Manoj's Trading Diary


Well-Known Member
initial target of 5534 and then yesterdays low of 5480.3


Well-Known Member
Both L1 and L2 Shorts failed, but L3 short @ 5572.25 with stop @ 5583.5 has not failed yet


Well-Known Member
sqaured off short with a loss of 11000 and went long again for original targets of 5622, 5646, 5658


Well-Known Member
entered short @ 5576, for day's low as target


Well-Known Member
Ended day with a loss of more than 34000+, did take many trades compulsively to offset the losses in the early traded and the losses increased.

Must do something about this compulsive nature


Well-Known Member
All profits earned in this week lost today almost, will see what's in the store tomorrow


Well-Known Member
will go through chart and find out where i made mistakes so that the mistakes will not be repeated again.
biggest mistake of today was did not keep stop in place instead kept it as mental stop and when price went through it just kept hoping that it will reverse
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