luck based trading

Have you ever created a single trading system During your 10 years tenure ?? With clear rules for Entry, SL target etc ...

If yes, have you backtested that trading system with atleast one year data to prove , its successful system?
sir.. there are countless trading system created , back tested , implemented , gained and when it failed lost hope on that. now we may think jumping from one system to other itself a problem and to major extent it true too . second unable to follow the system and rules religiously. and it is a common problem with everyone .
so what the solution ?
some 7 years ago .. after suddenly made around 65 lakhs in three months ( recovered the 5o lakhs loss and 15 lakhs extra ) i felt i am top of the world .. all my humbleness gone in air .. my humiliation of loss of eight years just gone out from mind. just felt game over and I am on the way of my financial freedom.. jumping on joy . saying whatever i want and gave no rooms to others .. it all last just 15 days .. the first jolt came and lost some 20 to 25 lakhs in the next one month . then gain some and loss some and game goes on.. and in next six months after recovery, lost all to the market . back to square one of 50 lakhs loss. now start mobilising fresh money and game continues and losses against keeps growing and it goes like 52 lakhs , 55 lakhs etc .. it reached around 6o lakhs .. That was modi-I election period .. But my sorrow doesn't go away. keep trading and loss keeps on going up and coming down and again going up . Then came 2015 when I lost my job. when in Job and when get salary these losses looks manageable. the moment salary stops .. real problem of these losses stands like mountain. the moment lost the job the mist so far surrounding clears and reality became more visible ..
story continues ..
And after loss of job in 2015 mid ..i was left with some 15 to 20 lakhs cash and 60 lakhs loss in stock market. and u know what would have happened ? yes the left over 20 lakhs too gone in to mkt by end of 2016

but before that got a clue from a guy in some forum ( guess in Traderji only.. really forget where i read ) and went ruthless on that clue in mid 2016 got back my all losses 60 lakhs that time

.whole of 2017 gone simply with some fews lakhs profit and few lakhs loss .. but trading capital is less than a lakh where the total loss stood around 90 lakhs by end 2017..

when total loss around 50 lakhs in 2014 ..suddenly recovered the whole losses in three months ( only to lose again to mkt )
when total loss mount around 60 lakhs in 2016 ..suddenly recovered the whole losses in one month ( only to lose again to mkt)

nature usually bring thrice to surface before drowning you forever.
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Hedge Strategy Trader in Options and Futures
this morning when i saw a beggar ( old man and felt bad for him ) with full of hair like forest in his head ( may be have no money to go saloon) and contrary I feel so sad abt my fast approaching baldness.
Suddenly understood there is no loss in life account. what ever we have must be credited in to positive pages. May be the negative page will open if we do harm to others . felt light abt losses in Trading too .
coming back to our discussion .. sorry not able to understand your comment clearly.
Let's make it simple: We can hear what ever advices from others. If we are not able to bring this advices in any form of action in our life, no advices will help. You then should realise this problem and search in your personal life and ask your self what you are doing, why you do it and why you are at the point you are.

Sometimes we as Humans ran into a corner we do not come out as long as we can not analyze and recognize our weakness and our strength. The weakness keeps us in those corner as long as we not can accept it as a weakness. When recogniced this, we are able to turn ourselfs in the direction we have strength, even this strength is on completly an other topic compare to the one which brought us in this corner.

If trading brings no success after a certain time, and in your case a very long time, then it is time to sit down, analyze what you can best and there is always something we are very best, and then start to concentrate on this and accept that you/we have failed on other fields. (Sorry, my English is not so good)
Let's make it simple: We can hear what ever advices from others. If we are not able to bring this advices in any form of action in our life, no advices will help. You then should realise this problem and search in your personal life and ask your self what you are doing, why you do it and why you are at the point you are.

Sometimes we as Humans ran into a corner we do not come out as long as we can not analyze and recognize our weakness and our strength. The weakness keeps us in those corner as long as we not can accept it as a weakness. When recogniced this, we are able to turn ourselfs in the direction we have strength, even this strength is on completly an other topic compare to the one which brought us in this corner.

If trading brings no success after a certain time, and in your case a very long time, then it is time to sit down, analyze what you can best and there is always something we are very best, and then start to concentrate on this and accept that you/we have failed on other fields. (Sorry, my English is not so good)
Very well said .. many points noted well

1. Our weakness brought us (me ) to a corner and once recognized our strength even in other field or in same field ( as twice i recovered quickly my losses .. refer the post no:72). we need to filter that strength ,,,polish it and wait for the day and apply . great sir.
2. yes in my case it is very long almost 14 years my weakness put me in corner . Here the question comes .. It is not Iam standing tall as living example where you guys going to end up ? if you say no there is one more thread " when started where now " . kindly record your journey..
3. your english is far better than me i guess.. :D:D:cool::cool::cool:


Hedge Strategy Trader in Options and Futures
Very well said .. many points noted well

Here the question comes .. It is not Iam standing tall as living example where you guys going to end up ? if you say no there is one more thread " when started where now " . kindly record your journey..
1. The answer is: No, you do not stand as a living example where you guys are going to end up. Why should it be like this? It would be arrogant and as nobody knows really where he ends up, then thats no point to look at.

2. Thanks about the "English" comment. Still: My English is limited. :))

3. My journey is absolute unconventionell and the result you see in my avatar. By the way: I am active in US market as I was teached on those markets/exchanges. I am here in India as a guest. But when it comes to TA, there is no different between the two markets. Many other topics instead have to be understood in sometimes quit different ways.

Take care and have a nice weekend: Dan
what type of phycology we traders have .. the moment bought few PE suddenly all hope on India lost .. it looks every news against India.. even some jai sriram video ( it is not correct and sad ) from some few elements looks like going to spoil whoLE INDIA and its unity .. these feelings suddenly got when bought very few PEs.. Trading in some sense worst business


Well-Known Member
what type of phycology we traders have .. the moment bought few PE suddenly all hope on India lost .. it looks every news against India.. even some jai sriram video ( it is not correct and sad ) from some few elements looks like going to spoil whoLE INDIA and its unity .. these feelings suddenly got when bought very few PEs.. Trading in some sense worst business
Could it be because you're risking too much of your capital?

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