Order Flow and volume profile trading

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Thanks for replying promptly.I reinstalled ninjatrader7 then I straighlty trying to install volumeladder v3 and complied.It gave the error.

Then I installed first GOMI.zip folders all indicators which you earlier said.Now I tried to compile volumeladder v3,it compiled.

Now another part.earlier version Gomivolumeladder (GOMI template)working properly after increasing tick size.But new version (GOMI METRO template)not working,it gives blank screen as amandeep said.

I think I am missing some another file,should I install "nogap" indicator which you gave earlier or some setting in indicator setup

Hope I will get this new indicator working

What is the difference between these two indicators.

One last thing,should we check box option check historical data tick to save all ask bid ticks for viewing offline.Save data is important to study later.

Very interesting setup could be made by using these indicators.


What setting you have done to get new indicator working

Didn't do any specific settings buddy. Initially i was getting same blank screen.

I just re imported and overwritten existing file. and did compilation process and restrted ninja.. thats it.My new system working.

as far observation of old and new .. its more sort of graphical stuff for look and feel some extra poc's etc. but you willn't see any difference in numbers bid vs ask. but it has feature of diaognal ask vs bid which would give you volume imbalance...but to be frank still i am not able to figure anythiing.. but VVMP is one sort of line will help you to see how price is moving near that..

however most effective should be near the zones .. BIG Boys play very tactically to escape and hit retails folks stops and run..like RONALD playing goal moves:rofl::rofl::rofl:

that is what we will have to find..l even if you get 60% sucess with small tick stops ..and disciplane this will help to gain very good way.. no need to catch all moves

lets see how it goes as mt4trader's experience would help to figure these things ..lets learn slowly and studily for next big thing.


Well-Known Member
Why GOMI chart only capture volume chart only from current starting candle when we open it, why not from all candles data which was captured previously through normal plotting.As I know Ninjatrader captures ask and bids ticks also so why chart plotted through GOMI template not shows volume at different ask bids from previous captured candles.

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