My holy grail Las vegas casino style day trading strategy

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A young boy enters a barber shop and the barber whispers to his Customer, "This is the dumbest kid in the world. Watch while I prove it to you."

The barber puts a five rupee coin in one hand and two one rupee coins (1+1=2) in the other, then calls the boy over and asks, "Which do you want, son?"

The boy takes the two one rupee coins and leaves.

"What did I tell you?" said the barber. "That kid never learns!"

Later, when the customer leaves, he sees the same young boy coming out of the ice cream store.

"Hey, son! May I ask you a question?

Why did you take two one rupee coins instead of five rupee coin?"

The boy licked his cone and replied,


:: Moral of the Story ::

When you think the other person is dumb, you are making a fool of yourself
On one day, the ten year old boy, Malik, son of Sarah and Joseph - the lovely family which most liked - was on his way to the city center. He stopped by a busy cafe in order to buy himself a nice, cold ice-cream.

Malik walked slowly into the cafe, his blue eyes shined as he looked around for an empty table. He walked towards one of the empty tables and gently sat down.

"What can I serve you, sir?" said a young handsome waiter.

Malik brushed a hand through his silky black hair and said: "How much is a chocolate ice-cream?"

"Five pounds."

The ten year-old boy took out his money and counted it slowly. Meanwhile, the cafe was getting really crowded and many customers were in need of a table. ""Well, how much is a regular ice-cream?"

The waiter was becoming very impatient. "Four pounds." he said rudely.

"Okay, then I'll have a regular ice-cream, please."

The waiter hurried to get the young boy's order. A few minutes later, the boy had finished his ice-cream and waited for the check. As soon as he got the check, he paid it and was gone. The waiter went to the boy's table to collect his plate, and as he was doing so, he saw something that made his eyes watery and full of tears.

Beside the boy's plate, was one pound. Malik had prevented himself from eating the chocolate ice-cream he wanted, so that he could leave the waiter a tip. 'I should not have been rude and impatient with him' thought the waiter. Regret saddened and ached his heart.

Malik, on the other hand was proud of what he had done, but decided to keep it to himself. 'Only God should know.' thought Malik, and with that thought he went back home.

Wisdom ~ Never underestimate anyone, even a little boy



Well-Known Member
Reminds me of my friend's 12 year old son, who is very intelligent. One day he got off from the school bus smiling. So my friend asked him, what had happened. He said 'Dada, we had a race today, and I came third' So my friend asked him, 'So why are you so happy' He replied 'Dada, you know I could have run faster than the two other boys who were in front of me and come first, but I did not want them to know how fast I can run, because the sports day is next week'

So: Always show of a bit dump and let others openly value it, so you know how you can catch them and always show of a bit underestimated to not make others to much interested in what you really know and do.

Just my interpretation of your nice two above posts.


Well-Known Member
Reminds me of my friend's 12 year old son, who is very intelligent. One day he got off from the school bus smiling. So my friend asked him, what had happened. He said 'Dada, we had a race today, and I came third' So my friend asked him, 'So why are you so happy' He replied 'Dada, you know I could have run faster than the two other boys who were in front of me and come first, but I did not want them to know how fast I can run, because the sports day is next week'
Yea. I learned that exactly the other way round when I was young. When it came to running, I was always best in my classes, but those races always where locally. So one day a guy from a professional sport club came to me and told me to apply for a license to be able to take part on national events. So I got that license and went to my first race on a bigger ground: 1500 m run.

During the race I was the leader of the group and then it happens: Around 200 m before the finish the two guys behind me just passed me and I did not have any power left to follow there suddenly advanced speed.

Moral of the story: Those two guys did know that they are stronger than me, but did not let me know it until they know exactly that I must be out of power and at that moment they came in with there full power they had left and used it on the last 200m of the race against me. Now I was also third, but with an other experience. :) After that I never made that mistake again in other races and always stayed in a non leading place in the group, until the left distance occured I know I can handle with full power I had left. Those not mean that I won now more races, but I now used the tactical game I learned all others used to do so which had not be newbies.

Live experience is a good teacher / DanPickUp


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Man Single-Handedly Plants 1,360 Acre Forest

Deforestation and desertification are critical problems in India that have led to barren land, increased soil erosion, decreased agricultural production, and devastated local wildlife. However one Indian man has made a stand – by single-handedly planting and cultivating a 1,360 acre forest that is home to a complex, thriving ecosystem.

Jadav “Molai” Payeng started his project 30 years ago when he was still a teenager. Then, in 1979, flood waters washed a large number of snakes ashore on the local sandbar in Jorhat, some 350 km from Guwahati. When the waters receded, Payneg (who was 16 at the time) noticed the reptiles had died due to a lack of forestry.

“The snakes died in the heat, without any tree cover. I sat down and wept over their lifeless forms. It was carnage. I alerted the forest department and asked them if they could grow trees there. They said nothing would grow there. Instead, they asked me to try growing bamboo. It was painful, but I did it. There was nobody to help me. Nobody was interested,” said Payeng, who is now 47, to The Times of India.

Payeng chose to live on the sandbar, starting a life of isolation as he began work to create a new forest. Planting the seeds by hand, watering the plants in the morning and evening, and pruning them when required, he cultivated a huge natural reserve. After a few years, the sandbar was transformed into a bamboo thicket.

“I then decided to grow proper trees. I collected and planted them. I also transported red ants from my village, and was stung many times. Red ants change the soil’s properties . That was an experience,” Payeng recalled.

Over the years, the reserve has seen a huge variety of flora and fauna blossom on the sandbar, including endangered animals like the one-horned rhino and Royal Bengal tiger. “After 12 years, we’ve seen vultures. Migratory birds, too, have started flocking here. Deer and cattle have attracted predators,” claims Payeng . Unfortunately, locals reportedly killed a rhino which was seen in his forest, something that Payeng clearly disapproves of. ”Nature has made a food chain; why can’t we stick to it? Who would protect these animals if we, as superior beings, start hunting them?”

Amazingly, the Assam state forest department only learnt about Payeng’s forest in 2008 when a herd of some 100 wild elephants strayed into it after marauding through villages nearby. It was then that assistant conservator of forests Gunin Saikia met Payeng for the first time.

“We were surprised to find such a dense forest on the sandbar. Locals, whose homes had been destroyed by the pachyderms, wanted to cut down the forest, but Payeng dared them to kill him instead. He treats the trees and animals like his own children. Seeing this, we, too, decided to pitch in,” says Saikia. “We’re amazed at Payeng. He has been at it for 30 years. Had he been in any other country, he would have been made a hero.”



Well-Known Member
hi brothers,

May be you will be wondered why I posted the above message,

As Rajan bhai said we can't under-estimate anyone.

when a man without any proper support created such a wonderful forest from
scratch -where nothing grows.. !!!!

So this story is dedicated to every brothers & sisters who want succeed in their task ---only dedication--- nothing else.

and as rajanbhain said never underestimate yourself also

that includes me also. :)

with cheers,

A must read link fr all aspiring traders who wan 2 dream big in trading & also an eye opener dat nothing is impossible in dis world...ITS UR THINKING DAT MAKES U WAT U r n nt WAT U WAN 2 B....
self made loosers may argue dat he was lucky or dat its a coincidence dat he entered during d start of bull run is all blah blah blah. ONLY SELY MADE LOOSERS THINK OF D WORD 'LUCK'.ask any sucess personality who rose frm ashes n he wil tell u dat it was due 2 d thinking ,hard work which motivated themselves....LUCK ?? POOHHHH.its a self made loosers way of thinking !!....HE fell den stood only 2 thud again ONLY 2 RISE like nevr before....MY HEARTY SALUTE TO HIS INNER THINKING !!!

Inspiring story for all traders.......:clapping::thumb:


Well-Known Member
Seneca - "Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.

Originally Posted by sudoku1 View Post

A must read link fr all aspiring traders who wan 2 dream big in trading & also an eye opener dat nothing is impossible in dis world...ITS UR THINKING DAT MAKES U WAT U r n nt WAT U WAN 2 B....
self made loosers may argue dat he was lucky or dat its a coincidence dat he entered during d start of bull run is all blah blah blah. ONLY SELY MADE LOOSERS THINK OF D WORD 'LUCK'.ask any sucess personality who rose frm ashes n he wil tell u dat it was due 2 d thinking ,hard work which motivated themselves....LUCK ?? POOHHHH.its a self made loosers way of thinking !!....HE fell den stood only 2 thud again ONLY 2 RISE like nevr before....MY HEARTY SALUTE TO HIS INNER THINKING !!!

Inspiring story for all traders.......
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