Diary of a day trader - Part 2

Sorry TP saw your post bit late.

At 10:30 VWAP and closing were 12807 and 12804 respectively ...so hardly any difference. It is not giving any clue so far.

What I meant what, the ATP being weighed at the lower side, does it mean anything ??


Well-Known Member
ST Da, am not getting VWAP in my zerodha, only ATP is there. If I include VWAP column, it is showing blank, without any values. Can you pl throw some light, when free?

st sir are you using purely PA method for your trades or some indicators or moving averages for fine tuning the trades?
Pure PA method...no indicator but definite rules on entry, exit, stops,profitraking etc.

ST Da, am not getting VWAP in my zerodha, only ATP is there. If I include VWAP column, it is showing blank, without any values. Can you pl throw some light, when free?

Check up if ATP does the same job.


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