My holy grail Las vegas casino style day trading strategy

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Well-Known Member I have to follow Doctor advice..........I already sent to you pm.........regarding my health.........So.........will...........fresh trading from....01.01 2014
I guess this is only a joke, isn't it? I hope you do not go for such bets and better concentrate on your health with sport activities or what ever is needed, as you not can take any money with you when you finally are in the holy grail.

What about your wife, children, friends? They are much more important and those people want to have you with them much longer than only the TF you talk about. And I think even the members here do agree about that and do not want you to go for such bets instead for your health.

Take care / DanPickUp


Well-Known Member
Raj Bro, Was diagnosed with cholesterol and hypertension a few years back. Doc. prescribed medications. I asked how long I needed to take it. He said it is for life - once started, they cannot be stopped. I took the same for two days, and then decided I did not want to live my life this way.

Next day, I chucked the medicine tablets. Started walks, yoga, meditation. Changed diet. Breakfast was only fruits. Small lunch. Dinner soups, salads, or something light. Never remained hungry. In between breakfast, lunch and dinner, I would take 'fillers' lassi, milk, fruit juice, fruits, nuts - almonds, walnuts. Took vitamin supplements, cod liver oil. Garlic capsules. Reduced salt, sugar and oil. Indulgence in food is on one day for weekend though my taste has changed and I now prefer to avoid that as well.

The result.? No cholesterol, no hypertension. I go for a medical checkup once a year, and I am hypertension and cholesterol free. I feel more energetic and fit than five years back.

The key to good health is in our hands. The choice is entirely with us. Nobody else. I have to follow Doctor advice..........I already sent to you pm.........regarding my health.........So.........will...........fresh trading from....01.01 2014


low risk profile
raj bhai , nothing to worry, no disease is permanent ,its a state of mind and body. if you did not understand these lines ,dont worry, I also did not understood :confused:. now telling u a real story.
two prostitute sisters in africa diagnosed with AIDS. after few years they were undergone tests again and found to be free from AIDS.
reason : they increased number of customers so AIDS ka kida idhar udhar transfer ho gaya hoga sala. so cheers. :thumb:
Food security bill ........pass ho gaya.........But Sonia G........AIIMS mein Admit hai........Get well soon Medam G
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