Free data from NSENOW to AmiBroker via Excel

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Well-Known Member
Another known issue. Charts in AmiBroker suddenly stop updating. When I look at the excel sheet, I find this message displayed.

Data update resumes when I click on OK. This is happenning since I started using Windows 2003 Server. Does anybody know how to prevent this message?

Okay this issue is solved with following.
For Excel 2007 Version :
You can follow the following steps to avoide the privacy warning.
1 Menu Button "on the top left of the excel window"
2 Excel Option
3 Trust Center
4 Trust Center setting
5 Privacy Options
6 unmark the "Remove personal information from file properties on save"
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I have developed excel sheet that captures data from NSENOW and feed to AmiBroker. It is working very well. I am getting realtime charts. I feel it can be made much better with added functionalities and backfill to certain extent. I am using the COM automation functionality of AmiBroker and not the DDE plugin.

However, I am not a programmer. Hence I am facing lot of difficulities in further development. My knowledge of basics of programming is very good. If there are any members good at VBA, I can give logic/hints to develop the worksheet further.

This site does not allow to attach file with .xlsm extension. Can I change the extension and upload it? The size is only 28KB
This is really a very nice initiative on your part . This is also going to be a great help to novice traders who want to keep their costs as low as possible in the initial stages to give themselves the room to trade economically .
Very well done. :clapping:


Well-Known Member
Version 2 of Realtime data capture from NSE-NOW is ready. It is uploaded for sharing here :-

What is new?
1. Improved simplicity.
2. Choice of database path
3. Date column brought to leftmost so that new scrips can be added easily.
4. Method of saving .csv file changed. Now we are writing the range to csv file instead of copying Sheet1 to new workbook and saving it as .csv file. This method has eliminated that irritating shaking of the screen. The data transfer has become very smooth.
5. AmiBroker is started automatically.
6. Another instance of AmiBroker can be opened without problem.
7. Another instance of Excel can be opened without problem. In fact Nowbackfill.xlsm can be opened for backfill simultaneously.
8. Automatic detection of Now instance.
9. Fifteen days backfill possible from Nestplus. However, this is semi automatic.

Detail instructions are given in attached Readme file.

Open source code. Change it to suit your need
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Version 2 of Realtime data capture from NSE-NOW is ready. It is uploaded for sharing here :-

What is new?
1. Improved simplicity.
2. Choice of database path
3. Date column brought to leftmost so that new scrips can be added easily.
4. Method of saving .csv file changed. Now we are writing the range to csv file instead of copying Sheet1 to new workbook and saving it as .csv file. This method has eliminated that irritating shaking of the screen. The data transfer has become very smooth.
5. AmiBroker is started automatically.
6. Another instance of AmiBroker can be opened without problem.
7. Another instance of Excel can be opened without problem. In fact Nowbackfill.xlsm can be opened for backfill simultaneously.
8. Automatic detection of Now instance.
9. Fifteen days backfill possible from Nestplus. However, this is semi automatic.

Detail instructions are given in attached Readme file.

Open source code. Change it to suit your need
This is awesome. This is a boon for the intraday traders . Great Work .

Regards. :clapping:


Well-Known Member

a big thanx n congrats for your initiative - specially the backfill part

Found some issues with backfill.
1. Open another instance of Excel first. Thereafter open NowBackfill.xlsm from Excel.
2. Do not open NowBackfill.xlsm directly by Double-Click.
3. If you are running realtime feed, save your database before backfill.
4. Before doing backfill, Check the databasepath in code. Open Developer-VisualBasic. Double-Click on Module1 in VBA Projects. Go to Second last line.
AB.LoadDatabase ("H:\AmiBroker\NowRTData") -- Change the database path to your own. Save Workbook

Regret for the inconvenience. Will try to fix this soon.


Well-Known Member

does this utility supports NEST Traders? also the column specification as in xlm file or any other format.



Well-Known Member

does this utility supports NEST Traders? also the column specification as in xlm file or any other format.


This utility will support any trading software/terminal that allows Realtime Data to Excel. It should give Ticker, Trade Time, Trade Price and Volume. We just have to tweak the code a little. I have the starter kit of NEST which is free. The backfill is being done from the same. However, subscription to NEST Trader is not a big issue at its current price of Rs.999 per year.

Here are the contents of the NSE-NOW2.format file.
# Format definition file generated automatically
# by AmiBroker's ASCII Import Wizard
$FORMAT Date_MDY, Ticker, Time, Close, Volume, Appendticker, Appendticker,
$SKIPLINES 1 This tells AmiBroker to ignore the first line in csv file
$SEPARATOR , This tells that we are using comma (,) as field seperator
$GROUP 255
$AUTOADD 1 This tell to automatically add new scripts into its database

Now let us see the $FORMAT line. This line tell Amibroker the name of each field in which data is to be imported. Hence order of columns in excel sheet iand order of fields in .format file should be identical. If you want to change the order, do it at both the places. Compare this with my post no.14 in this thread. Date_MDY column was at the end then, it has been moved to the beginning.
The first four fields upto Volume are compulsary. If you change easy to understand. The next two fields "AppendTicker" tell Amibroker that the contents of these fields are to be concatenated with "Ticker" Field. I am using these for Option Type and Strike Price.
Thus the fields Symbol, Option Type and Strike Price will be combined to give us NIFTYCE5300 in case of Nifty Call of Strike price 5300. You can use the field Trading Symbol instead of Symbol in NOW.


Well-Known Member

i am talking about the column arrangement in NOW/NEST Trader. what is the arrangement? almost all data pulling utility have its own column arrangement in the market watch. what about it?

please specify.

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