not the End..!"


Don't lose your hope. It's time to produce peak performance in next 3-4 month so that we can produce our ledger as a proof that we are suitable for the product F&O.
Only Capital may not be the sole criteria for product suitability if such draconian rule is challenged in the Court. Let's trade peacefully to maximum potential now.

inspiring quote from Sophia Loren

When I got enough confidence, the stage was gone…..
When I was sure of Losing, I won…….
When I needed People the most, they Left me…….
When I learnt to dry my Tears, I found a shoulder to Cry on……
When I mastered the Skill of Hating, Someone started Loving me from the core of the Heart……
And, while waiting for Light for Hours when I fell asleep, the Sun came out…..

That’s LIFE!!
No matter what you Plan, you never know what Life has Planned for you……

Success introduces you to the World……. But Failure introduces the World to you……. ……
Always be Happy!!

Often when we lose Hope and think this is the end…

God smiles from above and says, “Relax Sweetheart; It’s just a Bend, not the End..!"

Very nice quote from Sophia Loren.

Dear headstrong007, thanks for sharing .........:up::)



----- Full-Time ----- Day-Trader
Sebi mulls hiking minimum ticket size for investment in PMS schemes

Minimum ticket size of Rs 2.5 million not adequate to discourage retail investors; 2- or 4-fold increase on the anvil

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) is considering doubling or even quadrupling the minimum ticket size for investment in portfolio management services (PMS) schemes. The regulator is worried about the current investment limit of Rs 2.5 million may be inadequate to prevent retail investors from using this route.

Investors without sufficient knowledge of the risks that accompany investment in PMS schemes could end up burning their fingers if there was a sharp correction in Indian equities. Indeed, several PMS schemes had seen sharp erosion in their portfolios after ...


Some trader friend said,

Because some random guys without any knowledge or skill just lose his capital by doing wrong things the rest of the retailers who are taking the right approach is suffering.
It's like taking away driving rights from all drivers just because a drunk did an accident with his car. Weird.
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Most of the good PMS companies have already increased their ticket size to Rs 50 L or 100 L already so they wont be affected much.

PMS is an area where middle class people are investing their retirement funds in search of higher returns. I know a few investors who have invested in PMS and they are not aware of the risks involved.They think that PMS managers being experts they will continue doling out returns as per previous years performance and this is a very wrong assumption. PMS can and do lose 20-25 % also giving a unprepared investors a big blow....95 % of PMS investors DO NOT understand and ready for the risks involved.

So if they make it Rs 100 L then small retirement funds investors will not fall in the net and it is left to really high networth people who have other sources of wealth.



----- Full-Time ----- Day-Trader
A very good topic related to regulation why the regulation based on networth is not a valid reason.

Does Qualifying As an Accredited Investor Even Matter?
You don't have to be an accredited investor to get rich.

To invest in many alternative investment classes such as hedge funds, venture capital, or private equity, an individual must qualify as an accredited investor. The rules governing exactly who is and who isn't accredited are pretty straightforward, even if most people don't qualify.

That's OK, though. You don't need to be accredited to be a successful investor. Here's why.

Definition of an accredited investor
To be considered an accredited investor according to the SEC, at least one of the following conditions must apply to you:

  • You must have earned an individual income of more than $200,000 per year, or a joint income of $300,000, in each of the past two years and expect to reasonably maintain the same level of income.
  • You must have a net worth exceeding $1 million, either individually or jointly with a spouse. This figure excludes the equity in your primary residence.
  • You must be a general partner, executive officer, director, or a related combination thereof for the issuer of a security being offered.

The problem with the SEC's definition of an accredited investor
By the SEC's definition, having a million-dollar net worth makes someone sophisticated and therefore capable of making investment choices without the consumer protections offered to the less wealthy. I don't think that's necessarily true, but I understand why the SEC defines it this way.

Consider a lottery winner. Someone becomes an overnight millionaire. Nothing changed in that person's sophistication between buying the Powerball ticket and cashing it in. But in the eyes of the SEC, that short period of time essentially saw that lucky person go from unsophisticated to sophisticated.

Likewise, a brilliant nuclear engineer could command a salary of several hundred thousand dollars a year. That individual may be a master of physics and math, but that doesn't mean the person is financially savvy enough to avoid being snookered by someone peddling financial snake oil.

The truth is that the income and net-worth criteria are arbitrary and have absolutely nothing to do with sophistication.
Instead, they have everything to do with having enough money to be able to afford taking a loss or two in the investing game. The alternative to determine sophistication would be some sort of a certification process, which seems unrealistic to me.


For most people, becoming an accredited investor is irrelevant
For the overwhelmingly vast majority of people, there's no real benefit to being considered accredited.

Investing in hedge funds, private equity, and the like may seem like the pinnacle of investing prowess, but each of these asset classes are far from the golden ticket that they may seem to be. In fact, you can achieve long-term financial success investing as simply as in an S&P 500 index fund.

Need proof? Look no farther than Warren Buffett. He's amassed a fortune worth more than $66 billion, and he's done it in part by buying common stock just like you and I do.

Buffett is clearly accredited, but his success has nothing to do with that status. So instead of worrying about your status as an accredited investor or not, try to focus on becoming a true sophisticated investor. Buffett was able to do it with value-investing techniques that anyone can apply, including you.


----- Full-Time ----- Day-Trader
if sebi applies all those restrictions then on 1 to 10 scale,what are the chances we could win(sebi vs retail traders court case)?
कर्म करो और फल की चिंता मत करो - गीता

Krishna says, “Do your duty, without expecting results”

if sebi applies all those restrictions then on 1 to 10 scale,what are the chances we could win(sebi vs retail traders court case)?
Depends on what restrictions SEBI puts, but assuming it puts uniform and non discriminatory restrictions I would put retail traders winning a court case against SEBI as 2 or 3 on a scale of 1 to 10.....



----- Full-Time ----- Day-Trader
Association of Retail Traders of India (ARTI) is just formed by some Zerodha Traders Group(tradingqna forum).

Please join, the Telegram group

Please fill in this form to join the group.

(moderators can delete outside forum link if don't find it appropriate).

We must join the group, bcoz Unity is the Strength!
Don't think someone will take the fight for you. Without a big number of traders active participation, the number may not be sufficient enough to put a strong demand/representation against such a harmful regulation.

SEBI will listen carefully only when there are enough members under such Traders Association.
We are fragmented, no one listens to us. It's time to form a Traders Association.

If you want to save your livelihood, your profession of trading, your passion, your goal, then,
join Association of Retail Traders of India (ARTI) and try your best actively.

We will represent our concern to SEBI together, more member is required. Take it seriously.
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Well-Known Member
Association of Retail Traders of India (ARTI) is just formed by some Zerodha Traders Group(tradingqna forum).

Please join, the Telegram group

Please fill in this form to join the group.

(moderators can delete outside forum link if don't find it appropriate).

We must join the group, bcoz Unity is the Strength!
Don't think someone will take the fight for you. Without a big number of traders active participation, the number may not be sufficient enough to put a strong demand/representation against such a harmful regulation.

SEBI will listen carefully only when there are enough members under such Traders Association.
We are fragmented, no one listens to us. It's time to form a Traders Association.

If you want to save your livelihood, your profession of trading, your passion, your goal, then,
join Association of Retail Traders of India (ARTI) and try your best actively.

We will represent our concern to SEBI together, more member is required. Take it seriously.
This is great.
But I have one concern they are asking for mobile numbers,name ...potentially this can be used for SPAM ??
they need to register this entity and make sure these info is protected and does not leak.
I am sure many folks would pay big bucks get a database of retail traders.
I hope the creator has no malice intention but this needs to be clarified.

How does a association work. Is it for profit or non profit?