Nest Plus on Traderji

Thanks for the feedback.

We will look at the 9:15 chart issue and sort this out.

I have also faced the same issue , and found that it plots at 9:17 , 9:22 and so on. Though if you look at the chart end of the day it will look alright.

I pursued this issue with your support desk for long time and send them a video also , but no resolution. If you want i can send you the video once again. I was using NOW that time and now I am using Nest but issue is same on both.

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Active Member

i m using nest plus starter pac i m facing some issue like

1. candle doesnt change sometimes though rates changes
2. wenever i tried to draw trendlines it hangs and says encountered some error and need to be closed

pl solve these issues
I also face the same issue (no.1). At some point candle stops moving sideways. i.e. no further candle formed, only up/down on same candle.


Active Member
I trade with two brokers and both have given nest s/w is it possible to install two nest s/w and operate both simultaneously in the the same computer? If yes, how?? Pls


Active Member
i am using nest plus plugin through now (rkg).

While seeing the 5 minute chart i have observed that instead of candles changing at, say, 9.20 , 9.25 , 9.30 but changes at 9.22 , 9.27 , 9.32 on and the first candle of the current day and the last candle of the previous day gets distorted and changed shape and so on all the subsequent candles of the day, and due to this never matches to any other normal sw charts which changes price candles at regular clockwise 5 minute interval.

Any explanation or remedy for this?
nset plus

same problem still persists,do you have any solve?

i m facing problems using nest plus after sometime whatever button i press or select it just shows o nly zoom curser and after that wen click mouse it randomly displays trendline crusrer. alternatively it displays these two cursers only then i had lo log off and again login. very frequently this is happening pl help abt it

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