Deccan Gold Mines

HI jnj,
You are right..Getting the licenses is the key primary trigger. There is a lot of optimism on that account, that something will comethru by the year end. Next stage is financing the mining process during these market conditions. IPO process is tough to go thru. Private Equity is still active and apparently larger global mining companies are interested in expanding their reserves thru acquisitions/mergers. Globally mining output is dropping and proven reserves are getting depleted without fresh deposits getting discovered.
One other challenge is our government's import restrictions on sophisticated mining equipments, which are charged with 100% customs. If FDI participation in high risk,capital intensive sectors are to be allowed, it only makes sense to do away with customs duties on equipments. lets hope for better policy measures.
Mining industry is facing some qualified manpower challenges - senior geologists. Luckily the promoter's ( Mark Creasy) presence and few other former GSI officials presence is some relief from that perspective.
There are challenges at each stage.

Is there any follow up from the mgmt about their intention to do a major financial tie-up with a global major?


Active Member
Right now there is no such news of any Financial tie-up except the JV in East Africa, details are given on company's website and earlier in this thread.
Since the start of financial tsunami of recent days, physical gold has seen a surge, along with gold mining stocks globally. This has happened amidst falling equity markets. This positive correlation is unlike what we had been seeing from the last year or so..

From last one year, while gold had gained, gold mining stocks were getting sold ( much more than other stocks ) and reached an abysmal low. Infact, one tended to believe that "stocks are stocks-whether gold mining or otherwise" This time around they are moving different ways, globally. There are several arguments hinting that gold has been manipulated and kept low. Lets leave that on the sidelines for now.

Deccan gold has not joined the global gold party, so far!! Does anybody think time has come for a rally or will it not happen till they obtain licenses?
This time the string of UCs was broken by Satyam fiasco.. For the moment it seems tightly bound to the overall fortunes of stock markets.
Probably, once physical ( spot ) gold prices cross a watershed mark, gold mining stocks are expected to take off vertically. There should be a lag phase between global mining stock boom and deccan mines, since we have not heard anything about the grant of licenses yet.

In my opinion, the check points in the journey would be -

1. Gold crossing USD 1030. Though it has hit record prices elsewhere, due to USD appreciation it is still not there yet in US spot markets.

2. Next elections perhaps and a grant of licenses from the new govt. Not sure if a lame duck govt can pass any executive orders or house can pass any policy bills prior to elections.

3. Funding should be obtained. I notice a lot of international gold mining companies able to successfully raise big capital even during these troubled credit conditions. No problems foreseen for deccan gold.

In short, one should not read much in to few days of UC and LC from a fundamental stand point. Fun and Games can be expected in 2nd half of this year.


Active Member
Goldbug, Good to see you are following the stock with interest. There are positive signals for gold mining companies worldwide with interest increasing for gold all over. The two major factors for this company are still the mining license and fund raising. Waiting patiently.
Good to see you back. I guess we have to wait a bit longer, due to domestic issues. But like u rightly said, global equities in gold are already moving up. I still feel it might take off like 10% everyday once gold crosses USD1030.
As far as deccan gold is concerned, it is my gut feel that it could turn out to be the investment of a life time.. but unlikely to happen in a hurry, since several milestones need to be met..
Good luck to you on your investments..

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