perfect profitable formula need AFL for this


You are merely employing fib levels on the previous day's range for intraday trade anticipation. As with everything else, there's always scope for refinement :)

Since you appear to have spent some effort in manual live forward testing and for formulating clearly explained rules ...... here's something which will aid you on your way for enhanced analysis and further refinement!!!

Fib Trader - Scanner

Scan example of 15M intraday timeframe on 13 Apr 18 for TATAPOWER

Apart from default columns, provides info about the previous day's close (PrevDay 'C'), the current day's open ('O' Today) and guidance ('Remark') as per their compared value(s)! As you can see it's cautioning you to ignore the first buy - the signal which triggered at 10:14:59! :cool:

The Buy rec price (TrigBuy) and Sell rec price (TrigSell) with their difference (RiskRg) is provided for anticipated trade entry order placement and calculation of optimal position sizing! The scan results for a basket of instruments are reordered automatically as per the Lowest RiskRg:cool:

Visual alert cues are provided in the form of background and foreground colours once a trade has been triggered - When this happens, the redundant rec price (the Sell rec price in this example) is removed and info about the Trade Signal, the Initial Stop Loss (Initial S/L) & the Target appears :cool:

In addition, the rule regarding comparison of rec price with the PrevDay 'C' has been internally incorporated for conditional trade signal generation

But the proof of the pudding lies in the eating - Isn't it??!! :joyful:

Hence - Fib Trader - Visual Chart

Chart example of 15M intraday timeframe on 13 Apr 18 for HDIL

The skyblue solid line is the buy rec price/ initial stop loss for sell trade (Trig-B). The orange solid line is the sell rec price/ initial stop loss for buy trade (Trig-S). The white dashed line is previous day's close (PrevDay C). AND the gold dashed lines are the trade targets (uTgt & dTgt)

The Buy/ Sell arrows are self explanatory

Once a trade triggers, the target will continue to plot until it's hit by price OR a reverse signal is triggered!!! :cool:

Note - Like I said earlier, a tool such as this will aid your analysis for further refinement! For example a nice juicy trade signal was not generated because the sell rec price (orange line) was above the previous day's close (white dashed line) - Highlighted by the dashed violet circle on 12 Apr 18 at market open! ;):)

Anyhow .... The AFL is attached. Attendant usage instructions are in the AFL itself Be sure to read them prior usage!!!

Ordinarily, a pro grade 'as per specification(s)' coding with enhanced value additions would have set you back by a couple of grand!!! ..... But this is posted Gratis :)

Use it Wisely & Well!!!

Fantastic Support, more happy because of the detailed description .... really very kind.. and also request you to help how to make more effective.. i am working on the strategy same time, experts like you can help to make it more effective.....
i am enclosing screenshot for LEAD ( 5 MIN ) chart :
lead OPEN : 155.25 HIGH : 155.25 LOW : 151.45 CLOSE : 152.85 (DATE 12 APRIL 2018 )

as per calculation, it is giving a buy signal and sell signals are coming correctly. thanks lot

my small request : i want to plot only one buy or only one sell arrow.. ( i see whenever prices coming it is plotting arrows..), we can plot buy/sell arrow again only after stoploss hitting

LEAD, we get first sell entry stoploss 1 rs hit
again we get a buy entry, stoploss hit 1 rs
now again sell entry, good gain

so the entire day, we need to plot first sell arrow , and after sl hit, there is a buy arrow.. and after buy stoploss hit, there should be a sell arrow

can you help on it



Well-Known Member
Thank you for your kind words and for helping out with the query. Sometimes some people happen to be in so much of a rush, they fail to notice that the answer they seek is right in front of them :)

cloudtrader said:
Although my trading style doesn't attract me to use this afl
Yes, its essential to choose the tools in consonance with the task (trading style). However it also is not a bad idea to check the signal generation from an uncorrelated trading style (i.e tool) to garner a second opinion as a comparative overview, from time to time



Well-Known Member
vsreeram77 said:
my small request : i want to plot only one buy or only one sell arrow.. ( i see whenever prices coming it is plotting arrows..), we can plot buy/sell arrow again only after stoploss hitting
Suppressing the signal generation (buy/ sell) arrows via code is not an issue.

BUT that happens to be a very commonly subscribed to wrong approach by the majority of traders!

You have to think why the signals are being are being generated in the first place! The signals are not being generated on their own but are being generated in response to the RULES that are created by YOU as a trader!!! In your case if the opening price is between the buy rec price & the sell rec price AND if both those levels are not in violation of the rule wrt the daily close, then a BUY as well as a SELL are both valid signals! Who is to say in which direction will the market finally decide to go!!! Isn't it?!!!

So the correct approach is to craft the RULES in such a manner that the signals are rarely required to be suppressed! :)

The AFL was provided for this purpose itself that it frees your mind from the burden of manually calculating and plotting so that you could visualize the system architecture more effectively. It may take a bit of time but the right answers will surely make themselves apparent down the line!!! :)
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