Real Time Data Now / Nest Trader to Amibroker, Fcharts


Well-Known Member

I recently updated one of my system to windows 10 In that RTDMan old version is running with no issue but new version is crashing on startup, that console window loads every topic and after it crashed.

so I tested with another newly updated windows 10 system with same configuration, but in that the new version of RTDMan works fine.

what will be the problem?:confused:


Well-Known Member

I recently updated one of my system to windows 10 In that RTDMan old version is running with no issue but new version is crashing on startup, that console window loads every topic and after it crashed.

so I tested with another newly updated windows 10 system with same configuration, but in that the new version of RTDMan works fine.

what will be the problem?:confused:
I really do not know. Check the settings.ini on both PCs.
I have two laptops. Win10 on one with 2GB RAM. Another Laptop has Win7 with 2GB RAM in VirtualBox under Linux Mint host.

RTDMan(New) used to crash on my Lappy at startup when there were errors in the code. Therefore, once code was finalised, I tested it for more than a week before releasing it to public. After that, I never had it crash on any of my Lappys. Not a single crash since release.

This is what usually happens. If you access some invalid memory usually OS aborts your program. However, it is difficult to know what is invalid for OS.

In our program, lot of data is being handled in memory. First, it comes from NSE to Nest/Now terminal. Then it is transferred to RTDMan. There is no control over what is coming from NSE. It may come directly from NSE server, or via Brokers's server in case of Nest.

May be I will have to take over somebody's PC on Teamviewer and watch it crash. However, there is no guarantee. It will not give any error message.
If it gives error message like this--
Exception C0000005 at address 00401000
EAX=0033FE50 EBX=7ECFD000 ECX=00000000 EDX=00000017
ESI=000003E9 EDI=0008007A EBP=0033F0F0 ESP=0033F0C8

I may not be able to do anything. It is a message from OS.

Edit - Check the time / Clock in the PC where crash is.


Well-Known Member
I really do not know. Check the settings.ini on both PCs.
I have two laptops. Win10 on one with 2GB RAM. Another Laptop has Win7 with 2GB RAM in VirtualBox under Linux Mint host.

RTDMan(New) used to crash on my Lappy at startup when there were errors in the code. Therefore, once code was finalised, I tested it for more than a week before releasing it to public. After that, I never had it crash on any of my Lappys. Not a single crash since release.

This is what usually happens. If you access some invalid memory usually OS aborts your program. However, it is difficult to know what is invalid for OS.

In our program, lot of data is being handled in memory. First, it comes from NSE to Nest/Now terminal. Then it is transferred to RTDMan. There is no control over what is coming from NSE. It may come directly from NSE server, or via Brokers's server in case of Nest.

May be I will have to take over somebody's PC on Teamviewer and watch it crash. However, there is no guarantee. It will not give any error message.
If it gives error message like this--
Exception C0000005 at address 00401000
EAX=0033FE50 EBX=7ECFD000 ECX=00000000 EDX=00000017
ESI=000003E9 EDI=0008007A EBP=0033F0F0 ESP=0033F0C8

I may not be able to do anything. It is a message from OS.

Edit - Check the time / Clock in the PC where crash is.
problem solved by installing ms office, after installing ms office both worked with no errors.

when it was crash, system time was fine, and also there is no error or exception or registers find, there is only close button in that message box when crash occurs

when I find it in any other system again will check for the error in the visual studio and will update you!


Well-Known Member
I really do not know. Check the settings.ini on both PCs.
I have two laptops. Win10 on one with 2GB RAM. Another Laptop has Win7 with 2GB RAM in VirtualBox under Linux Mint host.

RTDMan(New) used to crash on my Lappy at startup when there were errors in the code. Therefore, once code was finalised, I tested it for more than a week before releasing it to public. After that, I never had it crash on any of my Lappys. Not a single crash since release.

This is what usually happens. If you access some invalid memory usually OS aborts your program. However, it is difficult to know what is invalid for OS.

In our program, lot of data is being handled in memory. First, it comes from NSE to Nest/Now terminal. Then it is transferred to RTDMan. There is no control over what is coming from NSE. It may come directly from NSE server, or via Brokers's server in case of Nest.

May be I will have to take over somebody's PC on Teamviewer and watch it crash. However, there is no guarantee. It will not give any error message.
If it gives error message like this--
Exception C0000005 at address 00401000
EAX=0033FE50 EBX=7ECFD000 ECX=00000000 EDX=00000017
ESI=000003E9 EDI=0008007A EBP=0033F0F0 ESP=0033F0C8

I may not be able to do anything. It is a message from OS.

Edit - Check the time / Clock in the PC where crash is.
@shankar - i do not think office is needed. Crash is possibly a bug.

In C++, Memory allocation is user controlled - so mistakes can happen.
To look for these issues, we have a very nice tool in linux called valgrind.

1) I didnt have to use a windows equivalent as i never faced crash after stable version. But you can try to look for free equivant tools for windows. Maybe check here or here. I have no experience with them and COM apis will add more complexity in checking this.

2) Anyone with issue can also test with different versions of RTDMan to narrow down. Start with mine latest - if it works move to your versions and try to identify version that introduced the bug. git has nice bisect tool for this but that is only applicable if My last commit also has this bug.


Learner and Follower

I recently updated one of my system to windows 10 In that RTDMan old version is running with no issue but new version is crashing on startup, that console window loads every topic and after it crashed.

so I tested with another newly updated windows 10 system with same configuration, but in that the new version of RTDMan works fine.

what will be the problem?:confused:
hi, i also had similar problem in windows 10, even after installing office. Now i m opening ztnest and rtd1.3 in "run as admininstrator" mode , then everything works fine.
1. Start Amibroker before RTD1.30 tomorrow.
2. In RTD1.3, click on Backfill and then Plus or VWAP. Then Start RTD. Do you change your scrips every day? Once you save scrips in settings.ini, you need not select them everyday. Please read Help file carefully. This version is not less auto than earlier.
3. Blank blue screen of Amibroker was a glitch in earlier version. It is removed in RTD1.30.
Thanks a lot (Josh1 and Shankar4kv) for prompt reply and guidance. No, I dont change script often. So it's okay to change ini file once in a month.
Anyway I tried as per Josh1 suggestion, I opened Amibroker first and then RTD 1.30.
But RTD too opened another instance of amibroker so I had to close last opened amibroker. I feel it is usless to open amibroker first as RTD1.30 always opens amibroker with Blank blue creen without any tabs. I had to set amibroker tabs again and again on numerous tries.

Then I clicked at BAckfill .. no window opened but rather I got a notice that LotQnty must be there in market watch. As per RTD Tutorial which I had downloaded along with RTD 1.25, the following columns must be present in the market watch Trading Symbol . Exchange .Series/Expiry . Instrument Name .Symbol .Option Type .Strike Price Columns can be arranged by rightclick on Column Headers and then “Reposition”.
Nowhere there was any mention of LotQnty or minQnty that must be there in market watch columns. (And I didnt see any new guidelines while downloading RTD 1.30 from dropbox.)

1. Anyway as it asked for, I added the LotQnty in market watch and started RTD 1.30 again. Then As per Snail's guidance, I opened Backfil first and clicked at nest and vwap and then from that window only I clicked at RTD Update and it all worked fine throughtout day.

2. At the time of closing, I tried to stop RTD update .. first it didnt show despite many clicking... then i used alt tab to show it ... it showed but freezed .. no key worked ... I simple saved amibroker and closed RTD directly. And then ... loud sound of a crying baby filled my laptop... a very natural sound... and it continued for long.. It happened for the second day. Yesterday I thought maybe my lappy has some virus.. I cleaned it with ccclearner, avgantivirus, antimalwarebites , junk cleaner etc. But it happened again today after RTD freezed. I don't know whether it happened with me alone or others too experienced this.

Setting aside the crying baby... there are still a few problems with RTD 1.30 .. like problem of blue blank screen of amibroker without any tabs. It is quite troublesome to add ami tabs again n again.
With all due respect and heartfelt gratitude for this great utility, I seek help. Please suggest what should I do?


Learner and Follower
hi, crying baby sound is not a virus for sure. whenever rtfeed stops abruptly due to net failure etc.,crying baby sound is heard. maybe seniors can help for problem of blue blank screen of amibroker without any tabs. i also face this issue sometimes.
Josh1 Sir,
In my case the RTD get crashed and it fails to push data in to amibroker. as far as backfill is concerned it works nicely. the image is attached herewith for your kind perusal.


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