Realtime data NOW,ODIN,TradeTiger,Google,Yahoo > AmiBroker, Fcharts, Qtstalker

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Well-Known Member
It's working Perfect.:thumb:
Here is updated code.

Dim TimerActive As Boolean
Public FileName As String '
Public AB As Object 'Declare AmiBroker as a public variable.
Public ABPath As String 'Declare database path as a public variable
Public DBPath As String 'Variable to collect User'sDatabase path
Public Yahoo As String 'String to hold whetheryahoo data required
Public NSENOW As String 'String to hold whetheryahoo data required
Public MyBook As Workbook
Public Secs As Date
Public IST As String
Public Vol As Variant 'Holds last volume traded today

Sub StartTimer()
'IsNOWRunning 'Check whether NOW is running. If not close down.
Set MyBook = Workbooks("RT31.xlsm")
Secs = TimeValue("00:00:03")
' Google = MyBook.Sheets("Now").Cells(4, 2).Value
Vol = Range("D:D")
InitialiseAB 'Start AmiBroker
TimerActive = True
Timer ' Calls Timer Subroutine
End Sub

Public Sub Stop_Timer()
TimerActive = False
MsgBox ("Realtime feed stopped")
Set AB = Nothing 'Close the active instance of AmiBroker

End Sub

Private Sub Timer()
NSENOW = MyBook.Sheets("Now").Cells(2, 2).Value
Yahoo = MyBook.Sheets("Now").Cells(3, 2).Value
If TimerActive = True Then
If Yahoo = "Yes" Then
End If
MakeCSV 'Calls Subroutine for generating csv file
Shell ("C:\\RTDATA\asc2ms -f C:\\RT\MyCSVMS.txt -r r -o C:\\RTDATA\ms")
Application.OnTime NOW() + TimeValue("00:00:03"), "Timer" 'This code runs the Timer subroutine every 3 seconds
End If
End Sub

Sub CallAmiBroker()
Call AB.Import(0, FileName, "RTG3.format")
Call AB.RefreshAll
End Sub

Sub IsNOWRunning()

strComputer = "."
Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set proc = objWMI.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = 'Now.exe'")
If proc.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox ("Now.exe is not running. I am starting it. Please log in before you continue." _
& "Log into Nestplus* also if you want backfil. After that, Start this application again")
Shell ("C:\Program Files (x86)\NOW\NowLauncher.exe")
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
End If
End Sub

Sub InitialiseAB()
On Error Resume Next
Set AB = GetObject(, "Broker.Application")
If AB Is Nothing Then ' True if not running
Set AB = CreateObject("Broker.Application")
End If
AB.Visible = True
ABPath = AB.DatabasePath
DBPath = MyBook.Sheets("Now").Cells(1, 2).Value
If ABPath <> DBPath Then
AB.LoadDatabase (DBPath)
End If
AB.LoadLayout ("Realtime")
AB.Window.LoadTemplate ("NowRT.Chart")

End Sub
Sub MakeCSV()

Dim fs As Object, a As Object, y As Object, C As Integer, i As Integer, r As Integer, S As String, t As Variant, CellValue As String
'Create a file object for writing
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
On Error Resume Next
MkDir ("C:\RT") 'This will create a folder RT in C Drive.
FileName = "C:\RT\MyCSVMS.txt" 'This file is used to write quotes
Set a = fs.CreateTextFile(FileName, True) 'Here we create the file MyCSV.csv

If NSENOW = "Yes" Then
MyBook.Sheets("Now").Select 'Selects sheet containing quotations

For r = 7 To Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
S = ""
C = 1
While Not IsEmpty(Cells(r, C))
If C = 1 Then
CellValue = Cells(r, C).Value & ",I," & Format$(Date, "yyyymmdd") ' ' (Insert comma and I after ticker name)
ElseIf C = 3 Then 'Insert Last Traded Price 4 times for O,H,L,C
CellValue = Cells(r, C).Value & "," & Cells(r, C).Value & "," & Cells(r, C).Value & "," & Cells(r, C).Value
ElseIf C = 4 Then
CellValue = Cells(r, C).Value - Vol(r, 1)
Vol(r, 1) = Cells(r, C).Value

' Debug.Print Cells(r, 1).Value & " - " & CellValue & " - " & Vol(r, 1)
CellValue = Cells(r, C).Value '
End If

' CellValue = Cells(r, C).Value '
S = S & CellValue & "," 'Add contents of current cell to string 's' and a comma
C = C + 1
a.writeline S 'write line
Next r
End If

Here is output file

Which is working good.
1. I think we need to run shell for as2ms in background as it refreshes complete windows screen. any idea?
2. we need to remove Amibroker related code to release it for production.
I will test this in market hours tomorrow and let you know.
You have to bakfill from TT for 30 days TICK data. Export data from TT and import in Amibroker.
Otherwise update for 30 days and you will have your own database.
first >> if i do it today for silver, from 2moro. will it show 30 day and tick/tick data ??
second >> if i add past 30days data ,, and when 2moro market ends (at 11.30pm) will that data be added, if not then what i have to do ,??


Well-Known Member
first >> if i do it today for silver, from 2moro. will it show 30 day and tick/tick data ??
second >> if i add past 30days data ,, and when 2moro market ends (at 11.30pm) will that data be added, if not then what i have to do ,??
Answer is "Yes" for both questions, provided you have registered version of AmiBroker. Unregistered version does not save anything.


Well-Known Member

Remove these lines from code.
Public AB As Object 'Declare AmiBroker as a public variable.
Public ABPath As String 'Declare database path as a public variable
InitialiseAB 'Start AmiBroker
Set AB = Nothing 'Close the active instance of AmiBroker

Also remove following subroutines entirely.
Sub CallAmiBroker()
Sub IsNOWRunning()
Sub InitialiseAB

When you check the working in live market, see whether you can navigate to AmiBroker by clicking on it.


Well-Known Member
Charts are getting refreshed properly. Here are undates.
Following works.
Call Shell ("C:\\RTDATA\asc2ms -f C:\\RT\MyCSVMS.txt -r r -o C:\\RTDATA\ms --forceWrite=yes", vbhide)
Can you please revert with solution on this?
I am using metarefresh to refresh charts in MS.
There are total 2 issues, I need help.
1. Removing last symbol thing from CSV file.
2. Most imp. We need to format symbol names to short ones, MS does not understand long symbol names something like NIFTY12JUL5100PE, it just converts it to NIFTY12JUL5100, so what happens is NIFTY12JUL5100PE and NIFTY12JUL5100CE are written in samefile, which is of no use. We need to format it to JUL5100PE or JUL5100CE.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Can you please revert with solution on this?
I am using metarefresh to refresh charts in MS. ????
There are total 2 issues, I need help.
1. Removing last symbol thing from CSV file. ??????
2. Most imp. We need to format symbol names to short ones, MS does not understand long symbol names something like NIFTY12JUL5100PE, it just converts it to NIFTY12JUL5100, so what happens is NIFTY12JUL5100PE and NIFTY12JUL5100CE are written in samefile, which is of no use. We need to format it to JUL5100PE or JUL5100CE.
2. For this use the field "Symbol" instead of "Trading Symbol" in NSENOW and RTG31. That field is short. Currently you have removed it.
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