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Active Member
yes it is easy to enter and exit the positions. it calculates profit or loss for each executed trades.
This is default feature of any trading platform.What Hotforex really can boast is very fast execution and very low slippage during news trading. Only there I managed to get out of losses and start to trade in profit..:)
This is default feature of any trading platform.What Hotforex really can boast is very fast execution and very low slippage during news trading. Only there I managed to get out of losses and start to trade in profit..:)
Low slippage during news execution probably means the broker is taking the other side of your trades ... this isn't necessarily a bad thing it depends on your trading style and your edge.


Active Member
Low slippage during news execution probably means the broker is taking the other side of your trades ... this isn't necessarily a bad thing it depends on your trading style and your edge.
Yeah, thanks will keep that in mind. But conversely, STP execution has nothing to do with in-house order processing, as it's transferred directly to LP...:)
Its looks like personal war going on in this thread :D
without understanding you will think its a personal war going on but if you understand the reason I asked that question then you'll realize its basically information exchange going on

most of the brokers in fact 99% of them who claim to be ECN or have STP are not .... and as far as their liquidity providers are concerned its mostly the broker at the other end of your trade.

dont believe these brokers I keep saying this again and again in FX broker selection is very important ... its not like exchange traded markets.

Don't believe what they tell you, reminds me sometime back some member here was told by some broker that as its FSA regulated his funds are insured upto some 50000 pounds ... not only did he believe it but he even advised others to the same effect .... of course it was simply not true.

There is no digital contract note like you get in the exchange which shows at what price you were filled .... as there is no exchange in FX but if a broker truly is ECN he will be able to show you a trade receipt ..... of who filled the order, at what time and price, what were the best bids/offers and who took the other side of the trade.

Something like this

If he can provide this then "yes" he maybe ECN if not .... absolutely no chance he 's ECN no matter what lies he feeds you .... don't believe it.

Ask hotforex (or whoever for proof of ECN .... see if they can provide some sort of receipt) as words have no meaning.
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