LIVE Trading on this thread


Well-Known Member
Oh ok now i understood u , i dont do that man ...scalping against trend and momentum trades i do only when a stock goes crazy and a lot of volume comes in thats when the chances of profiting are most ... after the volume dies down moves can be eratic , that spike you saw will not be sustained most of the times and hence over many samples the results will be maybe small profit to breakeven to losses ,
The other thing is ull be spending a lot for energy waiting for it and when it comes the prices will be running away and finaly when you get in you wont know where to get out as there will be no follow through momentum.. this is all theory from my side you can test it for yourself by trading it ...when volume comes in thats the real edge in low volume its difficult to trade , i got out in that spike and then as higher prices were held i chaged bias to long and got back long in the consolidation.

P.s If that spike stalls for a while and then again momentum picks up i might put a trade on
I will put it more clearly, lets take an uptrend :-
1. First requirement is of a strong upmove.
2. Pullback in which high of candle has not been broken for atleast 15 minute or more.
3. Entry will be above high of a candle(3 min), made by placing buy stop order above the candles after our waiting time. It will be done once every 3 minute till it triggers.
4. Target would be small(but it is sufficient because of the volatility) and with trailing stop loss below candles low as we are expecting momentum after entry.

I could not find enough setups, so without enough sample size can't say whether it will be profitable or not.Will see if i can make an afl for it and test it.



Well-Known Member
I will put it more clearly, lets take an uptrend :-
1. First requirement is of a strong upmove.
2. Pullback in which high of candle has not been broken for atleast 15 minute or more.
3. Entry will be above high of a candle(3 min), made by placing buy stop order above the candles after our waiting time. It will be done once every 3 minute till it triggers.
4. Target would be small(but it is sufficient because of the volatility) and with trailing stop loss below candles low as we are expecting momentum after entry.

I could not find enough setups, so without enough sample size can't say whether it will be profitable or not.Will see if i can make an afl for it and test it.

Yes i understand all that , what i am saying is you need a lot of energy to do that adjusting every 3 mins and all , then thre is a problem of false trigger, my trend trades are meant to capture large moves and not for scalping ,since i am watching a huge amout of shares i cant do that maybe you will be able to do if you are watching less stocks...

So in the above example your trade will trigger in the blue vertical line... i will try to buy the pullback after seeing the 2 big green bars if base was not formed .... ur pros are youll get evry entry but also fake entries ....i will not get all entries but i will misss a lot of fake entries , in trading its alwys a give and take relationship like other things in life


Well-Known Member
shorted BOB, TCS has good bullish setup above 1774 below it if it shows strength then more downside, watching wock, yesbank to's frustrating to see all these stocks move so much and all we are doing is watching them falling ..


Well-Known Member
shorted BOB, TCS has good bullish setup above 1774 below it if it shows strength then more downside, watching wock, yesbank to's frustrating to see all these stocks move so much and all we are doing is watching them falling ..
ya messed up my trading today i had loaded on the wock short and screwed up , am also short bob , tcs i din have time to buy pull back what a day to daytrade theyll be lots of trades later keep eyes open