Euro trading with DanPickUp


Well-Known Member

What I want to clear here and now very clearly: Trades like done with the 1.2450 put or in the past with the 1.2650 call have nothing to do with all what ever you read in most of the threads posted in this forum.

Trades like that are done purely on instinct and knowing a market and when and how to act. Nothing else. Such trades are high risky as you in todays market may not even have the time to set a stop loss for such situations (At least I had no chance, I was only acting and bum, bum). The only thing which protects you may is: It is now and go and now it is over and out.

If traded such ways of trading, then you have to know and to be clear in seconds what limits you have with your MM and that you only know when you did your home work in advance before market opens.

Limits like margins as I told in one of the last post's in the option thread are a must and hopefully understood now by every body.

Good trading



Well-Known Member
At the moment not much going on in the Euro. The market creeps around at the 1.2400 level like a guilty dog.

Initiated some otm put credit spreads.

Portfolio in this market at the moment: A few very cheap otm calls and these otm put credit spreads.


Well-Known Member
Added short strangles in that market and added synthetics in that market. Vola, theta and delta are now to watch in the whole portfolio.


Well-Known Member
EUR is a buy on DIP mode AGAINST GBP for sure.
See you at 1.0
Dear Dlinkman

The thread has nothing to do with GBP and the thread has nothing to do with naked future buying or selling. So comments: Buy on dips and what so ever are very nice to place any where but not here. Good luck with such comments any where in the world.

The thread is only about the Euro against USD and the thread is meant to give some further ideas to the option lovers from this forum.

As told, I am clear that you in India not can trade options in that currency, but you can trade options in Nifty. The thread: gives some basic ideas about option trading and this thread just shows a bit more what can be implemented at any time in markets.

Hope you got the point.

Good luck in your dip mode buying trading



Well-Known Member

Post will be a bit provocative but some times some comments get on my nerves.

Trading is not only about: You should if ever possible sell on tops and if ever possible buy on bottoms. We all are enough old and heard that now for a houndert thousand times from all those would be like traders, as it is written and told in any cheap magazine.

By the way: Why not buy on tops and sell on bottoms? Hmm. What did he mean with that?

There are other ways to trade and P. Forchone has written it down in words I not better could explain as my English is not as good as his. I trade on his philosophy as others trade other philosophies:

Good trading
