My holy grail Las vegas casino style day trading strategy

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Mr. G,

We live and learn in life. When my fist GF broke up with me, who I was supposed to marry, the breakup led me to ask why? I did a lot of introspection about myself. I realized, I too was equally if not more responsible for the breakup - I can say that after the initial time spent in self-pity, today because what happened in the past, I was able to change my thinking and attitude and become a better person. (BTW, I did send her a bouquet of roses and a best wishes card on the day of her marriage. A few years back, she did contact me from the US, to apologies for the hurt she had caused me. I told her that I held no ill will towards her, and was glad that she was happy. She told me that my words had lifted the guilt she carried with her all along, and now after having spoken to me, she felt better and could now move on with her life - I now prefer not to be in regular touch with her, as she is married, but I can say that we both consider each other friends and have good wishes for one another even now)

Re. your case, it is not necessary that the girl left you because she got somebody better in terms of money (which may as well be possible) But it is more likely that after spending three years of her life, she realized that you were not the person she could either respect, look up to or be happy with.

Will spare the BS, and will share some honest feedback which you may like or not. But if you reflect on it maybe it will help you.

Firstly, you come across as highly opinionated person, and many times as crude in thought. Your post astounds me, as you speak your mind without thinking - in one statement, you managed to pass derogatory comment on 50% of the country's population - i.e women. Could this attitude about women have reflected on your behavior toward your GF and be responsible for the breakup? Just think about it. Have you really tried to understand the role you could have played for your GF to leave you, apart from blaming her?

Another post that I found was totally immature and coarse was about Sonia Gandhi being admitted into the hospital. You posted that you would be happy if she died!! WOW! To not like a person is something, to have differing opinion with another is fine too.... but that you could feel glad and rejoice about somebody dying is callous to say the very least.

In another thread you wrote about Narayan Murthy (one of the highly respected and ethical businessman our country has produced) appointing his son as an executive assistant, and spoke about corporate governance issues (Rohan Murthy is appointed as an executive assistant - taking an annual salary of rupees 1) Your opinions would be fine, but you did not even know the facts about what you were posting. This you yourself admitted when another boarder pointed it out to you.

It's o.k. for one to give opinion. But ATLEAST ONE SHOULD THINK, REFLECT AND GET FACTS first before posting. You posted not knowing that Rohan Murthy had done a P.hd in computer science from Harvard and has had a degree from Cornell University. These are among the most highly reputed universities in the world, not only US. Are you even aware that Rohan Murthy has fellowship from MIT, Caltech and Microsoft? That he has published research papers in aspects of network and embedded computing, architecture in wireless networks etc.? BTW, K.V Kamath, ex chairman of ICICI Bank, and one of the most sought of independent directors, welcomed the move made by the board of Infosys!

What's the point I am trying to make.? The only reason that I have in posting this is for you to understand that at 19 years, you have a great life ahead of you. It will help you greatly if you LEARN TO BE A BIT HUMBLE, GET YOUR FACTS, REFLECT ON HOW YOU SOUND BEFORE YOU SPEAK, THINK BEFORE YOU POST, OR COME UP WITH UNFOUNDED OR PREJUDICED STATEMENTS.

BTW, I suggest to get over your past hurt, do try to read up on Louise Hay. Believe me. It will be an life changer.

Heartfully, I wish you the very best.

Edit : And one more thing : Stop calling people who have different views from yours as idiots - This made in a post of today morning, where you thought the Gold sellers were idiots for selling at 28K, for what you think is worth 32K. (Based on what.???) - If you try to understand views of others which are different from yours, you may in the end not necessarily agree with it, having listed to it, but it can help you understand things from a perspective that is different from yours.

Made the biggest mistake of my life when I made a girlfriend. I loved her and gave her everything I had. We dated for 3 years, were gonna get married in 3 more. Then one day she left me for another guy. And I have been a miserable ******* to everyone ever since.

I play this song whenever I think about her
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Well-Known Member
Made the biggest mistake of my life when I made a girlfriend. I loved her and gave her everything I had. We dated for 3 years, were gonna get married in 3 more. Then one day she left me for another guy. And I have been a miserable ******* to everyone ever since.

I play this song whenever I think about her
Hahahaha....Nice when you give tips to other people and selling false dreams to make them multi millionaire over night then get ready for KARMA buddy......Its always happen when you do bad to people same happen to you
Sunday -Gyan..The think that you can control the's a holy-grail day.......each an every month (day trader)you will find such day............that day just kill the market..............Example.........I generally not post call at early in the morning as I am not day trader now.....but if you see on 30 aug....I post.........I am in killing mood...........and I post BNF and NF call.........If you see Friday move..(Specially BNF) goes smoothly.....every one get....chance.......if one is confident that.....he can earn 10k..easily on such day.....that person can earn 1 lacs too..... I wish I could tell you in's pure psychology......:thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb:
RajGreen Bro,

Where do you think market is going to head next week?Kindly can you provide some insights for next week as well.
Just read my Sebastian call.........30....aug....... real exam of positional trader..and Investor ......Yesterday.......I watched the says.....America will one week or one month......:thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb:


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha....Nice when you give tips to other people and selling false dreams to make them multi millionaire over night then get ready for KARMA buddy......Its always happen when you do bad to people same happen to you
Shut up failure. I can understand that you have had a scarred experience with tip providers during your gambling binges.


Well-Known Member
Re - post #1835

DSM ..thanks for this post. I agree on every sentence you posted in this.

Mr. Murthy and family are very well respected in corporate world as well as society. There is reason for it. They are well cultured family and they dont have any ego considering their wealth.They reached this status passing thru all the initial strugles. They are down to earth people. Mr.Murthy built Infosys and there by helping lakhs of people to get job and money. His son is very qualified and eligible for any post in Infy. If you see his son would have more attachment to the company compared to others so in a way its good for the company if in future he leads it from the front.
There are some people like Mallya's - They are rich from past generation too. You know what happened to KingFisher. See his son and Mr.Murthy's son..there is lot of difference in bahaviour. That shows even if you are rich, teach the kids the hard way to lead the life. Don't allow your kids to just enjoy the money you earned.

Also its been said that Mr.G is 19 years old?..I doubt because with what qualification he is managing fund? In India one need to be at least 22 years old to get a normal degree. To manage somebody else's fund I think most of the fund managers are well qualified and they have good experience in various financial markets. I dont believe a 19 year old boy can have so much experience.
Considering he is now 19, 3 years ago he had girl friend...i.e at 16 or below that...if the girl is also of same age.. there is no point discussing who's mistake. It all happens in need not take it seriously but a 19 year boy managing fund? need to think about it. (He must be the youngest fund manager in the world)
As you rightly pointed out Mr.G has written very bad words about Indian girls...thats very bad and hurts.

I know his response would be .."I don't care" :lol:

Its just my please forgive if anyone is hurt because of this post...including Mr.G
Shut up failure. I can understand that you have had a scarred experience with tip providers during your gambling binges.
Please..........don't off my mood...........on Sunday.....If you want I will quit this forum........You are disturbing my thread.......:confused:
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